Top Items:

Congressional Democrats point finger of blame at Rahm Emanuel on healthcare — Democrats in Congress are holding White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel accountable for his part in the collapse of healthcare reform. — The emerging consensus among critics in both chambers is that Emanuel's lack …

Top House Republicans throw cold water on health-care summit — Leading House Republicans raised the prospect Monday night that they might refuse to participate in President Obama's proposed health care summit if the White House chooses not to scrap the existing reform bills and start over.
The Atlantic Politics Channel, Washington Monthly, The Plum Line, Washington Times, Mediaite, The Strata-Sphere, Weekly Standard, Think Progress, White Blog Feed, The Daily Dish, Doug Ross, Wake up America, Indecision Forever, The Foundry, The Fix, Jules Crittenden, New York Magazine, Wonk Room, The Mahablog, Hot Air and Firedoglake

Obama Rebukes Boehner In Testy Exchange, Charges GOP Wants To Kill All His Initiatives — Update: White House press sec Robert Gibbs just got in touch to confirm that there was an exchange and to clarify a key point. His comments are below. — At the private White House meeting today between Obama …
Washington Post

Wilder: Obama needs to fire DNC Chairman Kaine, W.H. advisers — During the 2008 campaign, I strongly endorsed Barack Obama for president. I did so early, when many Democratic leaders — including many prominent African-American politicians — believed the safe bet was to back then-front-runner Hillary Clinton.

The Hill: 'Cracks are beginning to show in Emanuel's once-impregnable …
Kausfiles, Top of the Ticket, The Huffington Post, DownWithTyranny! and The Washington Note

Robert Gibbs Scrawls Notes on Hand, Mocking Sarah Palin (Video) — Posted by Brian Montopoli Following President Obama's surprise appearance at the White House press briefing, press secretary Robert Gibbs garnered laughter from the press corps by holding up his hand to reveal that he had written notes on his palm in black marker.
The TrogloPundit, WBBM-TV, Sister Toldjah, Riehl World View, Mudville Gazette and Raw Story

Getting Sarah Palin's Paradigm — “If the primaries were this year, I suspect she'd be nominated,” a senior adviser to one of Sarah Palin's potential rivals confides. It's easy to see why: no one who's thinking of running beats the enthusiasm she generates among Republican activists.

Robert Gibbs Goes Dane Cook: Steals Jokes from Sarah Palin to Make Fun of Her — Focused like a laser. — In a White House briefing where the president showed up (because Howard Kurtz wrote a column) to talk about his bipartisan health-care summit and getting beyond politics to solve problems …

Palin Advocates War With Iran After Apparently Misunderstanding …
Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly, Raw Story, News Desk and The Corner on National …

Opposing view: ‘We need no lectures’ — Administration disrupts terrorists' plots, takes fight to them abroad. — Politics should never get in the way of national security. But too many in Washington are now misrepresenting the facts to score political points, instead of coming together to keep us safe.
Political Punch, Washington Examiner, Washington Monthly, National Review, Josh Gerstein's Blog, PostPartisan, Hot Air,, New York Post, White Blog Feed, The Corner on National …, Power Line, The Other McCain, Liberal Values, The Foundry, Big Government, The Strata-Sphere, Sister Toldjah, RedState, Taylor Marsh, Indecision Forever, Emptywheel, The Hill, Washington Post, Gateway Pundit, AMERICAblog News, The Washington Independent, Real Clear Politics, Don Surber, Shot in the Dark,, Dennis the Peasant, National Review Online and Brendan Nyhan

Bush Was Right, Says Obama — 'We're not handling any of these cases any different from the Bush administration.' — This weekend, Americans were treated to something new: Barack Obama defending his war policies by suggesting they merely continue his predecessor's practices.
USA Today, The Corner on National …, The Strata-Sphere, Betsy's Page, Hot Air, This ain't Hell … and Commentary

