Top Items:

Brennan: Some Guantanamo detainees will go to Yemen — Washington (CNN) - The United States still intends to send some Yemeni detainees at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, facility back to Yemen despite a terrorist threat there, President Barack Obama's terrorism czar said Sunday.
TalkLeft, The Swamp, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and And So it Goes in Shreveport

Brennan: Deal ‘on the table’ for terror suspect — The U.S. Government is offering the suspect charged with attempting to bomb an aircraft on Christmas Day, Omar Abdulmutallab, some kind of incentives to share what he knows about Al Qaeda, White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan said Sunday.

Top Obama Aide Defends Use of Criminal Trial for Would-Be Plane Bomber

U.S. and U.K. Shut Embassies in Yemen Over Qaeda Threats
Agence France Presse, American Power, TalkLeft, NO QUARTER, Online NewsHour, Wonk Room and White Blog Feed

From the White House Flickr page. — UPDATE: No, I don't think Obama's facial expression is just a fluke of when the shutter went off. His eyes aren't closed, as some with poor displays seem to think. Here's a detail from the frame: — ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Joseph Gautier writes …
Althouse, Nice Deb, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Another Black Conservative, PoliBlog and American Power

QUOTOMATIC SELECTOR SAY: “There are some occupations that are stereotypically gay, but mechanical engineering isn't one of them.” — I MEAN, DID YOU EVER LOOK AT A DOLLAR BILL, MAN? THERE'S SOME SPOOKY STUFF GOING ON IN A DOLLAR BILL, MAN. Holy moley, they're still doing heavy photo analysis on Obama.

Iran denies entry to Sen. Kerry — Iranian legislators on Sunday decided to not allow a visit from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.), according to Iranian media. — “Members of the Iranian parliament's Foreign Relations Committee (a subcommittee …
Laura Rozen's Blog, Mere Rhetoric, Scared Monkeys, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Gateway Pundit and Fars News Agency

U.S. tightens international air security — All travelers flying into the U.S. from foreign countries will receive tightened random screening, and 100 percent of passengers from 14 terrorism-prone countries will be patted down and have their carry-ons searched, the Obama administration was notifying airlines on Sunday.
Israel Matzav

Schumer: Penalize foreign airports that have lax security
Associated Press

Unwelcome truths — It speaks eloquently to the Obama administration's priorities that it took the White House four days to acknowledge the “catastrophic breach of security” that led to the failed bombing of a US-bound jet on Christmas Day — but a scant four hours to accuse Dick Cheney of coddling terrorists.
Cold Fury

Brennan responds to Cheney: He's either 'willfully mischaracterized …
Politico Live's Blog

Partisan Trends — Number of Democrats Falls to New Low, Down Six Points Since Election 2008 — In December, the number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats fell to the lowest level recorded in more than seven years of monthly tracking by Rasmussen Reports.
FiveThirtyEight, Hot Air, YID With LID, Jules Crittenden, The Moderate Voice, Don Surber and Scared Monkeys

Chasing Martha — We understand when politicians are busy. We deal with it all the time. After all, talking to journalists can be tedious and repetitive, especially when you're running for office. — That's why we wanted to give Attorney General Martha Coakley the benefit of the doubt …

Resolve this, slugs! Get ‘Fit For Combat’ in 2010! — It's the ultimate fitness criterion. And it's a question, even if you work out, that you may have asked yourself: — You may be fit. But are you fit for combat? — The answer, by the high standards set by combat-embedded …

Living on Nothing but Food Stamps — CAPE CORAL, Fla. — After an improbable rise from the Bronx projects to a job selling Gulf Coast homes, Isabel Bermudez lost it all to an epic housing bust — the six-figure income, the house with the pool and the investment property.
LGBT POV, Wonk Room, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Politics Daily and Lawyers, Guns and Money

Soft on terror? Not this president — THERE IS, it seems evident, more than enough blame to go around in the botched handling of the botched Christmas bombing. Not for some Republicans. With former vice president Richard B. Cheney in the lead, they have embarked on an ugly course to use …

Retired Air Force General Suggests Strip Searching All Young Muslim Men — “We have to use profiling. And I mean be very serious and harsh about the profiling,” said retired Lt. General Tom McInerney of the U.S. Air Force, suggesting that the United States adopt the profiling guidelines …
The Political Carnival

Brit Hume: Tiger Woods must become Christian to be forgiven — Buddhism is inferior to Christianity when it comes to forgiveness of sins, according to Fox News pundit Brit Hume. Tiger Woods should turn his back on Buddhism and become a Christian to be forgiven for cheating on his wife, Hume told Fox News' Chris Wallace Sunday.
Stinque, Media Matters for America, Mad Kane's Political Madness and The Political Carnival

Birther Chain Email Uses Fake AP Story To Question Obama's Citizenship — If you thought 2010 was the future, think again. A phony new email chain letter — one of the antiquated viral sort leftover from the AOL era — is claiming that the case against President Barack Obama's citizenship …

California's scary sneak preview — We Californians pride ourselves on the crystal-ball quality of our state. Auto emissions regulations, the tech boom and bust, Ronald Reagan, Hispanic immigration, the anti-tax revolt, the mortgage bubble, the struggle for gay rights, most movies …