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'14 days to seal history's verdict' — This editorial calling for action from world leaders on climate change is published today by 56 newspapers around the world in 20 languages. — Today 56 newspapers in 45 countries take the unprecedented step of speaking with one voice through a common editorial.
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An Affordable Truth — Maybe I'm naïve, but I'm feeling optimistic about the climate talks starting in Copenhagen on Monday. President Obama now plans to address the conference on its last day, which suggests that the White House expects real progress.
Beat the Press

Home > News > World > Europe — The news that a leaked set of emails appeared to show senior climate scientists had manipulated data was shocking enough. Now the story has become more remarkable still. — The computer hack, said a senior member of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change …

Break-in targets climate scientist
Whiskey Fire, Right Wing Nut House, Liberal Values, AMERICAblog News and Suburban Guerrilla

Obama Silent On Public Option In Speech To Senators — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — As President Obama finished his speech to the Democratic caucus in the Capitol's Mansfield Room on Sunday afternoon, Joe Lieberman made his way over to Harry Reid. — The independent who still caucuses …
Firedoglake, Hot Air, TPMDC, The Moderate Voice, Dennis the Peasant and The Political Carnival

Obama meets Dems without addressing divisive issues; negotiations continue
The Hill

To really save the planet, stop going green — As President Obama heads to Copenhagen next week for global warming talks, there's one simple step Americans back home can take to help out: Stop “going green.” Just stop it. No more compact fluorescent light bulbs. No more green wedding planning.

Climate Scientist to Revkin: “we can no longer trust you” to carry water for us. — Okay folks, here comes a new e-mail from the climate community yesterday that I did not hack (I was copied on it), and it is a case study in not getting it. Back story: Ever since Chris Horner …

Palin's Father: She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Did Sarah Palin leave Hawaii because there were too many Asians? In the New Yorker review of “Going Rogue,” Sam Tanenhaus writes that Palin's father suggested as much to the reporters who wrote “Sarah From Alaska.”

U.S. Forecasts Smaller Loss From Bailout of Banks — WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department expects to recover all but $42 billion of the $370 billion it has lent to ailing companies since the financial crisis began last year, with the portion lent to banks actually showing a slight profit, according to a new Treasury report.
The Page

What Barack Obama Really Thinks Of The White House Press — We are past, for the moment, the White House “war” on Fox, such as it was. (Obama did an interview with Fox News' Major Garrett a few weeks back, and General Petraeus is on Fox News Sunday today, with close Obama ally Dick Durbin.)

Charles Johnson Shocked, SHOCKED to Learn There are Actually People Who Don't Believe in Man-Made Global Warming..... Note the Lizard King's first sentence: “A few years ago, I used to doubt that there really were climate change denialists” — Ummmm, Chuck, you were one of them.... From March 4, 2007:

Why is Barney Frank So Effing Mad? — The powerful Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee is doing his best to rein in Wall Street. You got a problem with that? — Steven Crowley / The New York Times-Redux — From the magazine issue dated Dec 14, 2009

Climategate: was Russian secret service behind email hacking plot? — There was growing speculation on Sunday that hackers working for the Russian secret service were responsible for the theft of controversial emails in the ‘Climategate’ scandal. — Thousands of emails …

Friedman Compares Afghanistan To ‘Special Needs Baby’ — New York Times columnist, three-time Pulitzer winner and bestselling author Thomas Friedman compared Afghanistan to “a special needs baby” on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS today. … The author of “The World Is Flat” has a reputation for confused metaphors, but still...