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Massa under investigation for allegedly groping male staffers — Former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) has been under investigation for allegations that he groped multiple male staffers working in his office, according to three sources familiar with the probe. — The allegations surrounding …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Politics Daily, ABCNEWS, Michelle Malkin, Newsbroke, Taylor Marsh, The Confluence, Gawker, NPR Blogs, USA Today, mediaelites, Washington Monthly, Little Green Footballs, Mediaite, YID With LID, Daily Kos, Newsweek Blogs, Power Line, Raw Story, Swampland, The Corner on National …, Althouse, Wizbang, DISSENTING JUSTICE,, Marbury, Joe. My. God. and TPMMuckraker

New Massa allegations: groping, interns — The House ethics committee has received allegations that former Rep. Eric Massa groped at least three male staffers and conducted himself improperly with interns as well as full-time aides, a source familiar with the matter tells POLITICO.

ERIC MASSA DUPES THE CONSERVATIVES — Eric Massa is a snake. — But he is a brilliant snake. — And in one of the most audacious p.r. moves ever, he has conned Limbaugh, Drudge and Beck - and untold millions of Americans. From a little radio studio beside a swamp …

Massa Drama: Democratic Congressman Muddles Rahm's Message — Since everything on health care apparently hasn't been said yet — or, at least, hasn't been said yet by Eric Massa... The drama gets a voice. And it's salty. — Massa, the soon-to-be-former Democratic congressman from upstate New York …

Don't Embrace Eric Massa
Washington Monthly, Hot Air, TPM LiveWire, Washington Post, Fox News, The Sundries Shack, DownWithTyranny!, RedState and Newsbroke

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes. — Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of health care reform's most vociferous opponents, warning that “[h]uman beings will die earlier than normal” under the “freedom killing” and “life threatening” plan, and calling for it to be “aborted.”

Stupak: Health bill abortion fight can be resolved — TAWAS CITY, Mich. — Prospects are good for resolving a dispute over abortion that has led some House Democrats to threaten to withhold support of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, a key Michigan Democrat said Monday.

Why I'm not counting votes — I'm getting a lot of e-mails about this or that congressperson's latest hedge, or this or that effort to count the votes. So let me take a second to explain why I'm not posting those articles: I don't trust them. — To a degree that's really under-appreciated …

Crist down big — Support for Charlie Crist from conservative voters has pretty much evaporated, and that's allowed Marco Rubio to build a 32 point lead in the Republican primary for Senate. — Rubio now leads Crist 60-28, including a staggering 71-17 lead with conservatives.
Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Don Surber, The Fix, The Hill, The Buzz, Daily Kos, AmSpecBlog, FiveThirtyEight, Post on Politics and Gawker

Send Charlie Crist Some Back Wax
RealClearPolitics Video Log, theblogprof, Fausta's Blog, Wonkette, INSTAPUTZ, AMERICAblog News, GayPatriot and The Buzz

Do You Miss Him Yet? — I know you're not supposed to, but I just love to say I told you so. — What I told you back on Sept. 28, 2008, was that within a year of the day he left office George W. Bush would come to be regarded with affection and a little nostalgia.

Graham blasts Cheney on ‘al Qaeda 7’ ad — Senior senators on both sides of the aisle leveled heavy criticism Tuesday against a controversial ad put forth by Liz Cheney and William Kristol, which labeled Justice Department lawyers as the “al Qaeda 7.” — The ad, paid for and produced …
The Corner on National …, Think Progress, Weekly Standard, The Washington Independent and Raw Story

Glenn Beck, think before you preach — UPDATE: Wow. FOX News claimed copyright and had the video removed. That's a first. They never do that. — UPDATE: Right Scoop grabbed the video: — Something very disturbing happened today on FOX. Glenn Beck, who has, for the most part …

US ‘condemns’ Israeli construction — Strong language from Robert Gibbs, which comes just as U.S.-led, indirect talks seemed set to move about a quarter of an inch forward: — Gibbs: — The United States condemns the decision today by the Government of Israel on advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem. ....

