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Obama plans combative turn — President Barack Obama plans a combative response if, as White House aides fear, Democrats lose Tuesday's special Senate election in Massachusetts, close advisers say. — “This is not a moment that causes the president or anybody who works for him to express any doubt …
Joe Scarborough Slams ‘Reckless’ Olbermann for Unhinged Personal Attacks on Scott Brown! — Here is what the infamous, deplorable Keith Olbermann spewed tonight (via The Right Scoop): — Moments later, in a rare example of criticism from his own colleagues, his diatribe was blasted by MSNBC's Joe Scarborough:
538 Model Posits Brown as 3:1 Favorite — The FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecasting Model, which correctly predicted the outcome of all 35 Senate races in 2008, now regards Republican Scott Brown as a 74 percent favorite to win the Senate seat in Massachusetts on the basis of new polling from ARG …
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, The Reaction, Gateway Pundit, New York Times, Ben Smith's Blog, All Content, Boston Herald, The Caucus, Washington Post, PoliBlog, Hit & Run, Betsy's Page, Hotline On Call, Pam's House Blend, Rasmussen Reports, Commentary, The Daily Caller, Taylor Marsh, Open Left, Towleroad News #gay, Boston Globe, Steve Kornacki, Hot Air, Politics Daily, Guardian, The Atlantic Business Channel, Fausta's Blog, Left Coast Rebel and The Corner on National …
Democrats May Seek to Push Health Bill Through House — WASHINGTON — The White House and Democratic Congressional leaders, scrambling for a backup plan to rescue their health care legislation if Republicans win the special election in Massachusetts on Tuesday, have begun laying the groundwork …
FiveThirtyEight, AmSpecBlog, Prescriptions, Wall Street Journal, New Deal 2.0, Wonk Room, The Politico, Hot Air, Clusterstock, The Hill, Betsy's Page,, CNN, AMERICAblog News and ABCNEWS
Finger-pointing begins for Dems — CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — As voters head to the polls in Massachusetts, nervous Democrats have already begun to blame one another for putting at risk the Senate seat Ted Kennedy held for more than 40 years. — Many angry Democrats blame their candidate …
Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Wall Street Journal, American Conservative …, Roll Call and The Lonely Conservative
New poll: Brown up 9 — A new InsiderAdvantage poll conducted exclusively for POLITICO shows Republican Scott Brown surging to a 9-point advantage over Martha Coakley a day before Massachusetts voters trek to the ballot box to choose a new senator. — According to the survey conducted Sunday evening …
Ben Smith's Blog, Bloomberg, Guardian, Daily Kos, New York Times, American Spectator, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Indecision Forever, TBogg, QandO, The Daily Caller, Scared Monkeys, MyFox Boston, Washington Times, Washington Post, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, American Power, AMERICAblog News, New York Magazine, Fox News, The Hill, Politics Daily, The Other McCain, Another Black Conservative, Real Clear Politics, Swing State Project, The Natural Truth and Instapundit
Massachusetts Wrap-Up — Over the last few days, thousands of words have been written and many charts posted on Pollster and elsewhere, all trying to make sense of the sometimes divergent Massachusetts Senate polls. If you haven't yet, make sure you read Charles Franklin's tour de force review posted …
The Corner on National …, Hot Air, Change of Subject, Open Left, Wall Street Journal and Hotline On Call
Tough lessons from Obama's first year
The Note, Commentary, Tennessee Guerilla Women, USA Today, Prairie Weather and Towleroad News #gay
After the Massachusetts special election — I don't know who will win today's special election in Massachusetts. But I do know what should happen — and what can happen — after the votes are counted and the winner is seated: Democrats should pass health-care reform.
MA SEN: Will The House Pass The Senate Bill? — Good luck with that! Not only will a Brown victory make moderates even more skittish about health care, but it will probably fortify the ten or so Democrats who've said they will under no circumstances support the Senate bill's abortion language.
FBI broke law for years in phone record searches — The FBI illegally collected more than 2,000 U.S. telephone call records between 2002 and 2006 by invoking terrorism emergencies that did not exist or simply persuading phone companies to provide records, according to internal bureau memos and interviews.
A Looming Landslide For Brown — Democrats can stop hoping at this point. — I can see no alternative scenario but a huge - staggeringly huge - victory for the FNC/RNC machine tomorrow. They crafted a strategy of total oppositionism to anything Obama proposed a year ago.
Outside The Beltway, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Awl, Doug Ross, The Greenroom, and Dennis the Peasant
Poll: Most Don't Want Sarah Palin to Run for President — Posted by Kevin Hechtkopf A new CBS News poll finds that a large majority of Americans say they do not want former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to run for president. — Specifically, 71 percent say they do not want the former …
Politics Daily, AmSpecBlog, Hot Air, Raw Story, Liberal Values and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Obama's Discontents — Bernard Avishai on the election in Massachusetts: … The frustration on the left with Obama — and with healthcare reform specifically — was almost inevitable. During the campaign, a lot of people chose to see in him what they wanted to see …
Who's To Blame? — I am mostly living far from Massachusetts …
US accused of ‘occupying’ Haiti as troops flood in — France accused the US of “occupying” Haiti on Monday as thousands of American troops flooded into the country to take charge of aid efforts and security. — The French minister in charge of humanitarian relief called on the UN to …
From Depression To Rage — We have heard a lot from those furious that Obama has not solved all our problems overnight, how they feel that this country has somehow been taken away from them, how they feel a disconnect from the president. But maybe it's time for a different kind of rage …
Democracy In The MA — Sometimes it feels like we don't get a lot of it around here. Chances to vote in elections where there is an actual choice, where there isn't a predetermined outcome. Where the outcome actually makes any difference to anything. An election where we actually …
The Corner on National …