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Rep. John Murtha dies at 77 — Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), 77, a Vietnam veteran who staunchly supported military spending and became a master of pork-barrel politics, died today at Virginia Hospital Center following gallbladder surgery last month. — Elected to Congress in 1974 …

John Murtha dies, special election looms — The death of longtime Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha (D) this afternoon will set off a special election in his very competitive western Pennsylvania 12th district. — According to state law, the governor has ten days once the vacancy …

Rep. John Murtha, Iraq war critic, dies at 77 — HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - U.S. Rep. John Murtha, an influential critic of the Iraq War whose congressional career was shadowed by questions about his ethics, died Monday. He was 77. — The Pennsylvania Democrat had been suffering complications from gallbladder surgery.

Congressman Murtha Dies — Representative John P. Murtha, the longtime Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania, has died at age 77. — His aides released a statement saying that he died shortly after 1 p.m. today at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, a suburb of Washington …
The Confluence,, culturekitchen, Runnin' Scared, TalkLeft and Outside The Beltway

BREAKING NEWS: Congressman John Murtha Dies At Age 77 — WASHINGTON, D.C. — A spokesman said Democratic Rep. John P. Murtha died Monday at 1:18 p.m. at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, Va. — Murtha had been suffering complications from gallbladder surgery. At his bedside was his family.

The six Republican ideas already in the health-care reform bill — At this point, I don't think it's well understood how many of the GOP's central health-care policy ideas have already been included as compromises in the health-care bill. But one good way is to look at the GOP's …

Obama to Convene Summit on Health Care — President Obama said Sunday that he will convene a half-day, bipartisan health care summit at the White House on Feb. 25 to be broadcast on television, so Americans can see Democrats and Republicans try to break the deadlock on health care legislation.
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REFUSING TO TAKE ‘YES’ FOR AN ANSWER.... OK, so Republicans want health care reform to be shaped entirely by their ideas. But would they tolerate a plan that includes some of their ideas? Apparently not — the existing proposal already does that. — Ezra Klein highlights an often-overlooked point …

Cantor: Only Route To Bipartisan Cooperation Is If Dems Fully Embrace GOP Plan

Jobs bill gets snowed under
CBS News, The Caucus, Dennis the Peasant, The Confluence, Wonk Room and The Huffington Post

Obama invites Republicans to summit on health care
Brendan Nyhan, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Ezra Klein, AmSpecBlog, Wonk Room, Progressive Fix, The Hill, Crooks and Liars, Open Congress, and Wonkette


Sarah Palin Needs Help — There's something which, if you've ever been in the business of trying to sell consulting services, you've probably grown accustomed to. It's what I call the “consulting paradox”. Namely, it's the idea that the people who are most in need of help are often the least aware of it.

You Betcha!... Palin Campaigns For Rick Perry- Writes “Hi Mom” On Her Hand! (Pics) — RIGHT ON— On Sunday the left went bonkers after they discovered that the TelePrompter-less former Governor Sarah Palin wrote notes on the palm of her left hand for her speech to the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville.

Palin Hand Crib Notes Attract Scrutiny — Posted by David S Morgan Former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's appearance before the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville Saturday night gave plenty of red meat to the attendees, such as calling President Obama …

America Is Not Yet Lost — We've always known that America's reign as the world's greatest nation would eventually end. But most of us imagined that our downfall, when it came, would be something grand and tragic. — What we're getting instead is less a tragedy than a deadly farce.

White House moves to make the filibuster a campaign issue — Over the past week, President Obama and his senior aides have repeatedly cited Republicans' filibuster threats as the primary reason for the lack of progress on big ticket legislative items, an early sign that Democrats will seek …
Washington Post, The New Republic, Swampland, The Political Carnival and Atlantic Correspondents

If Marc Thiessen Doesn't Want to be Compared to the Spanish Inquisition, He Should Stop Advocating Torture Techniques Used in the Spanish Inquisition — Marc Thiessen, who loves torture, is sad that people think he loves torture: … I'm fairly certain that I've only compared Bush …

Paterson to talk to Times — Governor David Paterson will sit down for an interview with The New York Times tomorrow, a person familiar with the plan tells me, as his state chatters about an as-yet unpublished retrospective of his difficult year in office. — Paterson's style of running …
New York Post, Gawker, The Daily Politics, New York Magazine, Gothamist, Michael Calderone's Blog, Capitol Confidential and The Page

Times Paterson ‘Exposé’ Will Be ‘PG-13, Not XXX’
Examiner, Gothamist, The Business Insider, Mediaite, Runnin' Scared, Gawker, CBS News and Wonkette

CNN contributor Erick Erickson: “Ugly feminists return to their kitchens” after Tebow Super Bowl ad — From Erick Erickson's Twitter feed: — EXPAND ALL EXPAND 1ST LEVEL COLLAPSE ALL
Pam's House Blend

2/8: Obama Approval Rating Below 50% ... Disapproval Among Majority of Independents — Fewer registered voters nationwide — 44% — currently approve of President Barack Obama's job performance than disapprove — 47%. When Marist last asked about the president's approval rating in December …
The Swamp, Hot Air, The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Hill, Ruby Slippers, The Strata-Sphere, National Review Online and D.C. Now

There's something new under the sun — I've been racking my brain all morning, but I really can't come up with another example of a president gambling major legislation on a televised, hyped showdown with the leadership of the minority party. Congressional Democrats have been begging Obama …
A plain blog about politics

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P. — WASHINGTON — If the Democratic Party has a stronghold on Wall Street, it is JPMorgan Chase. — Its chief executive, Jamie Dimon, is a friend of President Obama's from Chicago, a frequent White House guest and a big Democratic donor.

75% Are Angry At Government's Current Policies — Voters are madder than ever at the current policies of the federal government. — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 75% of likely voters now say they are at least somewhat angry at the government's current policies …