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Evan Bayh to retire — Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election this year, a decision that hands Republicans a prime pickup opportunity in the middle of the country. — “After all these years, my passion for service to my fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving …
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Bayh To Retire In Face Of Challenge — Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) will not seek a 3rd term in the Senate next year, according to a Dem source, handing Dems yet another setback as they struggle to salvage their damaged ship. — Bayh, elected statewide 5 times, will become the 5th Senate Dem not to seek another term.

BAYH TO RETIRE.... A huge surprise out of Indiana this morning, which will make the 2010 midterms that much more challenging for the Democratic majority. … Like Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) announcement in January, Bayh's retirement comes completely out of the blue.

Democratic Sen. Bayh Will Not Seek Re-Election This Year — Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election this November, an unexpected decision that hands Republicans an opportunity for a pick-up in a year when Democrats are already defending several open Senate seats.
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Bayh to retire in huge blow to Dems — Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) will announce this afternoon that he will not seek re-election in 2010. — The news is a big loss for Democrats, opening up a very competitive seat in what's shaping up to be a tough cycle for Democrats.

Evan Bayh to retire — Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will announce this afternoon that he won't be running for reelection, two senior Democratic sources told POLITICO. — Bayh, who served two terms as governor of Indiana before winning election to the Senate in 1998, was favored to win another term this November.
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‘Oddball’ protrait emerges — Suspect's family, pals offer clues — As authorities searched for clues into what could have sent a University of Alabama neurobiology professor on an alleged killing spree, friends and family yesterday described Braintree native Amy Bishop as an awkward introvert …

Quincy man recalls Amy Bishop holdup — ‘For the last 23 years, it was just a cool story I could tell.’ — A former auto-body worker claims Amy Bishop put a gun to his chest and demanded a getaway car just minutes after she shot her brother to death 24 years ago in a controversial case that is now being reviewed.

White House revamps communications strategy — White House officials are retooling the administration's communications strategy to produce faster responses to political adversaries, a more disciplined focus on President Obama's call for “change” in Washington and an increasingly selective use of the president's time.
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Rachel Maddow Stuns Rep. Aaron Schock By Calling Out His Spending Hypocrisy (VIDEO) — What's Your Reaction: … A heated exchange took place during NBC's “Meet the Press” on Sunday when MSNBC host Rachel Maddow accused Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) of hypocrisy for railing against a spending bill …

Corrections — EDITORS' NOTE — In a number of business articles in The Times over the past year, and in posts on the DealBook blog on, a Times reporter appears to have improperly appropriated wording and passages published by other news organizations.

Series of missteps by climate scientists threatens climate-change agenda — With its 2007 report declaring that the “warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won a Nobel Prize — and a new degree of public trust in the controversial science of global warming.

Ann Coulter Refers to Joe Biden as Drunken Irishman Twice in Debate Over Biden Attempt to Counter Cheney Criticism — Ann Coulter has referred to VP Joe Biden as a “drunken Irishman” not once, but two, extremely enjoyable times in a debate with former Howard Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi …

U.S. hunts for English-speaking bombers — Christmas Day bomb suspect reveals plot — U.S. and allied counterterrorism authorities have launched a global manhunt for English-speaking terrorists trained in Yemen who are planning attacks on the United States, based on intelligence provided …

Goldman Goes Rogue - Special European Audit To Follow — At 9:30pm on Sunday, September 21, 2008, Goldman Sachs was saved from imminent collapse by the announcement that the Federal Reserve would allow it to become a bank holding company - implying unfettered access to borrowing from the Fed …

Sarah Palin Mania takes over Daytona — DAYTONA BEACH - Palin-mania easily surpassed Danica-mania at Daytona International Speedway on Sunday. — While Patrick got all the headlines for the better part of two weeks, she had no stake in the Daytona 500. Palin did, and as a VIP guest for the race, she ate up all the attention.
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