Top Items:

Election 2010: Massachusetts Special Senate Election — 2010 Massachusetts Senate: Coakley 50%, Brown 41% — State Attorney General Martha Coakley holds a nine-point lead over her Republican rival, state Senator Scott Brown, in Massachusetts' special U.S. Senate election to fill the seat of the late Edward M. Kennedy.
Jules Crittenden, neo-neocon, Real Clear Politics, The Washington Independent, Politics Daily, FiveThirtyEight, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Ben Smith's Blog, The Daily Dish, HillBuzz, A Certain Enthusiasm, The Corner on National …, Althouse, Another Black Conservative, Top of the Ticket, Gateway Pundit, Gawker, No More Mister Nice Blog, Open Left, Hot Air, AmSpecBlog, Daily Kos, The Lonely Conservative, Wake up America, Jumping in Pools, Scorecard's Blog, PrairiePundit, Commentary, Confederate Yankee, The Strata-Sphere and TPMDC

Airline security idiocy of the day: Milblogger Michael Yon handcuffed, Joan Rivers blocked — Milblogger/independent war correspondent extraordinaire Michael Yon reports that he was stopped at Sea-Tac airport and handcuffed by TSA agents: … I've met Michael and have blogged …

Joan Rivers bumped off flight in Costa Rica when Continental gate agent finds passport suspicious — Above, Rivers celebrates the New Year with family and friends in Costa Rica last week. On her return, though, she had a tough time leaving the country because of her ‘suspicious’ passport.

Joan Rivers deemed a danger to national security, bumped off Costa Rica flight back to U.S. — The New York Daily News reports that comedian Joan Rivers was among the many travelers to get snared in the heightened-security frenzy that overtook airports after the December 25th failed terrorist attack.

Obama: No more ‘finger-pointing’ — President Obama will deliver a stern warning to his appointees at a meeting Tuesday afternoon that he won't tolerate efforts by the CIA, the State Department and others to shift blame for the recent intelligence foul-up to other parts of the government, said spokesman Robert Gibbs.
The Swamp, Washington Post, Reuters, Political Punch, Commentary, Wall Street Journal, The Note, Online NewsHour, and Riehl World View

Time for accountability at the White House — Now it turns out that there was a third uninvited guest at the White House state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, this one a member of the Indian delegation. It was enough of a shock that the would-be stars Tareq and Michaele Salahi had crashed.
Politics Daily, Taylor Marsh, 1 Boring Old Man, The Page, The New Republic,, The Swamp, Wonkette, Hullabaloo and The Corner on National …

The FBI got ‘usable, actionable’ intel from terrorism suspect
Weekly Standard

For Obama, terrorism is a four-letter word: Bush
New York Times, The Corner on National …, Dr. Sanity, PrairiePundit, Washington Post and Jihad Watch

The Tea Party Teens — The United States opens this decade in a sour mood. First, Americans are anxious about the future. Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the country is in decline, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. Only 27 percent feel confident …

More Arugula From David Brooks — Today's column by the NY Times' David Brooks is getting a good deal of blogospheric attention. Brooks puts on his familiar “Americans In The Mist” safari hat to once again analyze those strange beings from beyond Manhattan (and the Beltway), and reaches the following conclusion:

Tea Party groups plan ‘strike’
The Hill, Open Left, TBogg, Politics Daily, Wake up America, TPMDC and skippy the bush kangaroo

Pelosi tells C-SPAN: ‘There has never been a more open process’ — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) defended Congress' work on a healthcare bill Tuesday saying the process has displayed historic transparency, just as C-SPAN mounts an effort to open the negotiations.

Florida GOP Chairman Resigns — The resignation of Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer today — a decision that came after weeks of calls for his head from conservatives — raises the question of whether Gov. Charlie Crist's already embattled Senate candidacy has sustained a blow from which it cannot recover.

Greer resigns: Foes were willing to ‘burn the house down’
The Atlantic Politics Channel

Why Didn't He Just Blow Himself Up In The Toilet? — A reader asks a very interesting question about the undie-bomber - why did he get back into his seat to detonate a bomb that had a ramshackle detonator and where he could be overcome by fellow travelers? Read the whole email:

Sweatshirt Sparks School Controversy — Hoodie Contains Image Of World Trade Center Towers — DEARBORN, Mich. — About 15 Arab-American students at Edsel Ford High School are in trouble over a sweatshirt they had made over the holiday break. — On the back of the sweatshirt …
Jihad Watch

Cut This Story! — ONE REASON SEEKERS of news are abandoning print newspapers for the Internet has nothing directly to do with technology. It's that newspaper articles are too long. On the Internet, news articles get to the point. Newspaper writing, by contrast, is encrusted with conventions …

‘Avatar’ arouses conservatives' ire — Conservatives are blind to the 3-D blockbuster's charms. — A Na'vi warrior races into battle on a Thanator, a fearsome panther-like creature native to Pandora. (WETA / Twentieth Century Fox) — It's no secret that “Avatar” has been stunningly successful on nearly every front.

France to introduce new law banning ‘psychological violence’ in marriages — France will become the first country in the world to ban ‘psychological violence’ within marriage later this year. — The new law, which would also apply to co-habiting couples, would see people getting criminal records …
Vox Popoli

Steele Doesn't Know If GOP Ready To Lead — RNC chair Michael Steele doesn't think his party can take back the House in '10, and even if they do, he doesn't know if the GOP is ready. — Appearing on Sean Hannity's nationally syndicated show the same day his new book, “Right Now,” …
The Hill, Associated Press, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Newsweek Blogs, Riehl World View, Raw Story, Washington Monthly, AMERICAblog News, GOP 12, MyDD and Taegan Goddard's …

What the Dems know that we don't: Universal Voter Registration — Many are puzzled that Democrats persist in ramming unpopular and destructive legislation down our collective throats while seemingly unconcerned by their plummeting poll numbers. A widespread belief is that the Democrats …

OH SNAP! Pelosi On Obama: ‘There Were A Number Of Things He Was For On The Campaign Trail’ — Speaker Nancy Pelosi had little to say this afternoon at a press conference following a meeting between House leaders and health care principals. She and other members acknowledged that a number …

BRIT HUME SPEAKS, AGAIN.... I didn't intend to return to the subject, but Fox News' Brit Hume spoke to Bill O'Reilly last night about his calls for Tiger Woods to change his religion. At this point, Hume now wants to debate the meaning of the word “proselytize.”

Glenn Beck on birther issue: 'Dumbest thing I've ever heard' — Claims controversy is political ‘dream come true’ for Obama — On the air today, popular radio host Glenn Beck mocked “birthers” and claimed there is a concerted campaign to get those questioning Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility onto …

No Longer Majority Black, Harlem Is in Transition — For nearly a century, Harlem has been synonymous with black urban America. Given its magnetic and growing appeal to younger black professionals and its historic residential enclaves and cultural institutions, the neighborhood's reputation …

Our Incompetent Civilization — Sometimes we have to choose between evils. — Printer — Friendly — When does a civilization become incompetent? I've been mulling the question in a number of contexts over the last year, including our inability to put a stop to Somali piracy …

RedState's Erickson Stands By Assertion That Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Was An ‘Affirmative Action’ Award — When it was announced last year that President Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, RedState editor Erick Erickson tweeted that Obama only won the award because …

Hate radio host Neal Boortz: Health bill will kill more people than a terrorist attack. — Following the failed Christmas Day terrorist attack, many on the right have used the incident as a political football, trying to score partisan points on the issue of terrorism.
Washington Monthly