Top Items:
The Juiciest Revelations In “Game Change” — “Game Change,” the long-awaited and very gossipy chronicle of the 2008 campaign by journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, is chock full of revelations that are bound to stir the folks who live within ten miles of the Beltway — and perhaps even reverberate beyond Washington.
Saint Elizabeth and the Ego Monster — A candidate whose aides were prepared to block him from becoming president. A wife whose virtuous image was a mirage. A mistress with a video camera. In an excerpt from the new book Game Change—their sweeping account of the 2008 campaign …
Reid apologizes for ‘Negro dialect’ comment — Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid apologized Saturday following reports he had privately described then-candidate Barack Obama during the presidential campaign as a black candidate who could be successful thanks in part to his …
NEVADA U.S. SENATE POLL: Reid hits new low in poll — Rating is worst in R-J's surveys for 2010 election — More than half of Nevadans are unhappy with Sen. Harry Reid, according to a new poll commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. It's the worst “unfavorable” …
Harry Reid apologizes for “light skinned” remark about Obama — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) apologized today for referring to President Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect” in private conversations during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Book: Obama, Biden clashed in '08 — The relationship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden grew so strained during the 2008 campaign, according to a new book, that the two rarely spoke and aides not only kept Biden off internal conference calls but refused to even tell him they existed.
Reid apologizes for ‘no Negro dialect’ comment
Michelle Malkin, Power Line, Founding Bloggers, Blog, Clayton Cramer's BLOG and INSTAPUTZ
Toss up in Massachusetts — The Massachusetts Senate race is now a toss up. — Buoyed by a huge advantage with independents and relative disinterest from Democratic voters in the state, Republican Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 48-47. — Here are the major factors leading to this surprising state of affairs:
Brown HQ Report #1 — Also see my update to this post, Brown HQ Report #2 — This is a quick update on my day so far at Scott Brown headquarters. I'll give a more complete report later. — Things are totally crazy here. The phones are ringing off the hooks. The phone bank (second photo below) is full.
Scott Brown swearing-in would be stalled to pass health-care reform
Teddy's anger — One of the enduring mysteries of the 2008 campaign was what got Ted Kennedy so mad at Bill Clinton. The former president's entreaties, at some point, backfired, and the explanation has never quite emerged. — I've finally gotten my hands on a copy of Game Change, in which John Heliemann and Mark Halperin report:
Game Change: Even More Juicy Stuff
Don Surber
Right-Wing Radio Host Incensed That ‘Butt Sniffer’ Michael Steele Canceled Appearance On Her Show — There was significant media speculation yesterday when embattled Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele abruptly canceled a noon interview with ABC News.
A Fox Chief at the Pinnacle of Media and Politics — In fall 2008, Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News, went to his boss, Rupert Murdoch, with two complaints: he had heard that Mr. Murdoch was considering endorsing Barack Obama for president in The New York Post, and he had read a book excerpt …
Saint Elizabeth and the Ego Monster — Even before the cancer, she was among her husband's greatest political assets. In one focus group conducted by Hickman in Edwards's Senate race, voters trashed him as a pretty-boy shyster—until they saw pictures of Elizabeth, four years his senior.
Fool Me Over and Over and Over Again — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Our elite media has been repeatedly suckered into trumpeting glaringly unsupported assertions about the number of Guantanamo detainees that have “returned” to the battlefield. This was quite a week for it.
Obama in '02: ‘The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott’ — In light of President Obama's decision to forgive Harry Reid's remarks about Obama's skin color and lack of a “Negro dialect,” check out what Obama said about Trent Lott in 2002: … —From the December 12, 2002 issue of the Chicago Defender.
Gateway Pundit
A letter to the White House — Umar Abdulmutallab has been provided a lawyer and clammed up in connection with this efforts to take down Northwest Flight 253 as it approached Detroit on Christmas Day. Yesterday Abdulmutallab was arraigned in federal court in Detroit.