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Modern Flourishes at Obamas' State Dinner — WASHINGTON — It is an old tradition, a White House dinner governed by ritual and protocol that happens to be this city's hottest social event. But at their first state dinner on Tuesday night, President Obama and his wife, Michelle …
Sister Toldjah, The Politico, Mediaite, DownWithTyranny!, The Swamp, The Caucus, GayPatriot, and TVNewser

ABC announces Oprah-Obama Christmas special — The queen of daytime will interview the president of the country during an ABC holiday special that brings together Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama. — The network has announced “Christmas at the White House: An Oprah Primetime Special,” …

A Stylish State Dinner, With Typos — The White House pulled out all the stops in preparation for President Barack Obama's first state dinner on Tuesday night, hiring a new florist, selecting a renowned guest chef, and even inviting a number of high-profile musicians to perform.

November Release of White House Visitor Records — Building upon last month's historic release of nearly 500 White House visitor records, today the White House releases more than 1,600 records of visits to the White House in response to another month's worth of requests.

U.S. Mulls New Panel to Tackle Deficit
Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, CNN, The Politico, Open Left, Bloomberg,, The Note, Commentary, Think Progress, Capitol Briefing, The Page and The Agonist

Phil Carter's resignation from key detainee policy post — Phillip Carter is a lawyer, a former Army Captain, a veteran of the Iraq War and a very harsh critic of the Bush administration's detention and interrogation policies. He was a vigorous supporter of Barack Obama's campaign …

How a letter from 1964 shows what's wrong with the Senate today — One of the challenges in arguing about the use of the filibuster is that the filibuster has changed drastically in recent decades, but it's done so quietly. Quietly enough that people don't really understand that it's changed at all.

Obama to Offer Firm Pledge on Emissions Cuts in Copenhagen — WASHINGTON — President Obama is pledging a provisional target for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, the first time in more than a decade that an American administration has offered even a tentative promise …
LA Times Environment Blog, Tom Watson, She Flies With Her Own Wings and Indecision Forever

Dobbs Reaches Out to Latinos — Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs, pondering a future in politics, is trying to wipe away his image as an enemy of Latino immigrants by positioning himself as a champion of that fast-growing ethnic bloc. — Mr. Dobbs, who left the network last week …

Google won't exclude distorted Michelle Obama image from its site — ‘We have, in general, a bias toward free speech,’ a Google spokesman says, explaining that offensiveness alone is not a reason to remove the image from the search index. — A crudely altered photograph of Michelle Obama …

Help Wanted, No Private Sector Experience Required — A friend sends along the following chart from a J.P. Morgan research report. It examines the prior private sector experience of the cabinet officials since 1900 that one might expect a president to turn to in seeking advice about helping the economy.

Palin Suggests Reforming Canada's Universal Health Care System: ‘Let The Private Sector Take Over’ — Canadian comedian Mary Walsh (playing the character of Marg Delahunty) attended a Sarah Palin book signing in the United States last week and asked the “thrilla from Wasilla, the Alaskan Aphrodite” …
AMERICAblog News

Bob Ainsworth criticises Barack Obama over Afghanistan — Bob Ainsworth, the defence secretary, has blamed Barack Obama and the United States for the decline in British public support for the war in Afghanistan. — Mr Ainsworth took the unprecedented step of publicly criticising …
Gateway Pundit, Jules Crittenden, Neptunus Lex, Hot Air, Left Coast Rebel,, Mudville Gazette, Don Surber and The Fix

For Bills in Congress, How Long is Long? — As soon as Senate Democrats released their health care reform bill, Republicans began calling it out on its length. It's “longer than Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch [R, UT] last week at a press conference set up by Senate Republicans to slam the bill.
Glenn Thrush's Blog

Brooks' Error — Yesterday's David Brooks column featured an interesting, but factually inaccurate, critique of health reform legislation: … I suppose his out here is the use of the word “could funnel” but you're clearly supposed to understand that as will funnel.

No exit — The latest Fed minutes, together with the forecast, are out. What do they tell us? — Well, the Fed expects unemployment to come down only very gradually — over 9 percent at the end of 2010, over 8 percent at the end of 2011, around 7 percent at the end of 2012.

The Fed's Perverse Search for an Exit Strategy
MoJo Blog Posts

The Uncertainty Economy — Tim Geithner is not the Democrats' biggest problem. — Printer — Friendly — Preparing to write about yesterday's downward revision in third-quarter GDP, we were tempted to say the Obama Administration has hit a speed-bump on its promised exit out of the recession.

Approval of Obama on Afghan war dives — WASHINGTON — Public approval of President Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan has plummeted, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, amid rising pessimism about the course of the conflict. — The nation is divided over what to do next …

The behavioral economics of Thanksgiving — This column originally appeared in the Food section. — It happens every year. It's not that you resolve to be virtuous on Thanksgiving, just reasonable. Two plates of food, and no more. One piece of pie, and that's enough.

Analysis: Obama makes decisions slowly, and with head, not gut — President George W. Bush once boasted, “I'm not a textbook player, I'm a gut player.” The new tenant of the Oval Office takes a strikingly different approach. President Obama is almost defiantly deliberative …