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Obama advisers set to recommend military tribunals for alleged 9/11 plotters — President Obama's advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said …
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Obama Prepping KSM Cave-In — Big win for the Cheney family: … I'm not going to attempt to defend this. I'll merely note that it's hard enough to have any kind of civil liberties in this country when the opposition party is pushing for them. When what you have is an opposition that's …

Hold the Champagne on Military Commissions - It's a Head Fake — By: Andy McCarthy — The Washington Post article that Dan posted about last night is a head fake. President Obama is not caving on military commissions. He has already caved on them: He failed (thankfully) to abolish them …

What Are They Thinking? — Looks like being Obama's attorney general requires putting your manhood in a blind trust. — Let me just make one point on the politics of this decision, since politics is clearly what's driving it. If the White House retreats from a civilian trial …

Sneak peek: Rove memoir accuses Lehane in late Bush DUI revelation (Chris responds) ... Obama e-mail: ‘Rove hates me’ ... claims POTUS drew from Bush playbook in '08 campaign — The cover of Karl's book ... juicy bits below ... $16.20 on Amazon. — BREAKING — AP: “The chief of the Pentagon police …

Accused 9/11 plotter may get military trial — Washington (CNN) — White House advisers are considering recommending alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed be tried in a military court instead of a civilian one in New York City, a senior administration official told CNN on Friday.

Pentagon Shooter: Anti-Bush Nut Case and 9/11 Truther — There was a shooting just outside the Pentagon today, at a security checkpoint. Two cops were injured; breaking reports say the suspect, J. Patrick Bedell, has died. … And Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut case.

John Patrick Bedell: Did right-wing extremism lead to shooting? — Authorities have identified John Patrick Bedell as the gunman in the Pentagon shooting. He appears to have been a right-wing extremist with virulent antigovernment feelings. — Washington

Pentagon gunman sought ‘truth’ about 9/11 — Anti-government writings linked to shooter reveal long-held frustrations — Pentagon police stand guard after two colleagues were shot in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. — Web evidence — March 5: Police are investigating Web posts possibly …
Discussion:, JammieWearingFool,, Fox News, Liveshots, Hot Air, Shot in the Dark, mediaelites, NPR Blogs, ABCNEWS and Right Pundits

About the Pentagon shooter; Update: Stop playing games, MSM. John Patrick Bedell was a registered Democrat — Scroll down for update debunking MSM “right-wing” spin... A nutball shot two security guards at a Pentagon-area Metro station in D.C. yesterday.

John Patrick Bedell's Gunfight With Pentagon Cops: Crazier …
Gawker, Guardian, Left Coast Rebel, Associated Press, protein wisdom, Washington Post, JustOneMinute and Classical Values

McCain Bill Making Medicare Untouchable Via Reconciliation Contradicts His Record — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — In a direct challenge to Democratic leadership, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) introduced an amendment on Thursday night that would prohibit Congress from using reconciliation to make changes to Medicare.

The Wal-Mart Hippies — About 40 years ago, a social movement arose to destroy the establishment. The people we loosely call the New Left wanted to take on The Man, return power to the people, upend the elites and lead a revolution. — Today, another social movement has arisen.
Prairie Weather, Hit & Run, The Mahablog, The Moderate Voice, Postmodern Conservative and Beat the Press

Statement on the Employment Situation in February — Although the labor market remains severely distressed, today's report on the employment situation is consistent with the pattern of stabilization and gradual labor market healing we have been seeing in recent months.

Is the Recovery Losing Steam? — How you view today's jobs report depends on snow. — Coming into today, many economists believed that last month's storms on the East Coast — which occurred right before the Labor Department conducted its monthly jobs survey — would temporarily reduce employment by a significant amount.

GOP Strategy: Bleed Reconciliation Fix To Death With Byrd Rule — Senior Senate GOP leadership aides have settled on a new strategy that, they hope, will stall or kill the Dem health reform push: They are going to use the arcane “Byrd rule” to try to bleed the reconciliation fix to death and ensure that it never passes.

Obama Retains More Trust Than Congress on Healthcare — Confidence in Obama and Democrats down since June; trust highest in doctors and hospitals — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans remain more confident in the healthcare reform recommendations of President Obama (49%) than in the recommendations …
Politics Daily, The Plum Line, Liberal Values, Polling Matters, Front Row Washington, The Hill and USA Today

OBAMA TO APPEAR IN GRIDIRON VIDEO — President Barack Obama will be skipping this year's Gridiron Club dinner but he'll be there in spirit — or at least on video. — Sources tell POLITICO that there are plans for Obama — who will be in the middle of a weeklong jaunt to Guam …
Politics Daily

Senator Bunning's Universe — So the Bunning blockade is over. For days, Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky exploited Senate rules to block a one-month extension of unemployment benefits. In the end, he gave in, although not soon enough to prevent an interruption of payments to around 100,000 workers.

Vatican hit by gay sex scandal — Vatican chorister sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for papal gentleman-in-waiting — The Vatican was today rocked by a sex scandal reaching into Pope Benedict's household after a chorister was sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for a papal gentleman-in-waiting.

A shameful attack on the U.S. legal system — It never occurred to me on the day that Defense Department lawyer Rebecca Snyder and Lt. Cmdr. William Kuebler of the Navy appeared in my law firm's offices to ask for our assistance in carrying out their duties as military defense lawyers …

Closing of Rest Stops Stirs Anger in Arizona — PHOENIX — The people of Arizona kept their upper lips stiff when officials mortgaged off the state's executive office tower and a “Daily Show” crew rolled into town to chronicle the transaction in mocking tones. They remained calm as lawmakers pondered privatizing death row.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Change — THE chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, favors repeal of “don't ask, don't tell,” the nickname for the policy regulating military service by homosexuals. “I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy …

Obama lauds ‘better than expected’ jobs numbers for February — President Barack Obama boasted Friday that his economic recovery efforts were showing results after the national unemployment rate stayed at a steady 9.7 percent for February. — Obama, touring a small business in Arlington …

State polls show gathering storm — Congress, it turns out, isn't the only institution held in low esteem by voters this year. — According to a POLITICO review of publicly available polling data, numerous state legislatures are also bottoming out, showing off-the-charts disapproval ratings accompanied …

Amanpour for ‘This Week’? — Still searching for a permanent host for “This Week,” ABC News is in talks with Christiane Amanpour, the CNN foreign correspondent known more for globe-trotting reporting than talking politics within the Beltway. — Amanpour, through a CNN spokesperson …