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Labor Holds Emergency Meetings To Discuss Senate Bill, May Formally Oppose — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Two of the country's largest labor groups, the SEIU and the AFL-CIO, are each holding emergency executive meetings today to discuss whether they should support the latest round of health care compromises made by Senate Democrats.
Firedoglake, Hot Air,, TPMDC, The Greenroom, D.C. Now, The Moderate Voice and The Plum Line

White House as helpless victim on health care — Of all the posts I wrote this year, the one that produced the most vociferious email backlash — easily — was this one from August, which examined substantial evidence showing that, contrary to Obama's occasional public statements in support …

Democrats Lash Out At Obama Over Health Care Disappointments — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Congressional Democrats are starting to voice their anger at President Obama over the way health care legislation has been compromised, blaming him for not fighting harder.

Howard Dean: Health Care Bill ‘Bigger Bailout for the Insurance Industry Than AIG’ — Top Democrat Urges Lawmakers to Kill the Bill and Start Over — President Obama said he likes the Senate health care compromise and wants it passed by Christmas, but he faces a revolt from liberals …

White House “Irritated” with Howard Dean, Not Joe Lieberman — Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy — Last night there was a big party for the press at the White House, and this morning Mika Brzezinski and Savannah Guthrie report back on what was being …

The Big Question: Should liberals scuttle Senate health deal?
Ben Smith's Blog

Labor leaders say they're still trying to improve bill
AMERICAblog News

Sanders withdraws single-payer healthcare bill amendment — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday withdrew his single-payer healthcare amendment after Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) initiated a procedural maneuver to shipwreck the measure. — Coburn earlier in the day forced the Senate clerk …
Raw Story

COBURN SLAMS HIS FOOT ON THE BRAKE.... There was a point, about a month ago, in which Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) threatened to ignore institutional norms and force the reading of the entire health care bill, just to delay the process. Fortunately, he backed off.
The Note

Senate debate stalls as GOP forces reading

SHENANIGANS: SCHUMER HAS A FLIGHT TO FORGET — Schumer has a flight to forget — Sen. Chuck Schumer loves the sound of his own voice, but it carried a bit farther than he might have liked on the US Airways shuttle from New York to Washington on Sunday. — According to a House Republican aide …
The Note, NY Daily News, TPMDC, The Caucus, Raw Story, The Lonely Conservative, RedState, Betsy's Page and JammieWearingFool

Gillibrand spox: ‘Nothing more to add’
The Washington Independent

Person of the Year 2009 — The story of the year was a weak economy that could have been much, much weaker. Thank the man who runs the Federal Reserve, our mild-mannered economic overlord — Ben Bernanke — A bald man with a gray beard and tired eyes is sitting in his oversize Washington office, talking about the economy.
Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Matthew Yglesias, Open Left, CNN, Pajamas Media, Calculated Risk, Hot Air, Think Progress, Real Time Economics, The Reaction, The Atlantic Business Channel, The Hill, Achenblog, The New Republic, Free exchange, The Confluence, Wonk Room, JammieWearingFool, Politics Daily, Mises Economics Blog, ATTACKERMAN,, MyDD,, The Big Picture and No More Mister Nice Blog

The importance of the individual mandate — Markos Moulitsas explains his opposition to the Senate bill, and says it all comes down to the individual mandate. “Strip out the mandate,” he says, “and the rest of the bill is palatable. It's not reform, but it's progress in the right direction.

Eric Cantor vs the Safety Net — Dave Weigel reports on Rep Eric Cantor's surprisingly candid determination to take the ax to the basic elements of the American social safety net. He quotes this document from Cantor's office: … Dave remarks that “Those are all pretty popular programs …
RELATED: — Let's not fool ourselves. Whatever threat the real Afghanistan poses to U.S. national security, the “Virtual Afghanistan” now poses just as big a threat. The Virtual Afghanistan is the network of hundreds of jihadist Web sites that inspire, train, educate and recruit young Muslims …

Michael Moore calls for boycott of Connecticut — Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore on Thursday called for a boycott of the state of Connecticut in reaction to Sen. Joe Lieberman's (I-Conn.) opposition to key provisions of healthcare reform legislation. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid …

Would cutting the minimum wage raise employment? — It seems that more and more Serious People (and Fox News) are rallying around the idea that if Obama really wants to create jobs, he should cut the minimum wage. — So let me repeat a point I made a number of times back when the usual suspects …

Bland CBO Memo, or Smoking Gun? — This weekend, the Congressional Budget Office released “a very strange memo” titled, “Budgetary Treatment of Proposals to Regulate Medical Loss Ratios.” You wouldn't know it from the title, but that little memo is the smoking gun that shows …

Mystery as Lockerbie bomber goes missing from home and hospital — Mystery surrounded the Lockerbie bomber last night after he could not be reached at his home or in hospital. — Libyan officials could say nothing about the whereabouts of Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, and his Scottish monitors could not contact him by telephone.
Michelle Malkin, Agence France Presse, Guardian, Hot Air, Newsweek Blogs, Jihad Watch, Israel Matzav, Sweetness & Light and Redhot

NBC POLL: PUBLIC SOURS ON HEALTH REFORM — From NBC's Mark Murray — As the Senate sprints to pass a health-care bill by Christmas, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that those believing President Obama's health-reform plan is a good idea has sunk to its lowest level.

For immediate release — Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November suggests that economic activity has continued to pick up and that the deterioration in the labor market is abating. The housing sector has shown some signs of improvement over recent months.

Chaos at climate conference — COPENHAGEN — The Copenhagen climate change conference appeared to be imploding from within and exploding from without on Wednesday. — Police fired tear gas, brandished batons and detained more than 200 protesters who tried to push through the security cordon around …

Speaker Pelosi to shield vulnerable members from controversial votes — Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has privately told her politically vulnerable Democratic members that they will not vote on controversial bills in 2010 unless the Senate acts first. — After a year of bruising legislative …
The Politico, Hot Air, Los Angeles Times, Wonk Room, Open Left, Think Progress, Politics Daily, RedState, New York Times and Top of the Ticket