Top Items:

A very bad deal to pass a very good bill — The final compromises before a bill comes to the floor are never very pretty. This one, however, is worse than I anticipated. Opposition from anti-abortion Democrats, driven in large part by aggressive activism from the Catholic Church …

Bishops endorse the bill — The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops delivered a critical endorsement to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday by signing off on late-night agreement to grant a vote on an amendment barring insurance companies that participate in the exchange from covering abortions.

Obama To Dems: GOP Will Attack Regardless Of How You Vote — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — In a final push to get health care reform through the House of Representatives, President Barack Obama warned lawmakers on Saturday that a vote against the legislation would not immunize them from Republican attacks.

House passes key hurdle on health-care legislation — Debate expected to last at least four hours, vote on landmark reform scheduled this evening — After receiving a pep talk from President Obama, House Democrats cleared a key procedural hurdle Saturday in the debate over expanding …

The abortion deal — Abortion opponents won a huge last-minute concession late Friday night after Democratic leaders agreed to grant them a vote on an amendment that would effectively bar insurers that participate in the exchanges from offering coverage for abortions.
The Moderate Voice, The New Republic, Wonk Room, Daily Kos, Weekly Standard, St. Louis Tea Party and Alas, a blog

Sources: Pelosi, Dems lock up 218 — TAGS: - Joe Crowley, - George Miller, - Bart Stupak, - Health Care Bill, - James Clyburn, - Barack Obama, - Eric Cantor, - Abortion, - Health Care, - Health Care Reform, - Henry Waxman, - Steny Hoyer, - Mike Pence, - Nancy Pelosi, - House Energy And Commerce Committee …

Up-or-down vote on an amendment to block abortion funding approved
Discussion:, TPMDC, Washington Monthly, CNN, The Politico, theblogprof, Hot Air,, AmSpecBlog, Taylor Marsh, BlueNC blogs, The Impolitic and Wake up America

Actual Action At the House Rules Committee On The Health Care Bill …
Capitol Briefing, Hullabaloo, AMERICAblog News, The Page, National Review Online and Prairie Weather

GOP Gone Wild: Unruly Republicans Silence Women Lawmakers With Screams, Shouts, And Delay Tactics — This morning, the House began consideration of the rule for debate of the House health care bill. As the Democratic Women's Caucus took to the microphone on the House floor to offer …

President Obama Acknowledged Today That He and Bill Owens Pulled a Health Care Fast One on the Voters in NY-23 — The New York Times is reporting that in his pep talk to the Democrats in Congress this morning, President Obama acknowledged that he and newly elected NY-23 Democratic Congressman Bill Owens …
American Power

Liveblogging: The new Imperial Congress votes on Pelosicare; Update: Female Democrats turn House resolution process into circus; GOP responds; Obama rallies weakened Dems; will Stupak amendment stick? — The House is now in a rare Saturday session for the government health care takeover ram down.

Liveblogging, Pt. 2: The hurry-up House debate on health care — There's less than half an hour left of general debate on the House government health care takeover bill. — Next, there will be debate on the Kabuki Stupak abortion funding measure (which GOP leader Boehner exposed in his exchange with Charlie Rangel this afternoon).

WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — After months of debate, the House of Representatives is set to vote on major health care reform legislation today. Keep updating this page for breaking news updates, read the overview AP coverage HERE, and follow live streaming video of the fierce House debate and Twitter updates HERE.
Crooks and Liars, Open Left, The Hill, The Greenroom, MyDD, and Daily Kos

Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists — Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a “spiritual adviser” to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001. — Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre …

Maybe If We Apologized With Greater Deference
The Jawa Report, Atlas Shrugs, Gothamist, Room for Debate, American Power and Jules Crittenden

Gregg: CBO cost estimate of Pelosi Plan $3 trillion; Update: Heritage says $2.4T — You know, Senator Gregg, talking like this won't get you an appointment to Barack Obama's Cabinet. Oh, wait ...: … I'm not sure where Gregg gets the $3 trillion number.
Gateway Pundit

What the Pelosi Health-Care Bill Really Says
The Huffington Post, Pajamas Media, Republican Ways and Means, The Strata-Sphere and Weasel Zippers

Barney Frank present during marijuana bust — BOSTON (FOX25, myfoxboston) - FOX25 has learned that Congressman Barney Frank was present during a marijuana arrest at James Ready's home in Ogunquit, Maine. Ready is well-known for his relationship with Congressman Frank.

Dems sources: 218 is on the way — At this moment, Democratic sources say their internal head counts have them breaking through the 218 mark this afternoon. Whether that will mean that more Democrats will come on board, or that Pelosi is going to cut other members lose, is still unclear.

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX): “If the IRS and Medicare Had a Baby, It Would Look Like This” — At a press conference this morning with House Republican Leaders, Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Ranking Republican Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) employed a colorful metaphor in his effort to describe the vast …
Big Government

Neighbors aim to silence Old Ironsides' cannons — Quiet riot! — Old Ironsides' upscale Charlestown neighbors are trying to pull off what British, French and Barbary pirate guns failed to accomplish in more than two centuries - silencing the cannons of the nation's oldest commissioned naval vessel.
Left Coast Rebel