Top Items:

Do You Miss Him Yet? — I know you're not supposed to, but I just love to say I told you so. — What I told you back on Sept. 28, 2008, was that within a year of the day he left office George W. Bush would come to be regarded with affection and a little nostalgia.

Bill Clinton Bests Former Presidents to Handle Crisis Today …
The Political Carnival

Health Care Whip Count Stands at 194-191 — 37 Democratic “No” votes to flip and counting (photo: mag3737 via Flickr) — Some movement since I last updated: — Dan Maffei and Bill Owens, two central New York Congressmen who voted yes last time, are undecided. — Larry Kissell is a confirmed no.

Massa as conservative media hero — He's spent only 431 days in Congress, has never seen any of his bills pass out of subcommittee and was best known for voting against major pieces of legislation because they weren't liberal enough for him — at least until he was accused of sexually harassing a male staffer.
Weekly Standard, The Note, Washington Monthly, Top of the Ticket, The Huffington Post, Big Journalism, The Washington Independent, Roll Call, Washington Post, Indecision Forever, The Hill, RedState, NPR Blogs, Lynn Sweet, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Michelle Malkin, PostPartisan and The Corner on National …

White House: Eric Massa's Health Care Charges Are ‘Ridiculous’
The Politico, Raw Story, Right Pundits, Syracuse Post-Standard, Political Punch, Roll Call and The Note

Former congressman Massa says Democrats set him up over health care
Power Line, Roll Call, Big Government, New York Times, Marbury,, Wizbang, The Eye and Hot Air

The Health Care Whip Count — Dems are aiming to pass health care legislation, once and for all, by Easter recess. But for all their optimistic talk, one thing remains clear: They don't have the votes just yet. Then again, they don't have a bill yet, either.
Hit & Run, Althouse, Betsy's Page, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, And So it Goes in Shreveport, RedState, CNN and AmSpecBlog

Stupak: Health bill abortion fight can be resolved — TAWAS CITY, Mich. — Prospects are good for resolving a dispute over abortion that has led some House Democrats to threaten to withhold support of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, a key Michigan Democrat said Monday.

Bart Stupak holds town hall on health care reform
Michelle Malkin

Crist down big — Support for Charlie Crist from conservative voters has pretty much evaporated, and that's allowed Marco Rubio to build a 32 point lead in the Republican primary for Senate. — Rubio now leads Crist 60-28, including a staggering 71-17 lead with conservatives.

The Source of Obama's Trouble — The Obama administration and Democrats in general are in trouble because they are not urgently and effectively addressing the issue that most Americans want them to: the frightening economic insecurity that has put a chokehold on millions of American families.
JustOneMinute, Facing South, QandO, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Dennis the Peasant and Connecting.the.Dots

Glenn Beck, think before you preach — UPDATE: Right Scoop grabbed the video: — Something very disturbing happened today on FOX. Glenn Beck, who has, for the most part, steered clear of jihad, sharia and Islamic supremacism, put his toe in the water, and for the first time since I started fighting the long war, I got nervous.

Undecided committee chairmen add to pressure on healthcare reform vote — A handful of House committee chairmen are either undecided about or plan to reject the healthcare reform bill that is expected to be voted on as early as next week. — The prospect of several panel chairmen voting …

Poll shows Obama, Dems losing ground — A majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago and think President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security, a new poll finds.
Weekly Standard, Hot Air, Scared Monkeys, Commentary, QandO, The Fix, Weasel Zippers, Shot in the Dark, Gateway Pundit, Power Line and Wolf Files

Poll: Obama wrong on terror suspects
Democracy Corps, Open Left, Taylor Marsh, AMERICAblog News, Commentary, The Plum Line, The Washington Independent and Daily Kos

Introducing Mediagazer — Mediagazer presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. — The media business is in tumult: from the production side to the distribution side, new technologies are upending the industry. What do news organizations need to do to survive? Will books become extinct?
Techmeme News, WebNewser, Gawker, The Next Web, The Wire, Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog, ReadWriteWeb and All Shook Down

Justices to Hear Case of Protest at Marine Funeral — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether the father of a Marine killed in Iraq may sue protesters who picketed his son's funeral with signs that read “God Hates You” and “Thank God for Dead Soldiers.”

Romney: Obama's Healthcare Plan ‘Makes No Sense at All’ — Former Massachusetts governor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney tells Newsmax that America needs to change course or face the “unthinkable consequences” of its decline. — He also asserts that President Obama's policies …

House liberals force vote on pullout from Afghanistan — Liberals in the House, who have spent much of the past year complaining that other congressional Democrats and the White House are insufficiently progressive, will get a chance this week to vent about one of their biggest concerns: the war in Afghanistan.
Politics Daily, Think Progress, Mudville Gazette, The Politico, The Caucus and Don Surber

The Emotion of Reform — We all have our emotional hot and cold spots. If you asked me about the New York Mets, you'd see a glow in my eyes. If you asked me about banking reform, words might come out of my mouth, but you'd notice me nodding off midsentence.

Solar Industry Learns Lessons in Spanish Sun — PUERTOLLANO, Spain — Two years ago, this gritty mining city hosted a brief 21st-century gold rush. Long famous for coal, Puertollano discovered another energy source it had overlooked: the relentless, scorching sun.

Consider the Possibility that Congress Isn't Very Smart. — Matt Bai has a piece in this weekend's New York Times Magazine riffing off of Larry Lessig's important work in correcting both the perception and practice of Congress being horrifyingly warped by the money that flows into campaign coffers.

Was Waxman-Markey A Waste of Energy? — As the Senate ponders a new path to a climate bill, lawmakers who sweated over the House cap-and-trade legislation aren't happy. — Post Comment — In early March, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) dropped some surprising news: The effort …

Culled out — Obama administration will accept no more public input for federal fishery strategy — The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.

Troopers raid popular bars for unlicensed beers — Dozens of gallons seized after ‘citizen complaint’ — IT WAS ELIOT NESS and the Untouchables, as played by the Keystone Kops. — More than a dozen armed State Police officers conducted simultaneous raids last week on three popular …

High standards at The Washington Post — By publishing a book that clearly and unapologetically defends the Bush torture regime, Marc Thiessen catapulted himself from obscure, low-level Bush speechwriter into regular Washington Post columnist, joining fellow torture defenders Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol.

Dems Hold Slight Advantage in 2010 Election Preferences — Republicans are significantly more enthusiastic than Democrats about voting — PRINCETON, NJ — Democrats lead Republicans by a slight 47% to 44% margin when registered voters are asked which party's congressional candidate …