Top Items:

Election 2010: Arizona Senate GOP Primary — 2010 Arizona GOP Primary: McCain 45%, Hayworth 43% — Senator John McCain's future in the U.S. Senate may be a little less assured than previously thought. — A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely 2010 Republican Primary voters …

Breaking News Story: CRU has apparently been hacked - hundreds of files released — UPDATE: Response from CRU in interview with another website, see end of this post. — The details on this are still sketchy, we'll probably never know what went on. But it appears that University …
Michelle Malkin, Examiner, BBC, Shout First …, Pajamas Media, The Other McCain, QandO, Tim Blair, The Corner on National …, Riehl World View and Classical Values

Hadley hacked: warmist conspiracy exposed? — 8.15 PM UPDATE: The Hadley CRU director admits the emails seem to be genuine: … So the 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory …

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?
Don Surber

Do hacked e-mails show global-warming fraud?
Guardian, The Jawa Report, Spiegel Online, Environmental Capital, NPR Blogs and Confederate Yankee

Louisiana's Landrieu Wins U.S. Aid as Senate Health Vote Looms — Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) — Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, one of three lawmakers being wooed by Senate Democratic leaders to back health-care legislation, won the inclusion of an extra $100 million in federal aid for low-income people in her state.

UPDATED Durbin: Reid knows how Lincoln will vote

Reid, as Legislative Tactician, Takes Ownership of Health Care Overhaul
Room for Debate, The Politico, Washington Post, Health Care Task Force and New York Times

Pressure on Landrieu, Nelson and Lincoln for Saturday vote …
Time, Washington Post, USA Today, The New Republic, Wall Street Journal, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Weasel Zippers

L.A. Times Columnist Uncritically Quoted Star of Latest ACORN Video — In September, L.A. Times columnist James Rainey wrote a column in which he uncritically quoted ACORN worker Lavelle Stewart suggesting that she had turned Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe out of her office:
Riehl World View

Breitbart to AG Holder: Investigate ACORN or We'll Release More Tapes Just Before 2010 Election — Earlier tonight Andrew Breitbart, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles discussed the final chapter of the ACORN L.A. saga on “Hannity,” but more interestingly, Breitbart disclosed where the story goes from here.

The LA Story, Part IV: Program for Torture Victims
News Hounds, Top of the Ticket, Hit & Run, YID With LID, Hot Air, The Jawa Report, Confederate Yankee and L.A. NOW

Charles Krauthammer on the perverse logic of Attorney General Eric Holder — F or late-19th-century anarchists, terrorism was the “propaganda of the deed.” And the most successful propaganda-by-deed in history was 9/11 — not just the most destructive, but the most spectacular and telegenic.
Commentary, Israel Matzav, The New Republic, No Sheeples Here, Betsy's Page, Pundit & Pundette and The Corner on National …

Holder's decision on Mohammed trial defended — Reasonable minds can disagree about Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to prosecute Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four other alleged Sept. 11 perpetrators in a Manhattan federal court. But some prominent criticisms are exaggerated …
American Prospect, Think Progress, TalkLeft, Talking Points Memo, MoJo Blog Posts, Emptywheel and ATTACKERMAN

Obama and Holder gaffes could influence 9/11 trial lawyers say
Hot Air

CNN Poll: Blame for recession shifting from GOP to Democrats — Washington (CNN) - Nearly two years into the recession, opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn is shifting, according to a new national poll. — A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation …
Matthew Yglesias, YID With LID, Hot Air, First Reading, Taegan Goddard's …, Real Clear Politics and Redhot

Matthew Yglesias

The Big Squander — Earlier this week, the inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, a k a, the bank bailout fund, released his report on the 2008 rescue of the American International Group, the insurer. The gist of the report is that government officials made no serious attempt …
Prairie Weather

What Geithner Got Right — It's amazing to go back and read what people were saying about Timothy Geithner in the spring. Many people said he looked terrified as the Treasury secretary, like Bambi in the headlights. The New Republic ran an essay called “The Geithner Disaster.”

Easy Loans in Expensive Areas — SAN FRANCISCO — In January, Mike Rowland was so broke that he had to raid his retirement savings to move here from Boston. — A week ago, he and a couple of buddies bought a two-unit apartment building for nearly a million dollars.

The Day I Met Sarah Palin...and the Liberal Media — Where on earth do I begin? This all started as me, a young 17 year old American going to see a woman I admire and turned into this crazy event hah I'll start at the very beginning. — My dad and I arrived at the Barnes and Noble at 11 pmTuesday evening.
Weekly Standard, Michael Calderone's Blog, Wonkette, theblogprof, Mediaite,, Weasel Zippers and Riehl World View

Obama faces congressional anger about economy — House Republicans call on Geithner to resign — Growing discontent over the economy and frustration with efforts to speed its recovery boiled over Thursday on Capitol Hill in a wave of criticism and outright anger directed at the Obama administration.
Ezra Klein, The Note, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Confluence, Top of the Ticket, McClatchy Washington Bureau, The Hill, Bloomberg, Commentary, The Caucus, Pundit & Pundette, Hotline On Call, Hot Air, Campaign For Liberty Blog, NPR Blogs, Blog entry, TRAIL BLAZERS, Associated Press and ABCNEWS

Senate ethics committee admonishes Burris — Sen. Roland W. Burris (D-Ill.) has been admonished by the Senate ethics committee for his public comments about his appointment last December to the body. — In a three-page “public letter of qualified admonition” issued Friday …

Tea partiers turn on each other — After emerging out of nowhere over the summer as a seemingly potent and growing political force, the tea party movement has become embroiled in internal feuding over philosophy, strategy and money and is at risk of losing its momentum.

Palin's on the road again, with Hoosiers in sight — FORT WAYNE, IND. — Tina Andreadis doesn't have much experience in Republican presidential politics. — But as Sarah Palin's “Going Rogue” national book tour delivers stump speeches, long lines of sign-bearing supporters …
PERRspectives, The Daily Beast, Ben Smith's Blog, The Politico, The Page, Texas for Sarah Palin and

Snowe Job: Was Reid's Merged Health Bill Written to Please Maine Senator? — But who's buyin'? (photo by Mike Quick) — The more I look at the merged Senate bill, the more I'm afraid that Harry Reid might have been laying the ground work to betray progressives on the issue of the public option, and gain the support of Olympia Snowe.

Goldman Holders Miffed at Bonuses — Some Investors in the Stock Urge ThatMore of the Riches Be Passed Along to Them — Some of the largest shareholders in Goldman Sachs Group Inc. have urged the Wall Street firm to reduce the size of its bonus pool, arguing that it should pass along …