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Parliamentary Hurdle Could Thwart Latest Health Care Overhaul Strategy — WASHINGTON — The White House and Democratic Congressional leaders said Tuesday that they were bracing for a key procedural ruling that could complicate their effort to approve major health care legislation …
Hot Air, Washington Post, Outside The Beltway, The Foundry, RedState, Wall Street Journal, Swampland, QandO, AmSpecBlog, Wonk Room and Dr. Melissa Clouthier

Harry Reid: Filibuster Rules ‘Likely’ To Change — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pledged on Wednesday to take a serious look at revising the filibuster rules at the beginning of the next Congress, calling the current level of obstruction in the Senate unacceptable.
Matthew Yglesias, The Hill, Washington Monthly, Indecision Forever, Daily Kos and Open Left

Kyl says GOP has the votes to stop some health bill fixes in the Senate — Republicans have the votes in the Senate to prevent key changes to Democrats' healthcare package, Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) asserted Wednesday. — Kyl, the second-ranking Republican in the Senate …

The Atlantic Home — Go — Joshua Green - Joshua Green has been a senior editor for The Atlantic since 2003. Columbia Journalism Review named him one of ten young writers on the rise. … Eric Massa's Navy Files — A couple years ago, I got a tip about Eric Massa.
Taegan Goddard's …, Talking Points Memo, Gawker, This ain't Hell …, Hot Air, The Huffington Post, The Nation, Joe. My. God., The Politico, The Media Consortium, FiveThirtyEight, Mediaite, Marbury, PostPartisan, Washington Post, The Political Carnival, Shakesville, Riehl World View and TPMMuckraker

Gibbs Fires Back At Chief Justice Roberts Over Obama Criticism — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The White House fired back at Justice John Roberts Tuesday night, after the Supreme Court Chief told a crowd that he found it “very troubling” that President Barack Obama would criticize the court during his State of the Union address.

The majestic petulance of John Roberts — The petulance and sense of self-importance on display here is quite something to behold: … It's not actually a unique event of oppression or suffering to have to sit and listen to a speech where someone criticizes you and you can't respond that very moment …

Chief Justice John Roberts: Scene at State of Union ‘very troubling’
The Moderate Voice, PostPartisan, DISSENTING JUSTICE, The Daily Beast, ACS Blog and Instapundit

White House Slaps Back at ‘Troubled’ Chief Justice
The Politico

Chief justice unsettled by Obama's criticism of Supreme Court
Crooks and Liars, The Moderate Voice, Above the Law, Confederate Yankee, News Desk and The Corner on National …

Massa flirts with the right, but Beck isn't tickled — Just seven minutes into Glenn Beck's hour-long interview of Eric Massa on Tuesday evening, things had already gone very wrong. — Conservatives had hopes that the now-former Democratic congressman from Upstate New York …
New York Times, New York Post,, Mediaite, The Caucus,, Hit & Run, USA Today, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Hill, This ain't Hell …, NPR Blogs, TPMDC, Fox News and Truthdig

Lawmakers insist shower run-ins like the one Massa alleges are far from norm
The Hill, Associated Press, The Note, Wonkette, Raw Story, The Sundries Shack and The Corner on National …

I turned in Colleen “Jihad Jane” LaRose to the FBI — A Jawa Report Exclusive — ***Exclusive***Sticky*** — Here is The Jawa Report's exclusive report* from the person who notified the FBI about Colleen “Jihad Jane” La Rose's online activities in support of terrorism.

Pelosi says House has votes for healthcare if vote were held today — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested Tuesday evening that Democrats would have the votes to pass healthcare legislation if it were taken up today. — Pelosi, in an interview with Bloomberg and PBS host Charlie Rose …
Charlie Rose, The Daily Caller, Hit & Run, Reuters, Riehl World View, susananne's Diary and neo-neocon

Why You Shouldn't Judge A Lawyer by His Clients — Over the past several years lots of boiling ink and flaming breath have been expended attacking lawyers who took legal positions or represented clients that were or became unpopular. The attorney who represented Bernard Madoff, for instance …

Times-Union poll confirms Rubio with huge GOP senate lead — Crist trailing in all categories except voters from 18 to 29 years old — Former House Speaker Marco Rubio's stunning early lead in Florida's Republican U.S. Senate race was confirmed today by an Insider Advantage/Florida Times-Union poll …

Crist's Conundrum — An independent Charlie Crist bid …
MyDD, AmSpecBlog, Newsweek Blogs, Hot Air, TPMDC, The Washington Independent, The Corner on National … and The Politico

Watermelons, Washington, and What We Call News Today — I must confess that until recently I had no idea what Twitter was. Even now, I'm not completely sure how it's best used. When I want to post something, the younger, more tech-savvy people in my office help me out.

I. Summary — The Roadmap for America's Future, which Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) — the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee — released in late January, calls for radical policy changes that would result in a massive transfer of resources from the broad majority of Americans to the nation's wealthiest individuals.

The New Israel Watch — Having forcibly evicted Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem, the new inhabitants sing songs in praise of the mass murderer Baruch Goldstein. And you really think the decision to make the site of that massacre a national heritage site for Israel had nothing to do with this association?

Grayson introduces Public Option Act — Congressman Alan Grayson, (D-Orlando), today introduced a bill (H.R. 4789) which would give the option to buy into Medicare to every citizen of the United States. The “Public Option Act,” also known as the “Medicare You Can Buy Into Act,” …

Obama Defies Pessimists as Rising Economy Converges With Stocks — The political consensus may be that President Barack Obama's handling of the economy has been weak. The judgment of money in all its forms has been overwhelmingly positive, and that may be the more lasting appraisal.

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary — Technical information: — Employment: (202) 691-6559 * * — Unemployment: (202) 691-6392 * * — Media contact: (202) 691-5902 *

Why Obama Can't Move the Health-Care Numbers — For every voter who strongly favors the plan, two are strongly opposed. — One of the more amazing aspects of the health-care debate is how steady public opinion has remained. Despite repeated and intense sales efforts by the president …

Union, Other Healthcare Bill Supporters ‘Arrest’ Health Insurance Leaders — In a reverse twist on the old protestors' tactic of getting arrested to make a point, union leaders and other backers of President Obama's healthcare plan issued “citizen's arrest” warrants for health insurance executives Tuesday …
The Politico, Crooks and Liars, Washington Post, Left Coast Rebel, Dennis the Peasant, The Impolitic and Suburban Guerrilla

Markos Moulitsas To Kucinich: You'll Be Primaried If You Kill Reform — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas warned on Tuesday night that if Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) plays a role in killing health care reform, a Democratic primary challenger would almost certainly await him in the next election.
Firedoglake, Guardian, Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Taylor Marsh, Raw Story and Dennis the Peasant