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A new approach to China — Like many other well-known organizations, we face cyber attacks of varying degrees on a regular basis. In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft of intellectual property from Google.
Google Enterprise Blog, TechCrunch, James Fallows, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, Between the Lines, Beyond Binary, Laura Rozen's Blog, On Sustainability, Technology Liberation Front, ReadWriteWeb, Financial Times, Engadget, Mashable!, New York Times, AmSpecBlog, Coop's Corner, RConversation, Mediaite, BuzzMachine, Globe and Mail, Raw Story, BBC, Clusterstock, Threat Level, Gawker, The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Moderate Voice, The Peking Duck, Telegraph, The Corner on National …, AMERICAblog News and Jay Currie
Video: Someone With the Coakley Campaign Pushes Me into a Metal Railing — Coakley won't say if she thinks there are terrorists in Afghanistan. — Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley attended a fundraiser at the Capitol Hill restaurant Sonoma tonight.
Ben Smith's Blog, The Corner on National …, Red Mass Group, AmSpecBlog and Michelle Malkin
Internal Memo To Top Dem Donors Warns Mass Senate Race Is “Very Tight,” “Urgent” — In a sign of serious worry about the increasingly tense battle for Ted Kennedy's seat, the Democratic National Committee and the Martha Coakley campaign have blasted a private memo to top national Dem donors …
FiveThirtyEight, Politics Daily, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Gateway Pundit, NO QUARTER, Betsy's Page, TPMDC, The Fray, Ben Smith's Blog, Hotline On Call, Scorecard's Blog, The Other McCain, Michelle Malkin, National Review Online, The Fix, Taylor Marsh, Riehl World View, AMERICAblog News, Weekly Standard and The Radio Equalizer
Dems, labor pour cash into Kennedy seat — Democrats and their union allies are pumping resources into Massachusetts in an attempt to save their 60-seat Senate majority. — The seat in question, which belonged to the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), has been one of the most reliable liberal votes …
Coakley Campaign Attacks Tea Party “Devil” — Martha Coakley's left-wing allies have been attacking and insulting tea party attendees and town hall participants for months. Now the Coakley campaign has jumped on the “teabagger” bandwagon. Her campaign just sent out a press release attacking Scott Brown …
Fierce Quake Devastates Haitian Capital — SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — A fierce earthquake struck Haiti late Tuesday afternoon, causing a crowded hospital to collapse, leveling countless shantytown dwellings and bringing even more suffering to a nation that was already the hemisphere's poorest and most disaster-prone.
Times of London, American Red Cross …, the talking dog, Pajamas Media, Mediaite, News Hounds, Hullabaloo and Gawker
Many casualties expected after big quake in Haiti
Gateway Pundit
Palin blasts critics in Fox debut: ‘A bunch of b.s.’ — Sarah Palin hit back today at reports that she was uninformed and unprepared on the 2008 campaign trail. — In her debut as a Fox News contributor, Palin told Bill O'Reilly that anecdotes about her reported in a new book and repeated …
McCain on claims of campaign's lax vetting of Palin: 'I wouldn't know.'
The Politico, Progressive Fix, The Huffington Post, Indecision Forever and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Romney Digs At Huckabee Over “Game Change”
The Atlantic Politics Channel
Chuck Norris Hunts for Obama's ‘Secret Vault’ as Interpol Conspiracy Theories Get Wilder — The conspiracy theories about President Obama's executive order on Interpol are getting wilder by the day. — Invoking no less an authority than Glenn Beck, movie tough guy (and political activist) …
Obama's secret vault — On Glenn Beck's Jan. 7 show, Beck was rightly puzzled regarding the exact purpose of President Obama's Dec. 16 signing of an executive order “designating Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions and immunities.”
Health Insurers Funded Chamber Attack Ads — Just as dealings with the Obama administration and congressional Democrats soured last summer, six of the nation's biggest health insurers began quietly pumping big money into third-party television ads aimed at killing or significantly modifying …
Rangel: Dems face ‘serious problems’ on healthcare reform — Congressional Democrats face “serious problems” in getting a healthcare reform bill to the president's desk, according to a House panel chairman. — “We've got to get a bill that's more compatible to the House,” …
The Politico
Nelson ‘not 100 percent certain’ he'll support health bill's final passage
Ezra Klein
Conan O'Brien Says He Won't Host ‘Tonight Show’ After Leno — Conan O'Brien released a statement Tuesday saying that he no longer wanted to be the host of “The Tonight Show” on NBC if it appeared at 12:05 a.m. — Mr. O'Brien's brief run as host at 11:35 p.m. is to be cut short next month …
The Moderate Voice, Mashable!, Mediaite, Concurring Opinions, Liberal Values, Taylor Marsh, New York Times, Outside The Beltway and Popeater
Unruly Passengers Disrupt Northwest Flight 243 — ((Watch the video to get passenger reaction from Fox 2's Simon Shaykhet.)) — The source says four men from Saudi Arabai were saying something in Arabic that alarmed four on-board Federal Air Marshals. The Marshals speak Arabic.
Pajamas Media
Harry Reid's Swansong — Will Harry Reid retire at the end of this year? — Printer — Friendly — In the end, I don't believe Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will run for re-election. Whether or not the health care bill he muscled through the Senate becomes law, the 70-year-old will bow out of his race for a fifth term.
NV Sen Moved to Lean Takeover, Dems Still have Edge in MA Sen — New polling confirms that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) is mired near 40% in general election ballot tests against all potential opponents, even those voters know nothing about. It will be extremely difficult …
House to vote on Obama's first veto — On Dec. 30, President Obama quietly issued his first veto. On Wednesday, the House will vote on whether to override that veto. Except Obama didn't really oppose the bill he vetoed, and the House doesn't really want to override it. — Confused?
Senate Hopeful in New State Airs Evolving Views — In his first extensive interview since he began weighing a run for United States Senate from New York, Harold E. Ford Jr. distanced himself from his previous opposition to same-sex marriage, his description of himself as “pro-life” …
Hedging America — How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities — (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 390 pp., $28 — One tried-and-true way to start off a course in elementary economics is to call the students' attention to a common object, such as the spiral notebooks in which they are presumably busy taking notes.
Coates Speaks as Best He Can — By: NRO Staff — It's not news that Christopher Coates, the former chief of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, was relieved of his post on January 5 and “transferred” to South Carolina for an 18-month assignment with the U.S. attorney's office.
The Tel Aviv Cluster — Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates. — Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population …
Obama to address House GOP — President Barack Obama will address House Republicans next week at their annual retreat in Baltimore, deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton said Tuesday afternoon. — It's a show of bi-partisanship after a year rife with tumult in the relationship between …
Strange reunion — Why would a former Guantanamo Bay prison guard track down two of his former captives - two British men - and agree to fly to London to meet them? — “You look different without a cap.” — “You look different without the jump suits.” — With those words, an extraordinary reunion gets under way.
A Year of Terror Plots, Through a 2nd Prism — WASHINGTON — As terrorist plots against the United States have piled up in recent months, politicians and the news media have sounded the alarm with a riveting message for Americans: Be afraid. Al Qaeda is on the march again …
Venezuela plans blackouts in Caracas, oil town — CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela will switch off lights for hours at a time in Caracas and other cities such as oil town Maracaibo in planned blackouts to tackle power shortages that threaten President Hugo Chavez's support.
Power Line