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Obama's Afghan policy speech at West Point — Following is the transcript of President Obama's speech Tuesday at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. (The Post's report on the president's address is here.) — Thank you. Please be seated. — Good evening.
Hot Air, Ross Douthat,, Stop The ACLU, Outside The Beltway, The Atlanticist, Ben Smith's Blog, EconLog, Washington Times, The Huffington Post, The Hill, Another Black Conservative, Associated Press, American Power, Time, Taylor Marsh, GlobalPost, Betsy's Page, The Fix, PostPartisan,, Tom Watson, The Reaction, SWJ Blog and The Democratic Daily

What I heard tonight — Earlier today I wondered whether President Obama's speech about Afghanistan would sound more like a description of a war plan or a structured settlement of a legal dispute. What I heard tonight tilted decidedly in the latter direction.

A Disappointing Speech in Support of the Right Policy — President Obama's speech on Afghanistan was disappointing. Yes, the policy is right: more troops, a counter-insurgency strategy, a stronger alliance with Pakistan. But the personal commitment of the president to pursue the war …

Live-Blogging West Point — 8.35 pm. “Not the deepest of fears but the highest of hopes.” — I confess I do not feel those highest hopes. I do not share his confidence in American military and civilian power to turn the roiling region of Afghanistan and Pakistan into something less threatening.
AMERICAblog News, Taegan Goddard's …, The Politico, Taylor Marsh, Politics Daily and Opinionator

A war president — In his Monday open letter/cri de coeur to the man he supported for president, Michael Moore asked Barack Obama: … Well, it is so. President Obama went to West Point, said it was an honor to be with young soldiers who embody what's finest about our country …
The White House,, Weekly Standard, Gateway Pundit, Don Surber and NO QUARTER

Just In: Key Obama speech excerpts released — (CNN) - The White House just released excerpts of President Obama's prime-time televised speech where he will outline his strategy on Afghanistan.
Hot Air, Wellsy's World, Confederate Yankee, The Political Carnival, The Lonely Conservative and The Foundry

The New Way Forward - The President's Address — Tonight the President outlined his strategy on Afghanistan and Pakistan from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. Read the transcript or watch the full video below, we will update this post with translations of the address as they come in:
Matthew Yglesias, Indecision Forever, Clive Crook, Daniel W. Drezner and Michelle Malkin

Obama Announces 30K More Troops for Afghanistan — President Barack Obama addresses cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point on Tuesday night. (Sharkpixs/ZUMA Press) — In a decision that may define his presidency, Barack Obama on Tuesday night announced the deployment …

Obama Adds Troops, but Maps Exit Plan
Althouse, Democracy in America, The Huffington Post, Gawker, marbury, DownWithTyranny!, The Politico, Towleroad News #gay, CNN and Jason Chaffetz

Lunch With The President: The Politics Of Obama's War Plan

Obama lunches with top political writers
The Lonely Conservative

Obama at West Point: I do not make this decision lightly
The Note

Tanner To Retire — Rep. John Tanner (D-TN), a leading Blue Dog Dem, will retire at the end of his current term, Dem sources tell Hotline OnCall. — [UPDATE: Tanner released a statement late tonight confirming the news. “Betty Ann and I had considered retiring in 2007 at the end of the 110th Congress …
Associated Press, Scared Monkeys, The Greenroom, The Fix, Swing State Project, MyDD and RedState

Matthews Calls West Point, Site of Obama Speech ‘The Enemy Camp,’ ‘Strange Venue’ — Either MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews let one slip tonight, or it was an extremely poor choice of words. — Following President Barack Obama's Dec. 1 speech, which he announced his intentions …
Stop The ACLU, DaTechguy's Blog, Scared Monkeys, JammieWearingFool, Erick's blog and Another Black Conservative

Climate data row man steps down — The research director at the centre of a row over climate change data said he would stand down from the post while there is an independent review. — Professor Phil Jones, director of the Norwich-based University of East Anglia's (UEA) Climatic Research Unit (CRU), has said he stands by his data.
Biased BBC

Bernanke hearing brings Fed critics — There probably couldn't be a worse time for a Federal Reserve chairman to come up for renomination. — Public trust in the once-revered central bank is so low, it now ranks below the Internal Revenue Service in opinion polls.
The Page

8 Million Reasons for Real Surveillance Oversight — Disclaimer: The information presented here has been gathered and analyzed in my capacity as a graduate student at Indiana University. This data was gathered and analyzed on my own time, without using federal government resources.

Atlanta mayor: Reed says police chief top priority — The morning after being elected mayor of Atlanta by a margin so narrow that opponent Mary Norwood has not yet conceded defeat, Kasim Reed said his first priority will be finding a new police chief well-versed in combating gangs.

ClimateGate III: The Mystery of the Missing Data — Over the weekend, I came in for some probably deserved criticism from Clive Crook over my initial, somewhat airy, reaction to ClimateGate. In my defense, he quotes my first post on the topic, not the follow up.

November 30, 2009 — There are news reports that on Decembers 1st, Obama will be at West Point to announce that he is sending tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan, this despite our rallies, vigils, petitions, phone calls and e-mails saying NO to MORE WAR.
Conventional Folly