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Howard Dean: “Kill The Senate Bill” — In a blow to the bill grinding through the Senate, Howard Dean bluntly called for the bill to be killed in a pre-recorded interview set to air later this afternoon, denouncing it as “the collapse of health care reform in the United States Senate,” the reporter who conducted the interview tells me.
Raw Story, Firedoglake, The Hill, Video Cafe's feed, TalkLeft,, Ross Douthat, American Prospect, Coop's Corner, New York Times, skippy the bush kangaroo, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Taylor Marsh, MyDD, ABCNEWS, Don Surber, Gateway Pundit, Swampland, RedState, Hot Air, Daily Kos, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, NPR Blogs, American Tory, Suburban Guerrilla, Weekly Standard, Indecision Forever, The Note, The Lonely Conservative, My Left Nutmeg, The Mahablog and Jules Crittenden

Why Progressives Are Bats**t Crazy to Oppose the Senate Bill — Pick your subheadline: — a) It's time to stop being polite and start getting real. — b) Here's hoping a picture is worth 1,000 words. — Any questions? — OK, I imagine that there will be a few. Here's how I came up with these numbers.

Burris Pushes Back — The backlash has begun. — Senator Roland W. Burris, Democrat of Illinois, has vowed that he will not vote for a health care bill that does not include a government-run insurance plan, or public option. — And on Monday, after Democrats indicated that they were prepared …

Health Reform Would Dramatically Expand Access to Health Insurance — Nate Silver has pulled together a nice chart showing the impact of health reform on a family of four trying to buy health care on the individual market in 2016: — I've seen Marcy Wheeler characterize the plan as an “industry bailout.”

Joe Lieberman's Healthcare Bill Is Worse Than Nothing. Kill It.
AMERICAblog News, MyDD, Hit & Run, The New Republic, Ben Smith's Blog, The Politico, CANNONFIRE and Los Angeles Times

Conn. colleagues ‘fed up’ with Joe — Liberal anger at Sen. Joe Lieberman spread across Capitol Hill on Tuesday, with a House Democrat from Connecticut calling for his recall and Lieberman himself acknowledging the angst he has caused. — “No individual should hold health care hostage …
New York Times, Washington Monthly, NPR Blogs, TPMDC, Capitol Watch and The Political Carnival

Nelson: 'I'm not on the bill' — The White House meeting Tuesday between President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats has raised expectations that they have nailed down 60 votes for the health care bill. — But as he prepared to leave for the White House with other senators, Sen. Ben Nelson …

Pssst. This Isn't Over. (Updated) — Via Politico, here's what Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson said as he left a White House meeting with the rest of the Democratic caucus a little while ago: — I'm not on the bill. I have spoken with the president and he knows they are not wrapped up today.

Source: Dems Threaten Nelson In Pursuit of 60 — While the Democrats appease Senator Lieberman, they still have to worry about other recalcitrant Democrats including Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson. Though Lieberman has been out front in the fight against the public option and the Medicare buy-in, Nelson was critical of both.

Lieberman: The Fallout — The question is inescapable: by going on national television and threatening to join Republicans to defeat President Obama's top domestic priority, did Senator Joseph I. Lieberman actually save the Democrats' big health care bill? — There is no evidence that Mr. Lieberman's role was scripted.

Lieberman spoke, acknowledged Dem anger
AMERICAblog News

WEINER SCARED LIEBERMAN AWAY?.... Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) …
Associated Press, Prescriptions, The Foundry, Open Left, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Political Carnival

White House using base-closure process to extort Nelson's vote on ObamaCare?

Double Punch of Economy, Health Care Sends Obama to New Lows in Approval — ABC News/Washington Post Poll: President Obama's Approval Ratings Keep Sliding — A double punch of persistent economic discontent and growing skepticism on health care reform has knocked Barack Obama's key approval ratings …

WaPo/ABC poll: Obama hits new lows on health care, overall approval rating — His numbers are down across the board since last month, so technically there's a trend here. But not really. The problem with WaPo's polls is that they've been using samples that skew overwhelmingly Democratic …

The GOP had at most 55 Senators during Bush's presidency — I've heard people say that it's not fair to criticize the Democrats for botching health care reform because the Democrats never truly had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Sure, they have 60 votes in principle …
Daily Kos,, MyDD,, Ben Smith's Blog, Ezra Klein, Indecision Forever and Washington Monthly

Bill O'reilly Admits Obama is Smarter than George W. Bush

Pranksters Make Short Work of GOP's URL Shortener for Conservatives — The Republican National Committee's home page was offline Tuesday morning, and several URLs entered into the system by pranksters have been blocked. — Revised and expanded at 12:50 ET, with comment from Political Media president Larry Ward.

D.C. Council approves bill legalizing gay marriage — Bill heads to Fenty's desk, still must survive congressional review period — The D.C. Council gave final approval Tuesday to a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, setting off a wave of excitement in the gay community even as opponents vow to continue the fight on Capitol Hill.

The two faces of O — Prez's lovefest with Wall St. ‘fat cats’ — In public, President Obama is on a tear against Wall Street. In private, not so much — Over the weekend, Obama attacked fat-cat investment bankers, telling “60 Minutes” he didn't become president to aid and abet Wall Street …

CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL: 100 REASONS WHY — HERE are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made: — 1) There is “no real scientific proof” that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man's activity.
YID With LID, Don Surber, New York Times, Marginal Revolution, JustOneMinute, JammieWearingFool, Maggie's Farm and American Thinker

Taunton second-grader suspended over drawing of Jesus — A Taunton father is outraged after his 8-year-old son was sent home from school and required to undergo a psychological evaluation after drawing a stick-figure picture of Jesus Christ on the cross. — The father said he got …
TigerHawk, Gateway Pundit, FOX News Radio, The Daily Dish, The Lonely Conservative, Michelle Malkin, Stop The ACLU and Joanne Jacobs

President Obama Lies About Health Care Reform Cost Control — After exiting a meeting with the Senate Democratic caucus, President Obama approached the microphone and proceeded to tell a bald-faced lie about health care reform: … This statement is 100% false-and Obama knows that.

Time for another blogger bailout — I apologize for this, but I need to do some serious begging here. The car's making noises like it can't decide which of three potential problems it wants to develop and my settle on all three. The laptop desperately needs an upgrade and a new power cord.

Young Pittsfield Township man struggles with sex offender label — Matthew Freeman is struggling to move on with his life, six years after being convicted of having sex with a high school girlfriend who was one year below the legal age of consent. — Freeman, who is required to register …
Hit & Run

The best argument I've heard from people who say the emerging bill isn't just insufficient but just bad law is this: If you're going to force people to buy coverage (mandates), you need to provide them an alternative to buying private sector health insurance to prevent them from getting gouged by the insurance companies.