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Justice Alito mouths ‘not true’ — POLITICO's Kasie Hunt, who's in the House chamber, reports that Justice Samuel Alito mouthed the words “not true” when President Barack Obama criticized the Supreme Court's campaign finance decision. — “Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century …
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Text: Obama's State of the Union Address — Following is the prepared text of President Obama's State of the Union address, delivered Jan. 27, 2010, as released by the White House: — Madame Speaker, Vice President Biden, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:
Washington Monthly, The Note, Ross Douthat, The Reaction, Slate, Commentary, Stop The ACLU, Pajamas Media, American Power, The New Republic, Liberal Values, NewsReal Blog, The Corner on National …,, Top of the Ticket, Taylor Marsh, Classical Values, Another Black Conservative, Dennis the Peasant, Mediaite, The Mahablog,, The Greenroom, JOSHUAPUNDIT, CNN, TPMCafe and Flopping Aces
Justice Alito's Reaction — There was the president, and there were six members of the Supreme Court. The few words from the one to the others went by quickly. The president's tone was mild compared to the animation in some other parts of the speech, and I thought he looked momentarily awkward.
Top of the Ticket, TPM LiveWire, AmSpecBlog, Ben Smith's Blog, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Talking Points Memo and Hit & Run
State of the Union: How did he do? — Professor, Georgetown University Law Center : — In the history of the State of the Union has any President ever called out the Supreme Court by name, and egged on the Congress to jeer a Supreme Court decision, while the Justices were seated politely …
distributedrepublic …
Enter Your E-Mail Address to Sign Up — President Wrong on Citizens United Case [Bradley A. Smith] — Tonight the president engaged in demogoguery of the worst kind, when he claimed that last week's Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, “open[ed] the floodgates for special interests …
SOTU Live Blog — Alito shakes heading, mouthing “not true,” as Obama says recent Supreme Court decision will let lobbyists and corporations own our elections. Highly inappropriate for Alito to do this. You'll notice the Sup Ct doesn't even clap when the president enters.
Barack Obama: “Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests - including foreign corporations - to spend without limit in our elections.” — On Jan. 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling striking …
“Not true”: Alito mouths words as Obama hammers Supreme Court — He's on the far left of your screen, seated to the right of Sotomayor. Politico's calling it his Joe Wilson moment. — When you hear the president of the United States demagoging the First Amendment, you sit there and you take it, son.
FROM JUSTICE ALITO, a “you lie” moment? “POLITICO's Kasie Hunt …
No Sheeples Here, The Moderate Voice, The Anchoress, Althouse, Left Coast Rebel and Riehl World View
Howard Zinn, historian who challenged status quo, dies at 87 — Howard Zinn, the Boston University historian and political activist who was an early opponent of US involvement in Vietnam and a leading faculty critic of BU president John Silber, died of a heart attack today in Santa Monica …
Bob McDonnell's GOP Response: Full Text — Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's Republican Address to the Nation Following Obama's State of the Union Address — (CBS) Immediately following President Obama's State of the Union address, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell will deliver the Republican response.
Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, The Huffington Post, Open Left, Another Black Conservative, Flopping Aces and Scared Monkeys
Poll: 83% of Speech Watchers Approve of Obama's State of the Union Proposals — CBS News conducted an instant poll with Knowledge Networks immediately following President Obama's State of the Union address. Here are some of the highlights: — • 83% of speech watchers approve …
WHY TAMPER WITH LANDRIEU'S PHONES? — From NBC's Pete Williams — A law enforcement official says the four men arrested for attempting to tamper with the phones in the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) were not trying to intercept or wiretap the calls.
McCain seen mouthing ‘blame it on Bush’ when Obama outlines the problems he inherited. — Tonight in his State of the Union address, President Obama outlined steps he plans to take “to pay for the $1 trillion that it took to rescue the economy last year.” However, he first addressed right …
First thoughts on President Obama's state of the union address — President Obama's first state of the union address is in the books. But, the analysis has only just begun. — Below you'll find our first thoughts from the speech. Have some of your own? Feel free to offer them in the comments section.
Washington Wire
Boehner: ‘No Way’ Terrorist Trials Will be Held in New York — The top Republican in the House is vowing to prevent any trial of terror detainees at Guantanamo Bay from being held in New York City as leading Senate Republicans question Attorney General Eric Holder on the civilian status given to the Christmas Day bombing suspect.
Dem senator: Health reform may not be finished this year — Democrats may not finish work on healthcare this year, Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) asserted Wednesday. — Pryor told reporters that there's a “real possibility” that talks could break down, leaving lawmakers without a healthcare bill going into the 2010 midterm elections.
Pelosi floats two-track health reform
The Plum Line, The Hill, USA Today, The Note, Commentary, Liberal Values, Prescriptions, Hot Air and Gateway Pundit
State of the Union: Obama's reality problem — President Obama's primary problem is not rhetorical — though, about an hour into the State of the Union address, I gave up hoping that it might eventually build toward something remotely interesting. (For much of the speech Obama sounded …
Afghan Tribe to Fight Taliban in Return for Aid From U.S. — JALALABAD, Afghanistan — The leaders of one of the largest Pashtun tribes in a Taliban stronghold said Wednesday that they had agreed to support the American-backed government, battle insurgents and burn down the home of any Afghan who harbored Taliban guerrillas.
Scientists in stolen e-mail scandal hid climate data — Ben Webster, Environment Editor, and Jonathan Leake — The university at the centre of the climate change row over stolen e-mails broke the law by refusing to hand over its raw data for public scrutiny.
McCain objects on 'Don't Ask' — McCain: — In his State of the Union address, President Obama asked Congress to repeal the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. I am immensely proud of, and thankful for, every American who wears the uniform of our country, especially at a time of war …
Elizabeth Edwards's Breaking Point — After meeting the love child that rocked her 32-year marriage to one-time presidential candidate John Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards has had enough. — “She said, 'I've had it. I can't do this. I want my life back,' ” her sister, Nancy Anania, tells PEOPLE in the latest cover story.
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