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Justice Alito mouths ‘not true’ — POLITICO's Kasie Hunt, who's in the House chamber, reports that Justice Samuel Alito mouthed the words “not true” when President Barack Obama criticized the Supreme Court's campaign finance decision. — “Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century …
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Text: Obama's State of the Union Address — Following is the prepared text of President Obama's State of the Union address, delivered Jan. 27, 2010, as released by the White House: — Madame Speaker, Vice President Biden, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:
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Justice Alito's Reaction — There was the president, and there were six members of the Supreme Court. The few words from the one to the others went by quickly. The president's tone was mild compared to the animation in some other parts of the speech, and I thought he looked momentarily awkward.

Justice Alito's conduct and the Court's credibility — As I wrote at the time, I thought the condemnations of Rep. Joe Wilson's heckling of Barack Obama during his September health care speech were histrionic and excessive. Wilson and Obama are both political actors, it occurred in the middle …

Poll: 83% of Speech Watchers Approve of Obama's State of the Union Proposals — CBS News conducted an instant poll with Knowledge Networks immediately following President Obama's State of the Union address. Here are some of the highlights: — • 83% of speech watchers approve …

State of the Union: How did he do? — Professor, Georgetown University Law Center : — In the history of the State of the Union has any President ever called out the Supreme Court by name, and egged on the Congress to jeer a Supreme Court decision, while the Justices were seated politely …

Enter Your E-Mail Address to Sign Up — President Wrong on Citizens United Case [Bradley A. Smith] — Tonight the president engaged in demogoguery of the worst kind, when he claimed that last week's Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, “open[ed] the floodgates for special interests …
Hot Air, JustOneMinute, Conventional Folly, Right Wing Nut House, Cato @ Liberty and Ben Smith's Blog

State of the Union: Obama's reality problem — President Obama's primary problem is not rhetorical — though, about an hour into the State of the Union address, I gave up hoping that it might eventually build toward something remotely interesting. (For much of the speech Obama sounded …
The Huffington Post, Stop The ACLU, The New Republic, Commentary, Neptunus Lex, Scared Monkeys and Michelle Malkin

SOTU Live Blog
The New Republic, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Marbury, Swampland and The Moderate Voice

Obama's first State of the Union Address
Power Line, The Corner on National …, Fausta's Blog, Pundit & Pundette, Flopping Aces and Commentary

I Just Remembered Chris Matthews Was White — Here's Matthews on Obama: … I think it's worth noting that Chris Matthews wasn't trying to take a shot at anybody. I also think it's worth noting that he was attempting to compliment Obama and say something positive about what he's done for race relations.

Scientists in stolen e-mail scandal hid climate data — Ben Webster, Environment Editor, and Jonathan Leake — The university at the centre of the climate change row over stolen e-mails broke the law by refusing to hand over its raw data for public scrutiny.

Backlash on W.H.'s backroom deals — A top House committee responded to the mounting voter backlash against backroom deals on health reform by seeking more information Wednesday about White House negotiations with industry groups. — Hours before President Barack Obama delivered his State …

Landrieu: Bill on “life support” — If President Barack Obama hoped his State of the Union speech would revive the health care debate on Capitol Hill, signs of movement were not immediately apparent Thursday. — Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) said health care reform “is on life support …

Blackburn Will Not Attend Opryland Tea Party Convention — From Blackburn spokesman Claude Chafin: … From Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn herself: … The Tea Party Convention and its sponsor organization, Tea Party Nation, have been under fire as of late by former members of the group.

Election 2010: Wisconsin Senate — Wisconsin Senate: Thompson 47%, Feingold 43% — One more Democratic senator who has long been regarded as a safe prospect for reelection may be facing a challenging year in 2010. — A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters …

Photo Of The Day -Joint Chiefs Of Staff React To Obama's DADT Message — UPDATE: For those of you saying that protocol demands that the Joint Chiefs remain passive and non-reactive during presidential speeches, here's how they lept to their feet to applaud the president's threat to stick it to Iran over their nuclear program.

Pelosi: Obama's Health Care Appeal “Very Powerful” And “Helpful To Us” — There've been some rumblings among House Dems that Obama's speech last night, despite its urgent appeal for passage of health reform, didn't chart out a specific enough road map for Congress to break its logjam on the issue.

Speaker Pelosi says Senate delay is an historic part of the ‘legislative process’
The Politico

10 Arrested in Malaysia Tied to al Qaeda Christmas Day Airplane Plot — 10 men were arrested in Malaysia on suspicion that they were somehow linked to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. All of but one of them foreigners. Several of them Nigerians. — Which is pretty much par for the course …

2 NY Dems: No 9/11 Trial in City — On the heels of Mayor Bloomberg's flip-flop today over trying Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four henchmen in New York City, two prominent Democratic lawmakers from the state are telling Team Obama to hold the trial elsewhere.

Populism: Just Like Racism! … Normally one would have to be in the grip of a narcissistic psychosis to think that a columnist for the New York Times has written an article for your personal benefit. But after his latest article in the Times, in which he compares the “populism” of people who …

Hackers Hit House Websites — Hackers struck at least 10 House websites overnight, substituting expletives aimed at Pres. Obama just hours after his State of the Union address. — The hackers targeted many House Dem freshmen, including Reps. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM), Harry Teague (D-NM) …
The Politico

Howard Zinn, historian who challenged status quo, dies at 87 — Howard Zinn, the Boston University historian and political activist who was an early opponent of US involvement in Vietnam and a leading faculty critic of BU president John Silber, died of a heart attack today in Santa Monica …
Associated Press, Gothamist, Working In These Times, DaTechguy's Blog, American Power and Jack & Jill Politics

Obama's Dull, Cheap, Successful Speech — President Obama's speeches have always been notable for both their exquisite prose and their unusually high intellectual level. Tonight's speech, while probably as effective as such speeches can be, was neither. — The dropoff between rhetoric penned …