Top Items:

Massa Implicates Emanuel, Dem Leaders — Embattled Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) lashed out in an emotional radio appearance Sunday, accusing Dem leaders of what he suggested was an orchestrated campaign to force his resignation. — “There's a reason that this has all happened …

The Limits of Rahmism — AS A DOZEN or so top White House officials gathered in Rahm Emanuel's corner West Wing office one morning in early January, the president's political director, Patrick Gaspard, reported on the latest poll numbers in Massachusetts. With less than two weeks until …

Massa Hints He Could Rescind Resignation — Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) suggested on a New York radio station Sunday that he could rescind his resignation — scheduled to take effect at 5 p.m. Monday — after asserting that an ethics investigation into allegations that he sexually harassed …

Massa Details Ethics Case Against Him, Blames Democratic Leaders — Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) told a New York radio station Sunday that an ethics investigation into his behavior focused on sexually-charged comments he made to an aide at a New Year's Eve celebration, but claimed he was unaware …
Firedoglake, Mediaite, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Washington Wire, NY Daily News, Gothamist, Indecision Forever, Hotline On Call, MyDD and

Massa: Rahm Emanuel “Would Sell His Own Mother” For Votes — “Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil's spawn, Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) said. ” He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.

PLEASE DON'T QUIT — We were promised HOPE AND CHANGE but what we got is more of the dirtiest — politics in history. Please don't let them get away with running you off. — Stay and do your part to save America from ruin. — Judy Niedzwiecke — 541-389-6012 — Total Agreeement

Massa: Dems ousted me for ‘no’ vote — He says leaders “got rid of” him so that health care reform would pass.

Eric Massa to Rip Democrats on Glenn Beck's Fox News Show

Massa Details Nature of Harassment Charge, Suggests Plot Against Him
Discussion:, Talking Points Memo, The Hill, Politics Daily, Dr. Melissa Clouthier and AMERICAblog News

Obama-Bush Same Mistakes: President Repeats Stumbles — Who would have thought that one of Barack Obama's biggest missteps as President would be repeating some of the bad habits of George W. Bush? No single factor was more instrumental in Obama's 2008 victory than his pledge to completely reverse …
The Daily Dish, The Humble Libertarian, Jules Crittenden, A plain blog about politics, Hot Air and Sadly, No!

The end of the road for Barack Obama? — Barack Obama seems unable to face up to America's problems, writes Simon Heffer in New York. — It is a universal political truth that administrations do not begin to fragment when things are going well: it only happens when they go badly …

Sarah Palin heads north. Er, south. Er, to Calgary. — It was little surprise that Sarah Palin's first visit to our home and native land (of public health care and gay marriage) would be in Calgary. It also shouldn't be surprising that she was able to curry favour with the local crowd …

Palin: Growing Up, I ‘Hustled Over the Border’ For Health Care — Medicine Hat News reports on a speech Sarah Palin gave in Calgary (tickets as low as $150), where a folksy monologue took a shocking turn — an admission about how her family once received health care.

Conservative California state senator comes out — California State Sen. Roy Ashburn, a conservative Republican with a solidly anti-gay voting record, came out as gay today on a Bakersfield radio station talk show. Ashburn's sexual orientation had been the talk of Sacramento since …

Sen. Roy Ashburn: 'I'm gay'
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Talking Points Memo, Gawker, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Calitics, TPMMuckraker and

Republicans scold Liz Cheney — A group that includes leading conservative lawyers and policy experts, former Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr and several senior officials of the last Bush Administration, is denouncing as “shameful” Republican attacks on lawyers who came to the Obama Justice Department …

Say It As Loud As You Can: The GOP Will Not Accept A GTMO-For-KSM Deal

The story behind Oscar's “Kanye moment” — We talk to the two filmmakers whose personal fight became one of the ceremony's weirdest moments … People are already saying you “pulled a Kanye.” What happened? — BURKETT: What happened was the director and I had a bad difference …
Connecting.the.Dots, The Washington Independent, New York Magazine, New York Times and ArtsBeat

THE GOP STILL JUST DOESN'T LIKE THE UNEMPLOYED.... It's astounding, but in the midst of an unemployment crisis, prominent Republicans continue to castigate those struggling to find jobs. — Yesterday, for example, disgraced former Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) argued that unemployment benefits …
CNN, Confederate Yankee, Rumproast, Media Matters for America, Corrente and

Illinois Democrat Lipinski Will Switch from Yes to No if Health Bill Lacks Stupak Amendment — Add Congressman Dan Lipinski of Illinois to the coalition of pro-life Democrats standing firmly with Bart Stupak in the fight over taxpayer-funding of abortion in the health care bill.

Where are Obama's foreign confidants? — I recently asked several senior administration officials, separately, to name a foreign leader with whom Barack Obama has forged a strong personal relationship during his first year in office. A lot of hemming and hawing ensued.

Program Will Pay Homeowners to Sell at a Loss — In an effort to end the foreclosure crisis, the Obama administration has been trying to keep defaulting owners in their homes. Now it will take a new approach: paying some of them to leave. — This latest program, which will allow owners …
The Washington Independent, The Atlantic Online, Wall Street Journal and Calculated Risk

Mass-Market Epiphany — Mysticism is dying, and taking true religion with it. Monasteries have dwindled. Contemplative orders have declined. Our religious leaders no longer preach the renunciation of the world; our culture scoffs at the idea. The closest most Americans come …

An Irish Mirror — Everyone has a theory about the financial crisis. These theories range from the absurd to the plausible — from claims that liberal Democrats somehow forced banks to lend to the undeserving poor (even though Republicans controlled Congress) to the belief …

Déjà vu all over again … A Republican on Capitol Hill points out that we're going through a health care press coverage time warp. In each of the following four headline pairs, one is from this morning. The other is from last year. See if you can guess which is which.

Steele appears in new TV ad from RNC — The RNC is launching a new television ad this week in Republican-leaning markets. — Washington (CNN) - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele may be coming to a television commercial break near you.