Top Items:

What's the Outlook for Democrats? — Democratic Senators Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota announced this week that they would retire from their long-held seats rather than face uphill battles in this year's midterm elections.

Pomeroy Will Not Run For Senate
The Plum Line, George's Bottom Line, Commentary, TPMDC, Pajamas Media and The Other McCain

‘DROPPING LIKE FLIES’?.... Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) is retiring.
Matthew Yglesias, Ben Smith's Blog, PostPartisan, Liberal Values, Donklephant, Associated Press, Democratic Strategist, The Moderate Voice, TPMDC, PoliBlog, Open Left, Newsweek Blogs, Wake up America, The Plum Line, Megan McArdle, The Note, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Online NewsHour, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Outside The Beltway, Sister Toldjah, The Confluence and Betsy's Page

White House: We will NOT discuss broken C-Span promise — On Tuesday, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs declined to answer questions about the president's campaign commitment to hold health-care negotiations on C-Span. Gibbs said he had not seen a letter from C-Span's Brian Lamb …
Power Line, The Lonely Conservative, Carol's Closet, YID With LID, TigerHawk and Riehl World View

The C-SPAN Lie? See Eight Clips of Obama Promising Televised Healthcare Negotiations — “One of my jobs as President will be to guide this process...”
Commentary, New York Post, Gates of Vienna, Hit & Run, The Anchoress, AmSpecBlog, RedState, NO QUARTER, theblogprof, Wake up America, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee President 2012, PoliJAM Blog, Pajamas Media, Another Black Conservative, Confederate Yankee, The Lonely Conservative, Sister Toldjah and The Hill

Sarah Palin will headline first-ever Tea Party Convention — Sarah Palin's appearance is a coup for a movement now getting grudging respect from mainstream commentators. But will the feisty Tea Party movement coalesce with the GOP's old guard? — Atlanta

The First Senator From the Tea Party? — Charlie Crist's perma-tanned face bears none of the strain you would expect from the archetype of the embattled Republican. Politicians are supposed to keep up appearances, but Crist is especially convincing, one of the more earnest politicians you will see, whether or not he means it.
Discussion:, GOP 12, Weekly Standard, Prairie Weather, Michael Calderone's Blog and The Buzz

Election 2010: Arkansas Senate Race — 2010 Arkansas Senate Race Still A Referendum on Lincoln — As 2010 begins, the numbers for Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln are pretty much the same as last year's while she prepares to face Arkansas voters in November.
Daily Kos, Scared Monkeys, Scorecard's Blog, Real Clear Politics, A Certain Enthusiasm, Hot Air, Politics Nation, TPMDC and PrairiePundit

Lincoln's “Retirement” May Be Involuntary — Sen. Blanche Lincoln is in trouble, still: … The White House and the Democratic leadership have been telling their colleagues that health care is their political salvation, the only way of heading off the coming tidal wave election.

White House budget director ditched pregnant girlfriend for ABC News gal — President Obama's budget guru has a secret love child — with the woman he jilted for his hot new fiance, The Post has learned. — White House budget director Peter Orszag's ex, shipping heiress Claire Milonas …

“Sick” Of The Israelis And The Palestinians — Ben Rhodes has denied that Rahm said this to the Israelis. Well, it sure sounds like Rahm. — More to the point, who wouldn't be sick of the Israelis and the Palestinians at this point? — I too am sick of the Israelis for their contempt …

Emanuel: U.S. fed up with Israel, Palestinians
Jerusalem Post, Think Progress, Ben Smith's Blog, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Jeffrey Goldberg and Israel Matzav

An opening for Arnold? — Here's the best rumor I've heard today, inspired in part by the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger has, of late, been saying nice things about the president at every turn and by the announcement that Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter is retiring.

Salazar to Toughen U.S. Drilling Rules
Federal Eye, Public Policy Polling, The Note, Climate Progress, MyDD, Weasel Zippers, Think Progress and Wonk Room

Obama ‘Frustrated’ By ‘Slow’ Confirmation For Nominees, Expected To Re-Nominate — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — President Obama is increasingly frustrated with the slow pace of confirmation for his judicial and executive appointees, according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

RE-NOMINATIONS.... Conservative obstructionism has blocked votes …
ACS Blog

‘You Are a Bad, Bad, Bad Journalist’ — I couldn't believe I was having this conversation. It felt like a scene from a movie that conveniently ties plot points together when two critical characters in the storyline share a moment of implausible significance - where the intrepid reporter finally runs his target to ground.

Nelson: We should have waited on health care — Sen. Ben Nelson said Tuesday it was a mistake for the Obama Administration to take on massive health care reforms in 2009, and suggested efforts would have been better spent addressing the economy. — Nelson, who provided the crucial 60th vote …

Where's Martha Coakley? — If you're a registered voter in Massachusetts, your friendly Democratic Senate candidate, Martha Coakley, is sticking her thumb in your eye. — Coakley, in exquisitely diva-like form, is refusing all invitations to debate her Republican opponent in the race …

Arnold blasts health care bill: ‘Trough of bribes, deals and loopholes’ — So scratch that thing about cozying up to the White House. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in California's perpetual budget hell, blasted the elements of health care legislation that impose new burdens on the states in his State of the State speech today:
The Page

Exclusive: Air Marshal Surge in ‘Race Against Time’ — U.S. Fears More Airplane Bombers Are in the Terrorist Pipeline. — President Barack Obama has ordered a “surge” of federal air marshals to be in place by Feb.1 in what officials said was a “race against time,” with other suicide bombers believed …

GOP Congress members wade into same-sex marriage debate — Thirty-nine congressional Republicans, including House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.), have filed an amicus brief in D.C. Superior Court calling for a voter referendum on whether to legalize same-sex marriage in the District.
Think Progress, AMERICAblog Gay, Box Turtle Bulletin, Minnesota Independent and TPM LiveWire

Paterson Speech Chastises Lawmakers — ALBANY — In a strikingly blunt State of the State address, Gov. David A. Paterson chastised the lawmakers seated before him on Wednesday for spending the state into near-ruin and standing by as a plague of political corruption destroyed New Yorkers' trust in their government.

14 terror suspects mistakenly kill themselves — Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Fourteen suspected terrorists died Tuesday night when the bus they rigged with explosives blew up prematurely, police said. — The explosion occurred as the suspects were riding the bus in the province of Kunduz, said police chief Abdul Raziq Yaqobi.

Top 20 Democrats Who Could Lose Their Seats over Health Care Vote — Embattled Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder (AR-02) — I've been going over the list of Republican challengers, to try and figure out which present the most serious threats to those who voted “yes” on the health care bill the first time it went through the House.

U.S. learned intelligence on airline bomb suspect while he was en route — U.S. border enforcement officials came close to stopping the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines jet while the suspect was en route to Detroit on Christmas Day, new data show. — Reporting from Washington …
Talking Points Memo

‘Frozen Gore’ sculpture returns in Fairbanks to fuel climate change debate — FAIRBANKS - In what might become an annual tradition, an ice sculpture of former Vice President Al Gore has taken its place in front of Thrifty Liquor along Airport Way. — The two-ton “Frozen Gore” sculpture isn't exactly a tribute.