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An option still on table? — Senate Republicans caused a major stir Thursday when they told reporters that the parliamentarian had informed them that the Senate bill needed to be signed into law before lawmakers took up a sidecar bill to fix it. — And Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad …
Washington Monthly, The Plum Line, The Swamp, The Corner on National …, The Foundry, Hot Air, CNN, QandO, Riehl World View and Open Congress

Two Major Developments. Or Not. — If you were following the news on Thursday, you probably heard about one if not both of these developments: — 1) The Senate Parliamentarian issued a ruling, effectively forcing the House to pass the Senate health care bill before the Senate could consider amendments to it.

If Democrats ignore health-care polls, midterms will be costly — In “The March of Folly,” Barbara Tuchman asked, “Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggests?” Her assessment of self-deception …
Think Progress, The Daily Dish, The Lonely Conservative, The New Republic, No More Mister Nice Blog, Liberal Values, Donklephant, The Politico, Another Black Conservative, Moonbattery, AmSpecBlog, Scared Monkeys, GOP Leader Blog, Pundit & Pundette, Democratic Strategist, Michelle Malkin, The Strata-Sphere, Commentary,*,, Wake up America, neo-neocon,, and Left Coast Rebel

A Historic Achievement — I don't think the arguments mounted by Pat Caddell and Douglas Schoen that Democrats will face political disaster if they pass health reform hold water. Or, rather, I think they disingenuously fail to consider the alternative. If reform passes …

Health Reform Myths — Health reform is back from the dead. Many Democrats have realized that their electoral prospects will be better if they can point to a real accomplishment. Polling on reform — which was never as negative as portrayed — shows signs of improving.

Obama Social Secretary Ran Into Sharp Elbows — WASHINGTON — Long before the State Dinner party crashers and the tension with her White House colleagues and the strain in her relationship with the first lady, Desirée Rogers began to understand she was in trouble when David Axelrod summoned …

GOP member: White House ‘clowns’ are ‘punishing’ lawmakers after security flub — Members of Congress are being “punished” as a result of the notorious “gate crashing” security breach at the White House last year, according to a Texas Republican. — Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) …
Maggie's Notebook

Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News? — One question has tugged at my professional conscience throughout the year-long congressional debate over health-care reform, and it has nothing to do with the public option, portability or medical malpractice.

Tea parties stir evangelicals' fears — The rise of a new conservative grass roots fueled by a secular revulsion at government spending is stirring fears among leaders of the old conservative grass roots, the evangelical Christian right. — A reeling economy and the massive bank bailout …
Firedoglake, Ben Smith's Blog, alicublog, No More Mister Nice Blog, AmSpecBlog and Blog

Coffee Party brewing — Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) — In one chair sits a rural retiree, his financial security shot in the slump, a humble Southerner who's never thought much about politics. In another seat is a born Northerner, an inner-city native, a relative of a civil rights giant.

Op-Ed Columnist: What Obama Stands For — Who is Barack Obama? — If you ask a conservative Republican, you are likely to hear that Obama is a skilled politician who campaigned as a centrist but is governing as a big-government liberal. He plays by ruthless, Chicago politics rules.
Hit & Run, The Corner on National …, TPMCafe, Commentary, Daily Kos, The New Republic, Sister Toldjah and The Moderate Voice

Top Obama Priorities Collide as Student Loan Legislation May Be Attached to Health Care — WASHINGTON — Democratic Congressional leaders struck a tentative agreement on Thursday that breathes new life into President Obama's proposed overhaul of federal student loan programs.
AmSpecBlog, CNN,, The Foundry, No More Mister Nice Blog, A plain blog about politics, RedState, The Washington Independent, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion,*, The Politico, Confederate Yankee, Cato @ Liberty, Student Lending Analytics Blog, The Reality-Based Community and Washington Post

Beck vs Social Justice — I'm surprised there hasn't been more attention paid lately to Glenn Beck's attacks on the idea of social justice: … If this is meant seriously—and Beck's sounded the theme in three consecutive shows so I think it is—this seems to me like when McCarthy decided to go after the Army.
Think Progress, Catholic League, ATTACKERMAN, Washington Monthly and Media Matters for America

Outraged by Glenn Beck's Salvo, Christians Fire Back
Washington Monthly, The Raw Story, Mediaite, Think Progress, Newsweek Blogs, The Caucus, CNET News and Politics Daily

The Democrats' scam becomes more transparent — A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about what seemed to be a glaring (and quite typical) scam perpetrated by Congressional Democrats: all year long, they insisted that the White House and a majority of Democratic Senators vigorously supported a public option …
The Huffington Post, Open Left, Corrente, Outside The Beltway, TPMDC, Daily Kos and The Huffington Post

Report Details How Lehman Hid Its Woes as It Collapsed — By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and ANDREW ROSS SORKIN — It is the Wall Street equivalent of a coroner's report — a 2,200-page document that lays out, in new and startling detail, how Lehman Brothers used accounting sleight of hand …

New round of foreclosures threatens housing market — The housing market is facing swelling ranks of homeowners who are seriously delinquent but have yet to lose their homes, and this is threatening a new wave of foreclosures that could hit just as the real estate market has begun to stabilize.

Yeas & Nays reporter booted from Sean Penn event — A Yeas & Nays reporter was publicly berated and threatened to be escorted out by police on Thursday night when the reporter asked actor Sean Penn a controversial question about his humanitarian work in Haiti.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright discusses Obama controversy, history of his church — President Obama's former pastor Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. on Wednesday compared the president to a son who was being treated unfairly and said it had been hard weathering the media storm after Obama became …

Democratic candidates distance themselves from healthcare reform — Hardly any Democrat running for Congress seems to want to talk about healthcare. — Of the 26 leading Democratic House candidates contacted by The Hill, only one would commit to voting for the Senate healthcare bill if and when it comes to the House floor.