Sen. Bond calls for Brennan's resignation
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, The Corner on National … and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Specter: Christmas bombing suspect shouldn't have been read his rights
Hot Air

Something Much Darker — Andrew Sullivan has a serious problem. — I. — “Trying to explain the doctrine of the Trinity to readers of The New Republic is not easy.” On June 2, 1944, W.H. Auden penned that sentence in a letter to Ursula Niebuhr. On January 26, 2010 …
Pajamas Media, Gawker, TPMCafe, The Huffington Post, Riehl World View, Fausta's Blog, New York Magazine, AmSpecBlog, Grasping Reality … and Wonkette

The Latest From Leon — It's been fourteen years since I left TNR and Leon Wieseltier is still obsessed with his long-standing and at this point tedious personal vendetta against me. I will try and defend myself from these dark insinuations of anti-Semitism one by one in due course …
NewsReal Blog

Wieseltier vs Sullivan — My understanding is that Leon Wieseltier and Andrew Sullivan have some kind of personal beef dating back to when Sullivan was editor of the New Republic. Wieseltier basically runs the back-of-the-book autonomously, which is a setup that often leads to friction …

Poll: Bipartisanship popular, compromise tricky — Americans spread the blame when it comes to the lack of cooperation in Washington, and, in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, most want the two sides to keep working to pass comprehensive health-care reform.

Exclusive Pics: Lt. Dan Choi back in service? — This past weekend at the NGLTF Creating Change conference, there was a notable absence that many have already tweeted and remarked about. Lt. Dan Choi was supposed to lead a Knights Out sponsored workshop on Friday morning about ending …

Unemployment taxes slam businesses — NEW YORK ( — Employers are getting hit with a massive tax hike at a time when they can least afford it. — Companies in at least 35 states will have to fork over more in unemployment insurance taxes this year, according to the National Association of State Workforce Agencies.

Brown opposes Obama in first big vote — Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) cast his first major vote today, helping Republicans maintain a filibuster against President Obama's nominee to the National Labor Relations Board. — Brown opposed ending debate on the nomination of Craig Becker …

Michael Steele Suggests Criticism Of His Tenure Motivated By Racism — It's been awhile since Michael Steele has landed himself in the news, but this might stir things up again: In a new interview, Steele bluntly suggests criticism of his tenure — and all the media coverage it's garnered — may be motivated by racism.
Media Matters Action Network, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, theGrio, Daily Kos and TPM LiveWire

Shelby not done blocking nominations — Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) may have dropped his holds on President Barack Obama's nominees, but he's more than willing to keep blocking nominations if he doesn't get his way. — “The process goes on every day,” Shelby told POLITICO. “There are other appointments.

Felony Snowball Tossing Charges Lodged — Cops: Virginia college students pelted city plow, unmarked police car — Felony snowball throwing charges have been leveled against two Virginia college students for allegedly pelting a city plow and an undercover police car during Saturday's blizzard.

Secret contract, lavish spending push Republican Party of Florida to crisis — As a volatile election season gets under way, the Republican Party of Florida is facing its biggest crisis of confidence in decades. — Donors and party activists are livid over newly revealed records …

Republicans — Not Obama — More Often on Wrong Side of Public Opinion — One of the more commonplace assertions among pundits on the center-right — made rather carelessly by Victor Davis Hanson and more thoughtfully by Jay Cost, is that agenda put forward by Obama and the Democrats …

‘The Limits of Blaming Bush’ — By: Veronique de Rugy — President Obama never tires of blaming President Bush for the deficit our nation faces. Tobe sure, the Bush-era deficits were bad. I spent a great deal of time in the last eight years protesting our last president's lack of fiscal responsibility (here and here, for instance).
Megan McArdle

Defiant Paterson reports on Times interview: ‘No such questions’ — David Paterson called a press conference (nominal subject: snow) after his interview this afternoon with The New York Times's Albany bureau, effectively to declare an end to the speculation that the Times is about to break …