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SCOZZAFAVA THROWS SUPPORT TO OWENS — Scozzafava released the following statement at 2 :06 p.m.: — I want to thank you for your support and friendship. Over the past 24 hours, I have had encouraging words sent to my family and me. Many of you have asked me whom you should support on Tuesday.
FiveThirtyEight, Scared Monkeys, The Other McCain, Flopping Aces, Swing State Project, Left Coast Rebel, Stop The ACLU, TPM LiveWire, Gateway Pundit, National Review, Gates of Vienna, Power Line,,, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, Politics Daily, Washington Times, Below The Beltway, Daily Pundit, Dump Dede, Weasel Zippers, Raw Story, The Washington Independent, Hotline On Call, The Reality-Based Community, Minnesota Independent and The Politico

How Scozzafava repays NRCC and RNC — Hey, how did that six-figure RNC donation to the NRCC plus $85,000 to the New York GOP plus nearly half-million-dollar investment in advertising and other independent expenditures on behalf of radical leftis Dede Scozzafava work out?

GOP nominee endorses Democrat after stepping aside under pressure from right — The Republican in a New York House race that has become a symbol of the divisions within the GOP endorsed her former Democratic rival Sunday, a sharp snub to the third-party conservative who forced her out of the race.

Doug Hoffman: The Glenn Beck Candidate — What exactly does Doug Hoffman stand for? And who is he standing with? Would you believe ... Glenn Beck? — At the endorsements page of Doug Hoffman For Congress, we find a link to the “Gold List” at, consisting of politicians who have …

More NY-23 mess — Man NY-23 is really a mess. — Here are some interesting facts from our unweighted numbers so far: —In a three way contest Doug Hoffman leads Bill Owens by 19 points. In a two way contest Hoffman leads Owens by 15 points. So the Dede Scozzafava withdrawal …

NY-23: Scozzafava Endorses Owens — State Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava (R), who dropped from the special election in Upstate New York yesterday, has now thrown her support to Democrat Bill Owens. — “It's not in the cards for me to be your representative, but I strongly believe Bill …

A changed race — Owens is best-equipped to represent NNY — Dierdre K. Scozzafava's decision to suspend her campaign for the 23rd Congressional District seat is a shocking development in what had already been an extraordinary race. — In her statement Saturday morning …
And So it Goes in Shreveport, Daily Kos, Don Surber, Winds of Change.NET, The Moderate Voice, protein wisdom, Wizbang, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Daley Gator, TPM LiveWire, The Daily Dish, Campaign Trail, The Other McCain, Texas for Sarah Palin, Macsmind, Riehl World View, The Mahablog, National Review, DaTechguy's Blog, Little Green Footballs, Gateway Pundit, TPMDC and Dede for Congress

White Men Are Not Very Progressive — A nice map from dreaminonempty at Open Left illustrates the vote share won among white men in the 2008 presidential election: … I would say that another message is that progressive politics is badly disadvantaged by a situation in which the overwhelming majorities …

The Real Story — By: Jonah Goldberg — I'm writing about this for my USA Today column, but the Frank Rich hissy fit is a perfect example of the real story of the election. The story is not that the GOP is self-destructing, it is that the conventional wisdom is being shown to be ludicrous.

The pro-Fox Democrats — Democratic pundit Bob Beckel has been under contract with Fox News for six years. And in the midst of the White House war against the cable network, some of his liberal friends think that's six years too many. — They invited him to lunch the other day for an intervention …

America, stop sucking up to Israel — Barack Obama has been busy - offering the Jewish People blessings for Rosh Hashanah, and recording a flattering video for the President's Conference in Jerusalem and another for Yitzhak Rabin's memorial rally. Only Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah surpasses …

Fox Gives Rush Limbaugh 30 Minutes To Tee Off On Obama (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The Obama White House has, for the past few weeks, waged an informal war on Fox News, lashing out against the network for its conservative bias and blacklisting it from interviews with high-ranking administration officials.

Sir Charlie — Are they high? Jamaica dubs Rangel knight — You must be kidding, mon. — Embattled Harlem Congressman Charles Rangel can't fill out a tax form, but he's now a knight — at least in Jamaica. — The Democratic Prince of Pork — who owns valuable tracts of land …
Glenn Thrush's Blog

The Wire: Left and Right — By: Jonah Goldberg — Stephen — I agree entirely that Simon doesn't see The Wire the way I do. I'm just not sure I care. (Ross Douthat brought up this point a while back. To which I responded, “The Wire is Chomskyite! Jimmy Crack Corn and I Don't Care!").

‘Meet the Press’ transcript for Nov. 1, 2009 — MR. DAVID GREGORY: This Sunday: The economy pulls out of a deep dive, but can the recession really be over when so many Americans are out of work? Can the economy grow on its own without the government propping it up?