Top Items:

More impact is what's next for the Tea Party movement — A year ago, the Tea Party movement didn't exist. Today, it is arguably the most popular political entity in America. The movement is already more popular than the Republican or Democratic parties, according to a recent NBC / WSJ poll .
Power Line, Riehl World View, Maggie's Farm, INSTAPUTZ, Althouse, Gateway Pundit, American Power and Free America

Brown: SNL Sketch ‘Pretty Funny’ — By: Robert Costa — The GOP isn't the only flagging franchise that Senator-elect Scott Brown (R., Mass.) is helping to revive. Tonight on NBC's Saturday Night Live, host Jon Hamm, best known as the dashing Don Draper of AMC's Mad Men, portrayed Brown in a sketch …
Mediaite, NewsReal Blog, The Hill,, DaTechguy's Blog and Wall Street Journal

‘This Week’ Transcript: Barbara Walters Exclusive with Massachusetts Senator-Elect Scott Brown — Transcript: “This Week” with Massachusetts Senator-Elect Scott Brown, Fox News' Roger Ailes, George Will, Paul Krugman and Arianna Huffington. — WALTERS: So you have a fascinating resume.

UN climate panel shamed by bogus rainforest claim — A STARTLING report by the United Nations climate watchdog that global warming might wipe out 40% of the Amazon rainforest was based on an unsubstantiated claim by green campaigners who had little scientific expertise.
Biased BBC, JammieWearingFool, Weasel Zippers, Tim Blair, EU Referendum and Neptunus Lex

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: Obama Organizing in High School — An Atlas reader, Chuck, has a student in the eleventh grade in an Ohio High School. Her government class passed out this propaganda recruiting paper so students could sign up as interns for Obama's Organizing for America (OFA is the former site.)

The State of the Union Is Comatose — HANDS down, the State of the Union's big moment was Barack Obama's direct hit on the delicate sensibilities of the Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. The president was right to blast the 5-to-4 decision giving corporate interests an even greater stranglehold …
Power Line, Firedoglake, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, Balkinization, The Mahablog, Prairie Weather, The Impolitic and

Gibbs: Accused 9/11 plotter likely to be executed — Still no decision on where Mohammed will be tried — WASHINGTON - Accused Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is likely to be executed after being tried and convicted, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Sunday.

Gibbs won't commit to civilian trial for KSM
Weasel Zippers

Paul Krugman Calls Fox News “Deliberate Misinformation” to Roger Ailes' Face on National Television — I have no idea why Jabba the Ailes decided to appear on “This Week” — but after this beatdown by Krugman, I doubt he'll be back. — Notice Jabba doesn't refute Krugman's charge.
AMERICAblog News

Top House Republican cites few opportunities to work with Dems — (CNN) - Despite White House overtures for congressional Republicans to work with Democrats, the top GOP official in the House said Sunday that such opportunities are limited. — “There aren't that many places where we can come together …

Camus Fired Up — It began as a bit of partisan gamesmanship …

Terrorists ‘plan attack on Britain with bombs INSIDE their bodies’ to foil new airport scanners — Britain is facing a new Al Qaeda terror threat from suicide ‘body bombers’ with explosives surgically inserted inside them. — Until now, terrorists have attacked airlines …
Pajamas Media, The Moderate Voice, Israel Matzav, Fausta's Blog, Atlas Shrugs and Althouse

Senator suggests Holder step down — A top-ranking Senate Republican suggested that Attorney General Eric Holder should “step down” one year into the job. — GOP Conference Chairman Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) said on “Fox News Sunday” that the embattled Holder likely made the decision …
The Politico

How to Reform Our Financial System — PRESIDENT OBAMA 10 days ago set out one important element in the needed structural reform of the financial system. No one can reasonably contest the need for such reform, in the United States and in other countries as well.

Pakistan Taliban Chief Reportedly Killed in U.S. Drone Strike — The head of the Taliban in Pakistan, Hakimullah Mehsud, was killed in a U.S. drone attack, Pakistan state television reported Sunday. — The report stated Mehsud had been injured in a drone attack in the Shaktoi area January 14 and died three days later.
The Jawa Report

Latest Round-Up of Obama Poll Ratings by State — The latest round-up of President Obama's job approval or favorability ratings by state updates or adds Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Don Surber

The Secessionist Campaign for the Republic of Vermont — The President on Wednesday may have reassured Americans that the state of the Union is “strong,” but, just the week before, a group of Vermont secessionists declared their intention to seek political power in a quest to get their state to quit the Union altogether.
Veterans Today

Union leader: ‘Card check’ will pass in 2010 — Congress will move to pass controversial “card check” legislation this year, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka predicted Sunday. — Trumka said that lawmakers would pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) as well as healthcare reform this year …