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Reid announces push for public option — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced this afternoon that he plans to push ahead with a public health insurance option that includes an opt-out provision for states - even though he's currently short several votes for passage, according to people close to the situation.
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Durbin: Progressives Forced Our Hand On Public Option — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Democratic leaders were forced to include a national public health insurance option as part of health care reform by progressive Democratic senators who refused to support anything less, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said on Monday.
TPMDC, Talking Points Memo, Hullabaloo, The Hill, Firedoglake, The New Republic, Open Left, The Huffington Post and Daily Kos

Pelosi: Health care ‘public option’ needs new name — SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) - A government-sponsored “public option” for health care lives, though it may be more attractive to skeptics if it goes by a different moniker, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday. — In an appearance …

Comeback kids? — This is turning into a heck of a comeback story. — Step away from the wonky details about opt-in, trigger, the Cadillac tax and cloture votes for a second, and you'll see a serious change in tone has overtaken the health care debate in the past few weeks.

Senate on Verge of Health Bill
TPMDC, The Politico, Crooks and Liars, Open Congress, Sister Toldjah, The Hill, Roll Call, Daily Kos, Washington Post, Raw Story, USA Today,, Wonk Room, AmSpecBlog, Politics Daily and American Tory

SENATE REFORM BILL EARNS PLAUDITS.... Now that a Senate health care bill …

CFG Poll: Hoffman Leading in NY-23 — Hoffman Surges Into Lead in NY-23 — New CFG Poll shows Hoffman 31.3%, Owens 27.0%, Scozzafava 19.7% — Washington - A poll released today by the Club for Growth shows Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman surging into the lead in the special election …
On Politics, Real Clear Politics, Weekly Standard, Gateway Pundit,, Scorecard's Blog, The Fix, Left Coast Rebel, Michelle Malkin, The Washington Independent, FiveThirtyEight, Gates of Vienna,, Donklephant, Hot Air, The Hill, Erick's blog, PoliBlog, The Other McCain and AmSpecBlog

REDSTATE EXCLUSIVE: Tim Pawlenty Endorses Doug Hoffman — With polling now showing NY-23 has come down to a two man race between Hoffman and Owens, the Democrat, momentum is clearly in Hoffman's favor. — Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota is now adding to the momentum becoming the first sitting Republican Governor to endorse Hoffman.

CNN Drops to Last Place Among Cable News Networks — CNN, which invented the cable news network more than two decades ago, will hit a new competitive low with its prime-time programs in October, finishing fourth - and last - among the cable news networks with the audience that all the networks rely on for their advertising.

Obama, smack those playground bullies — Joy talks politics with Joe Wurzelbacher, widely known as “Joe the Plumber” on tonight's “Joy Behar” 9 p.m. ET on HLN. — New York (CNN) — In the schoolyard of American politics, President Obama is the big, smart kid with all of the test answers who's …

RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week — Perhaps no one noticed. Perhaps no one cared. But hours after a liberal news forum brought attention to a series of days old controversial photos on the Republican National Committee's Facebook page, the photos were finally taken down.

McDonnell has double-digit lead in Va. governor's race, Post poll says — Republican Robert F. McDonnell carries a double-digit lead over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds into the final week of the campaign for Virginia governor, according to a new Washington Post poll.
Daily Kos, George's Bottom Line, Top of the Ticket, Real Clear Politics and National Review Online

More on the Minneapolis “overflight” — According to numerous accounts in the last hour — AP here, Reuters here, WSJ here — the current story from the Northwest flight crew that forgot to land in Minneapolis is that they were so absorbed in using laptops in the cockpit that they neglected …
MoJo Blog Posts

Grayson goes too far for colleagues — Republicans and Democrats slammed Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) for calling Linda Robertson, an adviser to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, a “K Street whore” in a month-old radio interview that circulated on Capitol Hill Monday night. — “There's no call for that language.
The Policy Page

N.J. independent candidate Daggett says GOP rival Christie won't win … TRENTON — An independent candidate running for New Jersey governor has made a bold prediction: Republican challenger Chris Christie will not win the race. — Chris Daggett believes he'll pull the upset victory on Nov. 3.
Talking Points Memo

AP IMPACT: Statisticians reject global cooling — WASHINGTON — Have you heard that the world is now cooling instead of warming? You may have seen some news reports on the Internet or heard about it from a provocative new book. — Only one problem: It's not true, according to an analysis …

The conservative public option — Was out of the office for a few hours at C-SPAN world headquarters, but early reports were accurate and Sen. Reid will include a national public option that states could choose to offer to their residents — or not! — in his bill.

NOW President on President Obama's All-Male Athletic Outings: 'It's Troubling' — We asked Terry O'Neill, the new president of the National Organization for Women, what she thought of those Democratic women and others quietly complaining about a “boy's club” atmosphere at the White House …

Decline is a choice. But is it America's choice? — First of two parts. Tomorrow: Retreat abroad begins at home. — The weathervanes of conventional wisdom are engaged in another round of angst about America in decline. New theories, old slogans: imperial overstretch. The Asian awakening.