Top Items:

Obama warns staff: Ignore palace intrigue — The spate of news stories delving into West Wing palace intrigue has become so relentless that President Barack Obama warned his team against fueling the blaze. — “Don't get absorbed in the Washington finger-pointing and intrigue,” …

How Obama Is Making the Same Mistakes as Bush — Who would have thought that one of Barack Obama's biggest missteps as president would be repeating some of the bad habits of George W. Bush? No single factor was more instrumental in Obama's 2008 victory than his pledge to completely reverse the nation's course once in the White House.

Faux White House Intrigue Obscures Deeper Disarray: Albert Hunt — Late last week, the best topic for this column seemed to be warfare inside the White House: dueling op-eds, blogs and articles debated whether Rahm Emanuel was the cause of Barack Obama's winter of discontent …

Unrest within Democratic Party plays out in controversy over Rahm Emanuel's role — White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has become a reluctant central figure in the battle between liberals and centrists in the Democratic Party. — A spate of recent reports have portrayed Emanuel …

Massa Implicates Emanuel, Dem Leaders — Embattled Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) lashed out in an emotional radio appearance Sunday, accusing Dem leaders of what he suggested was an orchestrated campaign to force his resignation. — “There's a reason that this has all happened …

Massa slams Dems for ethics probe — Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) says the House ethics committee is investigating him for inappropriate comments he made to a male staffer on New Year's Eve — and that he's the victim of a power play by Democratic leaders who want him out of Congress because he's a “no” vote on health care reform.
Discussion:, Politics Daily, The Hill, Ben Smith's Blog, Talking Points Memo and RedState

Qaeda Operative Arrested in Pakistan — ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An operative of Al Qaeda believed to be an American was arrested in the sprawling southern city of Karachi in recent days by Pakistani security officials, Pakistani officials said Sunday. — American and Pakistani officials …

U.S.-Born al Qaeda Arrest News Incorrect — Confusion Over Militant's Identity Sparked Reports of Gadahn Arrest; Some Media Say It is Another U.S.-Born Terrorist — An “important Taliban militant” was arrested today in Pakistan. But that is where the confusion started.
Atlas Shrugs, ThreatsWatch, Pajamas Media, Creeping Sharia, Jihad Watch, The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, Commentary, Mudville Gazette, Geo TV Pakistan,, BBC, Sister Toldjah, Associated Press, Right Wing Nut House, JOSHUAPUNDIT, The washington times Blogs,, The Long War Journal, NY Daily News, DAWN.COM, JammieWearingFool, Scared Monkeys, The Jawa Report, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Gateway Pundit

Pakistan seeks identity of American suspect

THE GOP STILL JUST DOESN'T LIKE THE UNEMPLOYED.... It's astounding, but in the midst of an unemployment crisis, prominent Republicans continue to castigate those struggling to find jobs. — Yesterday, for example, disgraced former Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) argued that unemployment benefits …

Obama to appeal for public support on health care — WASHINGTON — With the fate of his signature legislative initiative far from certain, President Barack Obama is taking his last-ditch push for health care reform on the road. — In a speech Monday in Philadelphia, Obama will try to persuade …
Los Angeles Times, The Politico, Washington Times, Wall Street Journal and The Corner on National …

Republicans scold Liz Cheney — A group that includes leading conservative lawyers and policy experts, former Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr and several senior officials of the last Bush Administration, is denouncing as “shameful” Republican attacks on lawyers who came to the Obama Justice Department …

The ACLU and Human Rights Watch Rally to Holder's Defense
The Huffington Post

Arkansas's Senator in Middle, Hit on All Sides — HELENA, Ark. — When the subject of Senator Blanche Lincoln came up at a women's luncheon last week at the historic Pillow-Thompson House in this Mississippi River town, there was an awkward pause in the chatter.

A bipartisan push to clean up the Supreme Court's mess — In a city where the phrase “bipartisan initiative” is becoming an oxymoron, the urgency of containing the damage the Supreme Court could do to our electoral system creates an opportunity for a rare convergence of interest and principle.
Prairie Weather

Turkish Police Accost Sabbath Worshipers in Synagogue — Follow Israel news on and . — ( A Turkish newspaper reports that police burst into an Istanbul synagogue during recent Sabbath services and demanded worshipers' ID's. — The Turkish Milliyet newspaper reported …

Officials Step Up Enforcement of Rights Laws in Education — Seeking to step up enforcement of civil rights laws, the federal Department of Education says it will be sending letters in coming weeks to thousands of school districts and colleges, outlining their responsibilities on issues of fairness and equal opportunity.

Obama to nominate ex-Army general to head TSA, sources say — Sources tell CNN that President Obama will nominate an ex-Army general to head the Transportation Security Administration. — Washington (CNN) - President Obama has tapped a former Army general to lead the Transportation Security Administration, sources have told CNN.
The Swamp

Six Reasons Barack Obama is Still the Odds-on Favorite in 2012 — Less than six months after he took office, Barack Obama was labeled a “lame duck” president by a few overeager conservative commentators. Before his first year in the White House was up, some nervous liberals began pronouncing …

Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia — ELEMENTS of Islamic law - the sharia - should be legally recognised in Australia so that Muslims can live according their faith, a prominent Muslim leader says. — Addressing an open day at Lakemba Mosque on Saturday …

Low-tax Texas beats big-government California — Senior Political Analyst — “Stop messing with Texas!” That was the message Gov. Rick Perry bellowed on election night as he celebrated his victory over Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Republican primary for governor.