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National security adviser: Airline bomber report to ‘shock’ — WASHINGTON — White House national security adviser James Jones says Americans will feel “a certain shock” when they read an account being released Thursday of the missed clues that could have prevented the alleged Christmas Day bomber from ever boarding the plane.
CBS News, Reuters, Commentary, Wall Street Journal, JOSHUAPUNDIT, The Corner on National …, The Lonely Conservative, Scared Monkeys, The Washington Independent, Cafe Hayek, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, The Hill, Mudville Gazette, Top of the Ticket, GINA COBB,, NPR Blogs, Raw Story, Taylor Marsh, Riehl World View, The Hill, Weasel Zippers and TPM LiveWire

NCTC director Michael Leiter remained on ski slopes after Christmas Day airline bombing attempt — WASHINGTON - The top official in charge of analyzing terror threats did not cut short his ski vacation after the underwear bomber nearly blew up an airliner on Christmas Day, the Daily News has learned.

The Leiter They Are, The Quicker They Fall?

Wagons Circle Around NCTC Director Leiter, Under Fire
ABCNEWS, CBS News, Associated Press, Raw Story, The Strata-Sphere and George's Bottom Line

Steele Lashes Out: Critics Should ‘Get a Life,’ ‘Shut Up,’ ‘Fire Me ... or Get out of the Way’ — ABC News' Aaron Katersky and Rick Klein report: RNC Chairman Michael Steele is lashing out his critics, with a series of blunt messages for prominent Republicans who have blasted him over his leadership for the Republican Party.

GOP Furious At Steele; RNC Admits Little Control — House and Senate leadership aides are furious with RNC chair Michael Steele and have angrily confronted the RNC's press shop over their inability to keep the chair on message. — In the course of a regular daily conference call between …

Steele's side pursuits drive away big donors — Book tour, speeches seen as distractions — Some wealthy contributors are shunning the Republican National Committee and donating instead to the other GOP campaign committees or directly to candidates - in many cases because of discontent …

Conservatives Finish 2009 as No. 1 Ideological Group — Uptick owing largely to more independents calling themselves conservative — PRINCETON, NJ — The increased conservatism that Gallup first identified among Americans last June persisted throughout the year, so that the final year-end …

Geithner's New York Fed Told AIG to Limit Swaps Disclosure — Jan. 7 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then led by Timothy Geithner, told American International Group Inc. to withhold details from the public about the bailed-out insurer's payments to banks during the depths …

Cadillac Flip Flop: Obama Was Against Health Plan Tax Before He Was For It — In a video that rings so true it hurts, Lee Stranahan-a former Obama supporter-gives us the aspiring president's own speech. Only a month before the 2008 election, Obama makes it plain just how bad an idea the …

New Jersey Senate To Vote On Gay Marriage Bill — Live Streaming at 2:00 pm — New Jersey takes center stage in the debate over same-sex marriage as the state senate prepares to vote on a bill legalizing Gay Marriage in New Jersey. — The bill, entitled “The Freedom of Religion …
Blue Jersey, Ben Smith's Blog, New York Times, Pam's House Blend, LGBT POV and Joe. My. God.

N.J. Senate rejects bill legalizing gay marriage
Box Turtle Bulletin

Carlson Launches Right's Answer to HuffPost — The offices of The Daily Caller evoke a long-ago era of journalism, circa 2005 or 2006, before the Los Angeles Times closed its big-city bureaus, The Washington Times fired 60 percent of its staff, and magazines from Gourmet to Portfolio shuttered for lack of revenue.

GOP Insiders Sour On Palin — A poll of GOP insiders suggests that ex-AK Gov. Sarah Palin (R) has little support among the party's professional class — and maybe that's just how she wants it. — In a survey of 109 party leaders, political professionals and pundits, Palin finished 5th …
GOP 12

Nelson in “serious discussions” to extend deal — Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) has begun negotiations with Senate Democratic leaders to expand his special Medicaid funding deal to all states or to allow states to opt out of the Medicaid expansion in 2017, his spokesman told POLITICO Thursday.
Firedoglake, Michelle Malkin, Swampland,, RedState, Time and Riehl World View

Lieberman tanks — Want to know how far Joe Lieberman has fallen in the wake of the health care vote last month? Barack Obama's approval rating with Connecticut Republicans is higher than Lieberman's with the state's Democrats. — 81% of Democrats now disapprove of Lieberman's job performance …

The Butt Bomb — Al Qaeda's hidden weapon. — In the wake of the failed bombing attempt by Nigerian Al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, airport security experts are wringing their hands over how to stop the next underwear bomber. X-ray machines don't detect the type of explosive …

Hayworth Gearing Up For Senate Race — Ex-Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R) is seriously exploring a bid against Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), according to sources with knowledge of his plans. — Hayworth has been in touch with consultants to gauge their interest in working for his potential candidacy …

Release of the Security Review Conducted After the Failed Christmas Terrorist Attack — The review of our security and intelligence systems following the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day has been completed. The President spoke two days ago about “the urgency of getting this right …
The Caucus, Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs, Taylor Marsh, NO QUARTER and AMERICAblog News

A defense of Obama — I get a lot of unsolicited e-mail and should probably publish more of it; this defense of Obama, sent in by someone named Ellie Light, seemed to crystallize a point his supporters have been trying to make for a while: — A year ago, if we had read in the paper …
The New Republic

Critics of Obama way off base on this one — Yes — the not-so-bright, would-be terrorist from Nigeria got though international and domestic security mechanisms supposed to have stopped him long before the jerk lit his underwear afire before landing in Detroit.

Supermajority retention — Nate Silver thinks Democrats will probably lose some Senate seats in 2010. But maybe they'll pick up a couple! Or lose a bunch! Hard to say. I'll just note that Democrats will definitely lose their supermajority sooner than later. If not, something is going seriously wrong in the system.

Goodbye kiss provoked Newark airport scare: report — NEW YORK (Reuters) - The security scare that shut Newark airport for hours and delayed thousands of passengers was caused by a man who slipped into a secure area to give a woman one last goodbye kiss, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

Dick Morris sees two parties. I see four. — I can't remember a more breathtaking 48 hours in politics since Barack Obama's election in November 2008. Byron Dorgan is out; Chris Dodd is out; Bill Ritter is out. Who would have thought that just one year into Obama's promising presidency …

Election 2010: Colorado Governor — With Ritter Stepping Down, Democratic Prospects Improve in Colorado — Now that Colorado Governor Bill Ritter has said he will step down rather than run for reelection, Democrats may be more competitive in this year's gubernatorial race.
The Fix, Politics Daily, Open Left, Public Policy Polling, Politics Nation, Swing State Project, TPMDC and Real Clear Politics

Snow covers Britain from head to toe — As if dusted with icing sugar, this satellite image of Britain shows the full extent of the snow coverage affecting the country. — From head to toe there is barely a patch of land not blanketed by the heaviest snowfall in 50 years.
Tim Blair

Is Palin Getting $100,000 to Speak at the Tea Party National Convention? — This morning, I asked whether Sarah Palin's decision to speak at the Tea Party National Convention — while (so far) eschewing the much higher-profile Conservative Political Action Conference — had anything to with money.
TPMDC, Washington Monthly, Riehl World View, WorldNetDaily, Guardian and Democratic Strategist