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Birther Speaker Takes Heat at Tea Party Convention — NASHVILLE — During WorldNetDaily Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah's Friday night dinner speech, which spent around 10 of its forty minutes on questions about Barack Obama's citizenship, Andrew Brietbart was among the conservatives …
Little Green Footballs, Hot Air, Hit & Run, Coop's Corner, The Lonely Conservative, The Daily Dish, and Mediaite

Palin and McConnell wage proxy battle in Kentucky Republican Senate primary — The Senate Republican primary in Kentucky has emerged as a proxy battle between two leaders of the factionalized Republican Party, Sarah Palin and Mitch McConnell. — At stake is the direction of the Republican Party …

Andrew Breitbart at National Tea Party Convention to Media: “It's Not Your Business Model That Sucks, It's You That Sucks” (Video) — Andrew Breitbart raised the roof at the National Tea Part Convention this morning in Nashville, Tennessee. Speaking to the dozens of reporters assembled in the back of the room, Andrew said this:

Tea Party Looks to Move From Fringe to Force — NASHVILLE — Yes, there were the handful of Revolutionary War re-enactors with their powdered wigs and tri-corner hats. And the man with the T-shirt proclaiming himself a proud member of the “Tennessee MOB” — a poke at politicians who dismissed Tea Partiers as an “angry mob.”

Palin, Visible and Vocal, Is Positioned for Variety of Roles
CNN, The Daily Dish, TPMCafe, Jezebel, PERRspectives, Erick's blog, Mediaite,, Althouse, No More Mister Nice Blog, Taylor Marsh and

Convention Is Trying to Harness Tea Party Spirit
The Politico, The Caucus, Founding Bloggers, Big Government, New York Magazine and Washington Wire

The Tea Party is still taking shape
The Moderate Voice, First Draft, Boston Globe, Prairie Weather, Nashville Scene, CNN and GOP 12

Tea Party Movement Produces New Political Organization
Crooks and Liars, The Confluence, Top of the Ticket, The Politico, Hot Air and The Daily Caller

Eulogy To The Unknown Campaign Volunteer; Obama Misstates Facts — Obama is getting a bit of a bum rap for eulogizing a campaign volunteer (Melanie Shouse, per this, or this) who Obama claims, incorrectly, died without health insurance but insisted on being buried in an Obama t-shirt.

Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis. — In trying to explain why our political paralysis seems to have gotten so much worse over the past year, analysts have rounded up a plausible collection of reasons including …

Snowstorm puts W.H. press corps in danger — Photographers in the White House press corps experienced two dangerous moments on Saturday while covering President Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Committee's Winter Meeting. — Reporters ventured out to cover the speech amid …

How Can Securitization Lending Be Made Safer ? … In his column today, Floyd Norris asks “Can the world be made safe for the return of securitizations?” — To a degree, that is the wrong question. — While some people have become focused on securitization, what we should really be looking …

The New Math on Campus — CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — ANOTHER ladies' night, not by choice. — After midnight on a rainy night last week in Chapel Hill, N.C., a large group of sorority women at the University of North Carolina squeezed into the corner booth of a gritty basement bar.

Steele: ‘Trust Me, After Taxes, A Million Dollars Is Not A Lot Of Money’ — RNC Chairman Michael Steele and former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-TN) held a joint appearance Thursday night at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. When the debate turned to President Obama's plan …

RESPONDING TO ‘ANY CONFUSION OUT THERE’.... Well, he certainly sounds serious about getting health care reform done. — Speaking at a winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee, President Obama covered some familiar ground, but tackled health care reform in a rather straightforward way.

Farmer Knows Best — The dark side of going green. — Kathleen Merrigan, deputy secretary of agriculture and an organic and sustainable food expert, has announced an initiative entitled “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food.” Sixty-five million dollars will be spent “to begin a national conversation …
The Huffington Post

Gillibrand Jumps on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Retreat — In an apparent effort to court a voting bloc in her home state, Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand is preparing to introduce legislation that would withhold funding to enforce the “don't ask, don't tell” law.