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IN Dem Misses The Deadline — Restaurant owner Tamyra d'Ippolito (D) has enough signatures to make the ballot in the race to replace Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), she told Hotline OnCall in a brief interview, but an official in a key district says she has failed to reach the threshold.

Winners and losers from Evan Bayh's retirement — Indiana Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh's decision not to run for re-election is a massive shock to the political system, the full ramifications of which won't be fully known for weeks or months. — But, Bayh's retirement did produce its fair share …

Evan Bayh's Retirement Leaves Democrats Scarred And Demanding Aggression — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Senator Evan Bayh's abrupt announcement on Monday that he will retire at the end of his term has further united disparate voices within the Democratic Party behind the idea that legislative action …
The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly, Time, The Politico, The Hill, SpeakEasy, Commentary, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and AMERICAblog News

Evan Bayh Blasts ‘Brain-Dead Partisanship’ — Indiana Senator Rules Out 2012 Presidential Run, Mum on 2016 Ambitions — Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, whose retirement announcement Monday stunned the political world, today assailed partisanship in Congress and said he could achieve much more in the private sector than as a senator.
The Note, Salon, The Caucus, Real Clear Politics, Mediaite, USA Today, The Page, Donklephant and The Eye

Indiana Dem: White House is conspiring to put Baron Hill in Bayh's spot
The Daily Caller, Ben Smith's Blog, Gateway Pundit, The Washington Independent and Riehl World View

D'Ippolito: I Have Enough Signatures To Get On The Ballot For IN-SEN Dem Primary

Secret Joint Raid Captures Taliban's Top Commander — WASHINGTON — The Taliban's top military commander was captured several days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, in a secret joint operation by Pakistani and American intelligence forces, according to American government officials.
Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Huffington Post, Guardian, The Washington Independent, Mediaite, BLACKFIVE, The Long War Journal, neo-neocon, Raw Story, Los Angeles Times,, Informed Comment, The Corner on National …, Washington Post, Michelle Malkin, NPR Blogs,, Danger Room, Sister Toldjah, Neptunus Lex, Michael Calderone's Blog, Shakesville, And So it Goes in Shreveport, GayPatriot, Sweetness & Light,, Washington Monthly, Scared Monkeys, Daily Kos, Betsy's Page, The Majlis, Politics Daily, Another Black Conservative, Prairie Weather, MyDD, PoliBlog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Wall Street Journal, News Hounds, Power Line, The Vail Spot, TigerHawk and Enduring America

It's Extremely Important We Don't Torture Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar
The Huffington Post, The Daily Dish, Guardian, Raw Story, The Corner on National … and DaTechguy's Blog

Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right — SANDPOINT, Idaho — Pam Stout has not always lived in fear of her government. She remembers her years working in federal housing programs, watching government lift struggling families with job training and education.
Discussion:, Little Green Footballs, Jack & Jill Politics, Firedoglake, Blog, Gawker, Prairie Weather, First Draft, The Mahablog, Hullabaloo, TPMCafe, No More Mister Nice Blog,, Right Wing Watch, The Reaction, Sadly, No!, The Moderate Voice, Think Progress,, Los Angeles Times and SONICFROG DOT NET

Join our DADT blog swarm, call HRC today — AMERICAblog joins today with a coalition of gay and straight bloggers in asking our readers to contact the Human Rights Campaign on behalf of the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.” — OUR MESSAGE TO HRC IS SIMPLE:

WOULD THE WHITE HOUSE PRESENT ITS OWN BILL?.... Last summer, the White House explicitly said that when it came to health care reform, it would gladly allow Congress to write the legislation itself. President Obama would establish the vision and lay out the principles, but let lawmakers do what lawmakers do.

Excise Tax Loses Support Amid White House Push — WASHINGTON — An agreement to tax high-cost, employer-sponsored health insurance plans, announced with fanfare by the White House and labor unions last month, is losing support from labor leaders, who say the proposal is too high a price …

Does Dick Cheney Want to Be Prosecuted? — After he was indicted for the murder of Alexander Hamilton, vice president Aaron Burr fled to South Carolina, to hide out with his daughter. Another vice president, Spiro Agnew, kept completely silent before pleading nolo contendere on corruption charges.

Most Americans think Congress should start over on healthcare reform, poll says — In a brutal assessment of the Democratically authored healthcare reform bills pending in Congress and the party's approach to healthcare, more than half of the respondents to a new Zogby International-University …

In Bid to Revive Nuclear Power, U.S. Is Backing New Reactors — WASHINGTON — President Obama told an enthusiastic audience of union officials on Tuesday that the Energy Department had approved a loan guarantee intended to underwrite construction of two nuclear reactors in Georgia, with taxpayers picking up much of the financial risk.

What's the Deal? — One of the most intriguing news stories of the past week is the murder of Hamas terrorist Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. The team that carried out the assassination allegedly included eleven members, ten men and a woman. They were evidently traveling on fake passports …

Sens. seek Obama boost on campaign trail — GOP hopes to see him on stump — President Obama kicks off what might be called his “Save the Senate” tour this week, heading west to campaign for two embattled Democrats trailing badly against Republican challengers - including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
The Politico,, QandO, AmSpecBlog, The Lonely Conservative, GayPatriot and USA Today

Election 2010: California Governor — California Governor: Brown 43%, Whitman 43% — Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman now runs dead even with likely Democratic nominee Jerry Brown in California's gubernatorial contest. — The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely California …

Oh, Canada for HRC if Pres. Palin? — From NBC's Courtney KubeSecretary of State Hillary Clinton could not escape U.S. politics during her trip to Saudi Arabia. Early this morning during a town hall meeting with students at Dar Al Hekma College, a student asked Clinton if she thinks Sarah Palin …

Milbank writing Beck book: ‘Tears of a Clown’ — Dana Milbank recently wrote how a Fox News star has really “captured the moment,” before posing the question: “Is Glenn Beck America?” — Milbank, who only had about 750 words to tackle that question in his Washington Post column …

Lake Erie Frozen over; First Time in 14 Years — Following a cold snap in the Northeast, Lake Erie's surface is virtually frozen over for the first time in about 14 years. — The ice ranges in thickness between paper thin along the northern shore and several inches along the southern shore, where many people are ice skating.

Another case of TSA overkill — Just when I thought I was out of the Transportation Security Administration business for a few columns, they pull me back in. — Did you hear about the Camden cop whose disabled son wasn't allowed to pass through airport security unless he took off his leg braces?