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Nancy Pelosi's office was told of concerns about Eric Massa — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office was notified in October by then-Rep. Eric Massa's top aide of concerns about the New York Democrat's behavior, two congressional sources familiar with the matter said Wednesday night.

The Atlantic Home — Go — Joshua Green - Joshua Green has been a senior editor for The Atlantic since 2003. Columbia Journalism Review named him one of ten young writers on the rise. … Eric Massa's Navy Files — A couple years ago, I got a tip about Eric Massa.
Matthew Yglesias, Hot Air, PostPartisan, Commentary, Indecision Forever, Mediaite, Don Surber, Another Black Conservative, Maggie's Notebook, Left Coast Rebel, Washington Post, YID With LID, Gothamist, The Huffington Post, Michelle Malkin, The Note, The Other McCain, Marbury, TPMMuckraker, Political Byline, Confederate Yankee, The Hill, Joe. My. God., Talking Points Memo, Taegan Goddard's …, The Political Carnival, The Huffington Post and Riehl World View

Can Nancy Pelosi Get the Votes?
Discussion:, Fox News, Reuters, The Politico, Washington Post, Commentary and

CBC: Obama not listening — Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are headed to the White House for a meeting on jobs Thursday, and they'll have a few words to say about how President Barack Obama is doing his. — The 43-member caucus is fighting through one of the most difficult periods …

More Messages Link Senator to Job Effort — WASHINGTON — Previously undisclosed e-mail messages turned over to the F.B.I. and Senate ethics investigators provide new evidence about Senator John Ensign's efforts to steer lobbying work to the embittered husband of his former mistress and could deepen his legal and political troubles.

GOP Ups Ante on Earmarks — A day after House Democrats announced a ban on earmarks for private companies, their Republican counterparts hope to dramatically up the ante with a unilateral prohibition on all targeted spending projects. — If approved, the Republican policy would restrict GOP lawmakers …

Dems Put Republicans on Defensive with For-Profit Earmarks Ban — Looking to regain the high ground on ethics reform, House Democrats banned budget earmarks for private companies and dared their Republican counterparts to do the same. — Earmarks make up less than 1% of the total budget …

Miss. prom canceled after lesbian's date request — JACKSON, Miss. — A Mississippi county school board announced Wednesday it would cancel its upcoming prom after a gay student petitioned to bring a same-sex date to the event. — “Due to the distractions to the educational process caused …

Gillibrand aide: Senor's Iraq role at issue — With former Coalition Provisional Authority spokesman Dan Senor considering a challenge to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, her camp says they'll make a central issue of the only role for which Senor has had a major public profile: The spokesman for the early …

Dan Senor Encouraged to Join New York Senate Race — Encouraged by state and national Republican Party leaders, Dan Senor, an author, private equity executive and Defense Department adviser in the last Bush administration, is seriously considering a political challenge against Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand …

Hillary Rodham Clinton widens her circle at the State Department — Hillary Rodham Clinton ran a presidential campaign notoriously insular and unhappy, managing a group of egos and backstabbers whose dysfunction may have cost her the White House. Understandably, people wondered what kind …

Immigration provision has Hispanic Caucus threatening ‘no’ health vote — A group of Hispanic lawmakers on Thursday will tell President Barack Obama that they may not vote for healthcare reform unless changes are made to the bill's immigration provisions. — The scheduled meeting comes …
Think Progress, Hot Air, Wonk Room, RedState, Verum Serum, The Huffington Post and Riehl World View

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban ‘Absurd’ — MYFOXNY.COM - Some New York City chefs and restaurant owners are taking aim at a bill introduced in the New York Legislature that, if passed, would ban the use of salt in restaurant cooking. — “No owner or operator of a restaurant …
protein wisdom, Erick's blog, City Room, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Gothamist, Blog and Joe. My. God.

Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop — Multiple indicators show less concern, more feelings that global warming is exaggerated — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup's annual update on Americans' attitudes toward the environment shows a public that over the last two years …

House liberal leader says Obama's stumping not changing many healthcare votes — President Barack Obama's stumping for healthcare isn't changing many — if any — votes in the House, a top liberal lawmaker said Wednesday night. — Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), the co-chairwoman …

Senate Banking chairman Dodd to go it alone on financial overhaul — Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) on Monday will unveil financial overhaul legislation without a firm bipartisan deal. — Dodd and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) have spent weeks trying to hammer …

Patrick Kennedy: Media Doing “Despicable” Job Covering Afghanistan — Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) railed against the Washington press corps today on the House floor for paying more attention to the likes of scandal-ridden Eric Massa than the war in Afghanistan.
Sister Toldjah, Jules Crittenden, Gawker, Hot Air, Power Line, Don Surber, The Other McCain and Another Black Conservative

House rejects Kucinich's Afghan withdrawal measure
TPM LiveWire, The Nation,, The Lonely Conservative, Gateway Pundit and JammieWearingFool

As a progressive, Obama hews to the Wilsonian tradition — There are legislative miles to go before the government will be emancipated from its health-care myopia, but it is not too soon for a summing-up. Whether all or nothing of the legislation becomes law, Barack Obama has refuted critics who call him a radical.

What I Learned at the Tea Parties — Both the media and many high profile politicos still seem to be flailing around trying to find some way to label, quantify and pigeonhole the myriad tea party groups which are springing up all around the country. Even Karl Rove, during a stop to promote his new book …

Texas Hearing Considers Deeper Conservative Stamp on Textbooks — AUSTIN, Tex. — Even as a panel of educators laid out a vision Wednesday for national standards for public schools, the Texas school board was going in a different direction, holding hearings on changes to its social studies curriculum …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Police act swiftly after gun purchases — ODOT worker who'd been put on leave is mentally evaluated after buying handguns, AK-47 — Concerns about an Oregon Department of Transportation employee who purchased several guns after being placed on leave prompted law enforcement across Southern Oregon to step in.
Hit & Run

Holder Failed To Alert Senate To Old Brief — During his confirmation more than a year ago, Attorney General Eric Holder failed to notify lawmakers he had contributed to a legal brief dealing with the use of federal courts in fighting terrorism, the Justice Department acknowledged on Wednesday.
The Corner on National …

Ex-Obama adviser: Dems may get ‘slaughtered’ — Washington (CNN) — Steve Hildebrand was one of the top advisers who helped put President Obama in office, but he has a stark warning for his old friends at the White House and on Capitol Hill. — “I think that there is a real shot we …
The Hill

Obama's liberal base ‘disengaged’ — WASHINGTON — Is President Obama losing his base? — Liberal and progressive organizations that helped propel him to the White House are turning on him now, little more than a year after he took office. Their collective discontent …

65 Congress Members Voted Against The War In Afghanistan. But Will They Vote Against The Funding? — You know, they actually debated the Afghanistan war yesterday. You would think that throwing money down another hole would be something people would debate frequently, but apparently we don't do that sort of thing much these days.

Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican — Sex abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church are proof that that “the Devil is at work inside the Vatican”, according to the Holy See's chief exorcist. — Father Gabriele Amorth, 85, who has been the Vatican's chief exorcist …