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Newsweek Photo of Palin Shows Media Bias and Sexism — For all of you who live in a dream world and think the mainstream media isn't biased, get a load of the latest cover of Newsweek below: — You've got to hand it to the folks at Newsweek. They have accomplished being biased and sexist at the same time.

Sarah Palin: Newsweek — Newsweek — The choice of photo for the cover of this week's Newsweek is unfortunate. When it comes to Sarah Palin, this “news” magazine has relished focusing on the irrelevant rather than the relevant. The Runner's World magazine one-page profile for which this photo …

Going berserk over ‘Going Rogue;’ Democrats' reaction to Sarah Palin book and publicity — Wow, for somebody who's supposed to be such a political joke, an Arctic ditz and eminently dismissable as a serious anything except maybe a stay-at-home hockey mom, Sarah Palin is sure drawing an awful lot …
Boston Globe, The Huffington Post, American Power,, Gateway Pundit, Texas for Sarah Palin, The Politico and The Note

Levi: I Look at Palin with “Disgust” — Says She Repeatedly Lied About Him on “Oprah,” and Turns Down Her “Invite” to Thanksgiving Dinner — (CBS) Sarah Palin talked tough about the father of her grandson on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” that aired Monday — and Levi Johnston is giving it right back.

Sales of Palin's ‘Going Rogue’ Prompt Another Press Run
Wall Street Journal

Pruden: Obama lacks “blood impulse” for what America “is about” due to “Kenyan father,” “mother attracted to men of the Third World” — So far it's a memorable trip. He established a new precedent for how American presidents should pay obeisance to kings, emperors, monarchs …

The diplomacy of deference — BEIJING - Greeting the Japanese emperor at Tokyo's Imperial Palace last weekend, President Barack Obama bowed so low that he was looking straight at the stone floor. The next day, Obama shook hands with the prime minister of repressive Myanmar during a group meeting.

Washington Times op-ed: Obama lacks ‘blood impulse’ …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Why Palin Will Run for President in 2012 — As you may know, 538 co-captain Tom Schaller and I have made a couple of bets regarding whether Sarah Palin will run for and win the 2012 Republican nomination for the Presidency. I've got the Palin side of both wagers: even money that she'll run …

11/17: New Yorkers Divide Over Terror Trial Location — Eight years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Obama Administration has announced that five alleged attackers will be tried in federal court in the shadows of where the World Trade Towers once stood, New York City.

Senator's stance likely to help health care overhaul — Washington (CNN) - Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., who last week insisted that the Senate health care bill include tight restrictions passed by the House on the use of federal money for abortion coverage, now says he would be satisfied …

Stupak: I have votes to defeat health bill — Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) pledged this morning to defeat healthcare reform if his abortion amendment is taken out, saying 10 to 20 pro-life Democrats would vote against a bill with weaker language. — “They're not going to take it out,” …
Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Raw Story, Moe Lane, The Washington Independent and AMERICAblog News

DeGette says Stupak won't have the votes to keep his amendment
Washington Times

Bowing to Mao — A reader sends over this video clip of President Richard M. Nixon's historic visit to China, which includes, at 1:24, a rather deep bow to Mao Zedong. — David Sanger also recalls the flap over a George H. W. Bush bow in what really does seem, by historical standards, like a non-story, if a recurrent one.

Poll finds deep divisions on health-care reform — But poll finds support for key provisions of reform effort — As the Senate prepares to take up legislation aimed at overhauling the nation's health-care system, President Obama and the Democrats are still struggling to win the battle for public opinion.

$6.4 Billion Stimulus Goes to Phantom Districts — Just how big is the stimulus package? Well for one, it has doubled the size of the House of Representatives, according to, which says that funds were distributed to 440 congressional districts that do not exist.

Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change — US President Barack Obama came to office promising hope and change. But on climate change, he has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor George W. Bush. Now, should the climate summit in Copenhagen fail, the blame will lie squarely with Obama.

CREW REQUESTS INVESTIGATION OF REP. BACHMANN AFTER ANTI-HEALTH CARE BILL RALLY AT CAPITOL — 17 Nov 2009 // Washington, D.C. - Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) requested that the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) investigate whether Rep. Michele Bachmann …

Hoffman ‘Unconcedes’ In New York 23; Absentee Count Begins Today — Doug Hoffman, the Conservative Party candidate in the special NY 23 election, has withdrawn his concession. — Hoffman, who jumped in the race in response to the “liberal” positions of the Republican Party candidate …
Taegan Goddard's …

The Excommunication Of Lou Dobbs — Why do his critics think they're the middle ground? — When I first heard the news that Lou Dobbs, after some 30 years, would be leaving CNN, I didn't think much about it. I knew that Dobbs, self-styled “unaffiliated independent populist,” was an equal opportunity irritant.

The Nation of Futurity — When European settlers first came to North America, they saw flocks of geese so big that it took them 30 minutes to all take flight and forests that seemed to stretch to infinity. They came to two conclusions: that God's plans for humanity could be completed here …
The Enterprise Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Glittering Eye, marbury and Prairie Weather

Newsweek Taps Bush Aide For Obama Reporting — See if you can follow this logic. — A recent article in Newsweek states that Democrats could have won a “very significant number of Republican votes in Congress” for the stimulus — had there only been a “meaningful tax-cut component.”

Breast exam guidelines now call for less testing — Change debated Potential harm of frequent mammograms outweighs benefit, task force says — Women in their 40s should stop routinely having annual mammograms and older women should cut back to one scheduled exam every other year …