Top Items:

NY-23 Poll: Hoffman +5 — For the second time in two days, a poll released by a conservative group finds Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman leading the Nov. 3 special election race for New York's 23rd District. Neighborhood Research polled the district for Minuteman PAC …
Left Coast Rebel, Taegan Goddard's …, The Other McCain, Gateway Pundit and National Review Online

Gingrich: NY-23 ‘purge’ 'guarantees Obama's reelection' — Gingrich made it again, at unusual length, to Greta Van Susteren last night: — VAN SUSTEREN: All right, the 23rd congressional district in New York — you're getting heat from Glenn Beck and others because you have endorsed …

Gingrich calls GOP support for Hoffman a ‘purge’ — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) late Monday had some choice words for Republicans supporting Conservative Party party candidate Doug Hoffman (N.Y.), accusing them of conducting a “purge” of the GOP.

The future of the GOP is outside the Beltway — Bien-pensant conservative elites and establishment-friendly Republican big shots yearn for a more moderate, temperate and sophisticated Republican Party. It's not likely to happen. And probably just as well.
No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Christian Science Monitor, Washington Monthly, The Mahablog, Weekly Standard and TBogg

Right Battles G.O.P. in a Pivotal Race in New York — WATERTOWN, N.Y. — From a command center inside the Days Inn here, conservatives from around the country are fighting to preserve what they see as the integrity of the Republican Party. — Urged on by leaders like former Gov. Sarah Palin …
Los Angeles Times, Politics Daily, The Politico, DownWithTyranny!,, The Other McCain, MyDD, WWNY and The Page

Dismal special election record could hamper Republicans' 2010 comeback

On Being Wrong About the Public Option — I made two predictions this summer that look like they're not going to turn out very well. One was saying that the unemployment rate wouldn't hit 10 percent (it hasn't yet, although it probably will) and the other was saying that the public option was “probably” dead.
New York Times, The Daily Dish, The Foundry, Firedoglake, Mediaite, Wonk Room and Prairie Weather

Dana Milbank's world — Only Dana Milbank could write an entire column about the “proposal” Harry Reid laid out at yesterday's press conference without explaining what Reid actually proposed: That the health reform bill he is sending to the CBO will include a public option giving the states the choice to opt-out.

Washington Sketch: Harry Reid, party of one, on the health-care public option — What Harry Reid did Monday afternoon gave new meaning to the phrase “public option.” — The Senate majority leader, after haggling behind closed doors with members of his Democratic caucus …

Liberals to Obama: Time to step up — It's time for your close-up, Mr. President. — Now that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has announced he'll try to push through a health care reform bill with a public option, liberals are turning their focus — and their frustrations …

Hoyer: House Dems on the verge of bringing healthcare bill to the floor
The Political Carnival

U.S. official resigns over Afghan war — When Matthew Hoh joined the Foreign Service early this year, he was exactly the kind of smart civil-military hybrid the administration was looking for to help expand its development efforts in Afghanistan. — A former Marine Corps captain …
The Washington Independent, Matthew Yglesias, JustOneMinute, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Salon, ABCNEWS, Politics Daily, Top of the Ticket, Guardian, Abu Muqawama,, The Atlanticist, New York Times, Blog, Taylor Marsh, The New Republic, BLACKFIVE, Rethink Afghanistan, RedState, Jules Crittenden, Wall Street Journal, KN@PPSTER, Mudville Gazette, Ben Smith's Blog, ATTACKERMAN, MyDD, Outside The Beltway, Daily Kos and NPR Blogs

Bush's first stand on a new podium — FORT WORTH — After nine months of being nearly invisible — a big outing has been to a Dallas hardware store for flashlights — George W. Bush made his debut Monday in his latest incarnation: motivational speaker. — Nearly 15,000 people heard …
Dallas Morning News, Think Progress, Christian Science Monitor, TPM LiveWire, Wizbang, Don Surber, Raw Story, Gawker and The Awl

Exclusive: Final Battleground Virginia Poll — ARLINGTON, Va. - With one week until Virginia's gubernatorial election, an exclusive poll for WJLA-TV shows Republican Bob McDonnell retaining his commanding lead. — The SurveyUSA poll dated Oct. 27 shows McDonnell with a 17-point lead over Democrat Creigh Deeds, 58-41.

Ex-A.I.G. Chief Is Back, Luring Talent From Rescued Firm — Maurice R. Greenberg, who built the American International Group into an insurance behemoth with an impenetrable maze of on- and offshore companies, is at it again. — Even as he has been lambasting the government for its handling …
Politics Daily, The New Republic, marbury, Prairie Weather, New Jersey Online and NPR Blogs

Palin Book: Feminists Jealous of Sarah's Rise — Talk about timing. With former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin readying the release of her own 432-page campaign tell-all, Going Rogue: An American Life , now would be the perfect time to pop out another Palin book …

Tax refugees staging escape from New York — New Yorkers are fleeing the state and city in alarming numbers — and costing a fortune in lost tax dollars, a new study shows. — More than 1.5 million state residents left for other parts of the United States from 2000 to 2008 …

Biden's popularity plunges; lower than Cheney's — Vice President Joe Biden's favorable rating has fallen to 42 percent in a new Gallup poll, down from a high of 59 percent just after last year's election. Biden's unfavorable rating in the new poll is 40 percent, up from 29 percent last November.
Gallup, Ben Smith's Blog, PoliBlog, Riehl World View, Sister Toldjah and The Washington Independent

Time to Repeal DOMA — The time has come to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Enacted 13 years ago when the idea of same sex marriage was struggling for acceptance, the Act is a relic of a more tradition-bound time and culture. — Connecticut, Iowa, and Massachusetts …

Republicans impatient with leaders, awaiting healthcare alternative — Some House Republicans are growing frustrated that their leaders have not yet introduced a healthcare reform alternative. — For months, the message from House GOP leaders on a healthcare bill has been similar to ads for yet-to-be-released movies: Coming soon.

Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet — People will need to consider turning vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming. — In an interview with The Times, Lord Stern of Brentford said …
QandO, Watts Up With That?, Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Stop The ACLU, Hot Air, Climate Progress, The Strata-Sphere and RedState

Grayson goes too far for colleagues — Republicans and Democrats slammed Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) for calling Linda Robertson, an adviser to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, a “K Street whore” in a month-old radio interview that circulated on Capitol Hill Monday night. — “There's no call for that language.

MONEY & POLITICS: Blue Dogs' Fundraising Totals Plummet in Third Quarter — It's official. The Blue Dog's fundraising slowdown was not just a symptom of the dog days of summer. Newly released public disclosure forms indicate that over September, the coalition's PAC took in its smallest monthly total yet this year.

AARP could benefit from the health insurance reforms it advocates — Seniors group makes millions from royalties on health plans — The nation's preeminent seniors group, AARP, has put the weight of its 40 million members behind health-care reform, saying many of the proposals will lower costs …

MacFarlane special loses Microsoft — Company yanks sponsorship of Fox show — Microsoft has yanked its sponsorship from Fox's upcoming Seth MacFarlane comedy/variety special over content concerns. — Fox still plans to air “Family Guy Presents: Seth and Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show” …

Frank: “We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government” — Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) says Democrats are “trying on every front to increase the role of government.” — To comment on this video or click the “Comments” link below.