The Source of Obama's Trouble — The Obama administration and Democrats in general are in trouble because they are not urgently and effectively addressing the issue that most Americans want them to: the frightening economic insecurity that has put a chokehold on millions of American families.

In U.S., 45% Favor, 48% Oppose Obama Healthcare Plan — Growing sentiment among opponents that bill would raise costs, not address real problems — PRINCETON, NJ — As President Obama begins a final push on healthcare reform, slightly more Americans say they would advise their member …

Culled out — Obama administration will accept no more public input for federal fishery strategy — The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.

43% have less than $10k for retirement — NEW YORK ( — The percentage of American workers with virtually no retirement savings grew for the third straight year, according to a survey released Tuesday. — The percentage of workers who said they have less than $10,000 …

Are unemployment benefits no longer temporary? — Millions of Americans have been forced to rely on unemployment payments for extended periods as the nation struggles through its longest period of high joblessness in a generation, and critics are taking aim, saying that the Depression-era program created …
Donklephant, The Washington Independent,* and Calculated Risk

Health Reform Passes the Cost Test — The Obama plan will cut costs—$600 billion over the next decade. Why walk away from it? — Many people are worried that the health-care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats will fail to bend the “cost curve.”
Ezra Klein

After Boom and Bust, Solar Power Has a Place in the Spanish Sun — PUERTOLLANO, Spain — Two years ago, this gritty mining city hosted a brief 21st-century gold rush. Long famous for coal, Puertollano discovered another energy source it had overlooked: the relentless, scorching sun.

Waterboarding for dummies — Internal CIA documents reveal a meticulous protocol that was far more brutal than Dick Cheney's “dunk in the water” — In background: Former Vice President Dick Cheney — Self-proclaimed waterboarding fan Dick Cheney called it a no-brainer in a 2006 radio interview …

Troopers raid popular bars for unlicensed beers — Dozens of gallons seized after ‘citizen complaint’ — IT WAS ELIOT NESS and the Untouchables, as played by the Keystone Kops. — More than a dozen armed State Police officers conducted simultaneous raids last week on three popular …

Wide Web of diversions gets laptops evicted from lecture halls — On a windy morning in downtown Washington, a hundred Georgetown Law students gathered in a hall for David Cole's lecture on democracy and coercion. The desks were cluttered with books, Thermoses and half-eaten muffins.
ACS Blog

Speaker, Reid meeting with White House at 4:30 — White House officials will huddle with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and their respective leadership teams Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 in the speaker's Capitol Office to put some of the finishing touches on a final health care package, according to aides.

Senate votes 100-0 to highlight spending — The Senate voted unanimously Tuesday to tell the public when it isn't paying for new spending or tax cuts. — In a rare 100- roll call vote, the Senate adopted an amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) that would create a running tally …

White House Easter Egg Roll to Be Environmentally Friendly — (Fox News) - This year's White House Easter Egg roll will be eggs-actly what the bunny ordered. The environmentally concerned bunny, that is. — A White House announcement Monday said the eggs at this year's April 5 roll …

The Anonymous SAO — Felix Salmon attended an off-the-record briefing at the Treasury Department today: … Having read a few posts from the bloggers in question, what I want to know is: Did they really learn anything? Did Geithner and the anonymous SAOs say anything interesting that they wouldn't have said on the record?

The Emanuel-Holder War — The mouthpiece for the pro-torture right and triangulating left, the Washington Post, has been puffing up the genius of Rahm Emanuel in recent weeks. Eric Holder himself has been publicly lamenting that he has not been “political” enough in his job, as attorney-general.

ID Card for Workers Is at Center of Immigration Plan — Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill have settled on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would eventually be required to obtain.
Washington Wire, The Washington Independent, NPR Blogs, Wonk Room and Immigration Chronicles

34 Of 41 Senate Republicans Supported Passing Major Domestic Policy Legislation Through Reconciliation — As the outlook on passage of health reform improves, Republicans have shifted to a new obstructionist strategy: attacking the process of reconciliation.
Fired Up! Missouri