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Uncivil War: Conservatives to challenge a dozen GOP candidates — In what could be a nightmare scenario for Republican Party officials, conservative activists are gearing up to challenge leading GOP candidates in more than a dozen key House and Senate races in 2010.
Carol's Closet, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog, Riehl World View, Salon, Macsmind, Right Wing Nut House and The Note
NY-23: How Sarah Palin Stands to Win (and Charlie Crist Stands to Lose) — Much has been made over the special election in New York's 23rd Congressional District. For some, the attention might seem a bit much, given that it is merely one of 435 House seats. — In reality, this race is about much more than one House seat.
3 Contests on Election Day Could Signal Political Winds — WASHINGTON - In this supposedly quiet off-year election, there are three contests taking place Tuesday that are filling the void. Voters in New Jersey and Virginia will elect a governor, while voters in upstate New York are filling …
Ben Smith's Blog, The Swamp, The Politico, New York Times, The Caucus, Lawyers, Guns and Money and FiveThirtyEight
Limbaugh, Palin urge right wing to step up efforts to purge moderates …
Ten races worth watching
The Moderate Voice, The Politico, A Blog For All, Scared Monkeys and Democratic Strategist
Reid reassures left Lieberman on board — Sen. Joe Lieberman has reached a private understanding with Majority Leader Harry Reid that he will not block a final vote on healthcare reform, according to two sources briefed on the matter. — The unpredictable Democrat-turned-Independent …
A VANITY EXERCISE?.... A week ago, when Sen. Joe Lieberman …
VIDEO** Terrified Voter says NJ Dems Using Gangbangers for GOTV — How would you like to be a New Jersey police officer and look out your window and see several known criminals, including a man you arrested several weeks ago and another who had just been released from prison for shooting a cop?
Gore's Dual Role: Advocate and Investor — WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore thought he had spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Mr. Gore is a partner.
Palin sowed confusion on Election Night, new book claims — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Tensions within John McCain's presidential campaign boiled over on Election Night last November when Sarah Palin, McCain's running mate, repeatedly ignored directions from senior staffers who told her she would not be delivering her own concession speech.
Election Day 2009: The Fix's cheat sheet — Photos by Hiroko Masuike/Getty Images, Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo and Heather Ainsworth/AP Photo — It's been a year since any meaningful votes were cast. But, our long national nightmare is over as voters in New Jersey, Virginia and New York …
Democrats admit paying for pro-Daggett call; Obama records robocall for Corzine
Telegraph, GayPatriot, Big Government, Wake up America, Real Numbers and Other Musings, CBS News, Weekly Standard, A Blog For All, Macsmind, YID With LID, New Jersey Online, TPMDC, Commentary, National Review Online, Hot Air, Blue Jersey, FiveThirtyEight, Taegan Goddard's …, MoreMonmouthMusings,, George's Bottom Line and Ben Smith's Blog
Healthcare provision seeks to embrace prayer treatments — A little-noticed measure would put Christian Science healing sessions on the same footing as clinical medicine. Critics say it violates the separation of church and state. — Reporting from Washington - Backed …
CNN Poll: One year later, 54 percent approve of Obama — WASHINGTON (CNN) - One year after he won an historical presidential election, a slight majority of Americans approve of the job Barack Obama's doing in the White House. — Fifty-four percent of people questioned …
Allen v. Roig-Franzia: From the Beginning — When one man hauls off and punches another in the face, the conflict often has a long-tailed provenance. Such appears to be the case with Washington Post Style section staffers Manuel Roig-Franzia and Henry Allen.
Gawker, Michael Calderone's Blog, New York Magazine, Taylor Marsh, FishBowlDC and ATTACKERMAN
Michelle Malkin, Jules Crittenden, City Desk, Pajamas Media, Don Surber, DailyFinance, Weekly Standard, Gawker, Wonkette and The E&P Pub
Houston Tea Party rally draws more than 10,000 — More than 10,000 people turned out Monday night for a North Houston Tea Party Patriots gathering to protest proposed health care reform and what they called big government spending and overzealous government leadership, according to preliminary attendance figures.
DNC's “Organizing for America” is asking Maine voters to help NJ race, not Maine's own anti-gay ballot measure — Correction: The nation, minus the Democratic Party. — Joe wrote last night about how the DNC's “Organizing for America” organization (formerly known as “Obama for America") …
Bear kills militants in Kashmir cave — A bear killed two militants after discovering them in its den in Indian-administered Kashmir, police say. — Two other militants escaped, one of them badly wounded, after the attack in Kulgam district, south of Srinagar.
Obama One Year Later: The Audacity of Winning vs. The Timidity of Governing — I had arranged to meet David Plouffe on Saturday afternoon at a Starbucks on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington. The night before, a copy of his new book, The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons …
In Iowa, Second Thoughts on Obama — WILLIAMSBURG, Iowa — Pauline McAreavy voted for President Obama. From the moment she first saw him two years ago, she was smitten by his speeches and sold on his promise of change. She switched parties to support him in the Iowa caucuses …
Discussion:, The Moderate Voice, Bookworm Room, Stop The ACLU, YID With LID, Prairie Weather and The Caucus
Some Democrats concerned over abortion provision in health bill — Bloc could withhold support over fears of a governmental role — While House leaders are moving toward a vote on health-care legislation by the end of the week, enough Democrats are threatening to oppose the measure …
Shakesville,, Open Left, RedState, The Caucus, Commentary, Prairie Weather and The Page
45% for Obama, 49% Against - If Election Were Held Right Now — Americans are a little less enthusiastic about the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama this time around. — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% of adults say they would be at least somewhat likely …
Breaking: ACORN expected to Protest Election Results Tomorrow in Clinton County — Multiple sources on the ground in New York's 23rd Congressional district confirm that ACORN is expected to be actively protesting the election results in Clinton County, New York tomorrow.
The myth of Fox News' ratings spike — Fact: The breathless claim that Fox News' ratings recently spiked thanks to the White House's public critique is bogus hype — hype that Fox News and the Beltway press have relentlessly pushed. — It's just not true.
SEPTA strike catches commuters off guard — Hundreds of thousands of commuters scrambled this morning to find a way to work or school after SEPTA's largest union staged a surprise predawn strike, shutting down all subway, bus and trolley service in the city.
Great Britain Loses one of its Finest — British soldiers at war are an incredible group. Courageous, competent, and committed in very difficult conditions. An email came today from London, from a BBC correspondent who has been to Afghanistan saying that Staff Sergeant Olaf Schmid had been killed.