Top Items:

Scott Brown to be sworn in as Massachusetts senator Thursday — Sen.-elect Scott Brown, the successor to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), will be sworn in to office Thursday afternoon, giving Republicans 41 seats in the upper chamber. — “Once we get his certificate we expect to swear …

Republicans find loophole in budget ploy to push through healthcare legislation — As it turns out, Senate Democrats may not be able to force healthcare legislation through the chamber on a simple majority vote. — Republicans say they have found a loophole in the budget reconciliation process …
Hot Air, Liberal Values, The New Republic, The Hill, CNN and The Reality-Based Community

WHY THE SWEARING-IN DATE MATTERS.... When Sen.-elect Scott Brown (R) won his special election in Massachusetts on Jan. 19, it started a routine certification process. Brown personally suggested to the Senate that he could be sworn in on Thursday, Feb. 11, and the leadership agreed.

Brown Surprise: Seat Me Now! — Now that his election as Senator from Massachusetts has been certified, Scott Brown wants to get to work — and much more quickly than his colleagues in the Senate had prepared for. Brown's campaign counsel asked Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick to sign …

Lincoln presses Obama on party ‘extremes’ at Q and A — Centrist Sen. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) on Wednesday asked arguably the most contentious question during a discussion between Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama, hitting at conservatives and liberals.

Palin, Emanuel. Pot, Kettle — Did she really just call for Rahm Emanuel to be fired because he allegedly used the term “f**king retarded” to refer to fellow Democrats in a private meeting? Last summer? Did she really? — I don't like the term myself. I think it is offensive.
Examiner, Riehl World View, The Jawa Report, POWIP, THE WEEK News & Opinion and

Special Olympics: Apology not accepted [UPDATED] — The Special Olympics is disputing the White House claim that its chairman, Tim Shriver, accepted Rahm Emanuel's apology for calling liberals “retarded.” — Seeking to damp down the controversy over Rahm Emanuel's reported …

D-Day at CBS News — On the evening of Monday, Feb. 1, Katie Couric, anchor of the CBS Evening News, was wearing red. For the next half-hour, she tore through the headlines. There were allegations of bigotry among the federal air marshals in the U.S., an American church group accused …

What We Lost While Abdulmutallab Clammed Up — The fact that the Christmas Day bomber is cooperating now should not obscure the gross mishandling of the incident by the Obama administration. — The White House yesterday leaked the news that the Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab …

Powell Favors Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' — Gen. Colin L. Powell, who as the nation's top military officer in the 1990s opposed allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military, switched gears today and threw his support behind efforts to end the “don't ask, don't tell” law he helped shepherd in.
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, AMERICAblog Gay, Think Progress, The Huffington Post, TPM LiveWire, A plain blog about politics, The Bilerico Project, Newsweek Blogs, PERRspectives, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, Ben Smith's Blog, New York Times, Democracy in America and Indecision Forever

Countdown begins for end of Keith Olbermann's ‘Countdown’? — Remember Keith Olbermann? — He was the one-time must-see anti-Bush ranter who helped rescue MSNBC (yes, it's still on at night) from even worse oblivion years ago. — Well, quietly last month while no one was looking …
Hot Air, TVbytheNumbers, DailyFinance, The Other McCain, TVNewser, Don Surber, Mediaite, Gawker and Real Clear Politics

Las Vegas mayor: Obama is “a real slow learner”; Update: Reid questioning Obama's patriotism? — Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman lambasted Barack Obama yesterday after Obama made a reference to his city in a speech demanding better fiscal discipline earlier in the day.

White House Privately Signaling Support For House Passing Senate Bill With Fix, Aides Say — White House aides have privately told Dem Congressional aides that the White House supports the House passing the Senate health reform bill with a reconciliation fix, something that could give a bit …

Muslim chaplain ‘smuggled’ box cutters into jail — A Muslim chaplain for the city Department of Correction was arrested this morning for allegedly trying to smuggle in three box-cutters to a lower Manhattan jail. — The imam, Imam Zul-Qarnain Shahid, has worked as a DOC jail chaplain for three years …

James O'Keefe's race problem — A photo of the righty stuntman at a white-nationalist confab illustrates a career marked by racial resentment — Many of the conservatives who gleefully promoted James O'Keefe's past political stunts are feigning shock at his arrest on charges …

Edwards hit wife during heated fight: report — Disgraced former presidential candidate John Edwards reportedly beat his cancer-stricken wife during a horrific marriage-ending fight. — “John lost his temper big time,” a close friend of Elizabeth's revealed to the National Enquirer.

The primacy of process — “Yesterday,” Josh Marshall writes, “I did a handful of posts about how Hill Democrats seem much less adept at mixing politics and policy together than their Republican counterparts.” — This crystallized something I've been struggling to put into words.

Official Carly Fiorina Video Wins Current Hour Of Internet — OH MY GOD “Carlyfornia” Senate candidate Carly Fiorina has struck again on the Internet and the results are monstrous. It's best at the beginning and end, especially the end, picking up steam at exactly 2:26.

‘We Might As Well Be Able To Vote For Disney’: Tea Partiers Slam Citizens United Ruling — Some Tea Partiers are expressing vocal opposition to the Supreme Court's recent ruling striking down the ban on corporate political spending — a stance that puts them at odds with the Republican Party and the broader conservative movement.

Is the Senate majority now in play? — The victories in Illinois by Rep. Mark Kirk (R) and state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias (D) coupled with former Indiana Sen. Dan Coats' (R) decision to challenge Evan Bayh (D) in the fall is likely to stir chatter about the possibility that Republicans …
Discussion:, The Plum Line, The Politico, Ben Smith's Blog, The Capitol Fax Blog, Newsalert, Washington Times, Democracy in America, Bloomberg, Progressive Fix, PoliBlog, Ruby Slippers, AmSpecBlog, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Washington Post, Michelle Malkin, Power Line, Hot Air, The Lonely Conservative, Hotline On Call, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, MyDD and The Note

Holder: ‘I made the Decision’ on Abdulmutallab — By: Daniel Foster — Attorney General Eric Holder has taken ownership of the decision to treat Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as a civilian criminal. — “I made the decision to charge Mr. Abdulmutallab with federal crimes …

Warning sign in Illinois — I think last night's Illinois primary results indicate some difficulties ahead in the state for Democrats that have nothing to do with who the winners and losers were. — Based on the current numbers 885,268 voters were cast in the Democratic primary for Senate compared to 736,137 on the Republican side.
The New Republic, Hot Air, Firedoglake, Commentary, Ben Smith's Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard, Wizbang and RedState

U.S. May Lose 824,000 Jobs as Employment Data Revised: Analysis — Feb. 3 (Bloomberg Multimedia) — The U.S. may lose 824,000 jobs when the government releases its annual revision to employment data on Feb. 5, showing the labor market was in worse shape during the recession than known at the time.

Rush Limbaugh: 'I love the women's movement — especially when walking behind it.' — Last week, hate radio host Rush Limbaugh judged the Miss America pageant. Today he went on Fox and Friends and spoke to host — and former Miss America winner — Gretchen Carlson to respond to the criticism he has been receiving.
Washington Monthly, Crooks and Liars, The Daily Dish,, Feministing, Jezebel and The Hill