Top Items:

Justice's wife launches ‘tea party’ group — The nonprofit run by Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is likely to test notions of political impartiality for the court. — Reporting from Washington — As Virginia Thomas tells it in her soft-spoken …

The Legacy Media's War on Conservatives — By: Andy McCarthy — So let me make sure I have this straight. If you're a “progressive” lawyer who volunteers to represent America's enemies for free in offensive lawsuits brought against the American people during wartime, and then you are placed …

Gibbs: By next Sunday, healthcare reform will be the ‘law of the land’ — White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the healthcare bill will pass by next weekend. — “We'll have the votes when the House votes, I think, within the next week,” Gibbs said on “Fox News Sunday.”
The Plum Line, Michelle Malkin, Washington Monthly, The Lonely Conservative and Riehl World View

Democrats Still Short of Votes But Predict Health Bill Will Pass
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Rove Falsely Claims Bush Administration Never Said Iraqi Oil Revenue Would Help Pay For War — In his new book and in recent media appearances promoting it, former top Bush aide Karl Rove has been revising the history of the Iraq war, particularly regarding the issue of Saddam Hussien's alleged weapons of mass destruction.

David Axelrod: When You Go Into The Details, People Support The Healthcare Bill — Jake Tapper on This Week interviews David Axelrod on the healthcare bill, pushing the right-wing narrative that people don't want this bill. Axelrod responds that when you push on into the details, the public supports the things this bill does:

Graham: ‘No Way In The World’ Is Massachusetts' Health Care Plan Similar To The Democratic Proposal — Giving this week's GOP address, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) bashed Democratic efforts to reform health care as a “bitter, destructive, and endless drive to completely transform America's healthcare system.”

IRS visits Sacramento carwash in pursuit of 4 cents — It was every businessperson's nightmare. — Arriving at Harv's Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. “They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending,” says Harv's owner, Aaron Zeff.

Why I Left the Right, Exhibit R for Dan Riehl — Dim bulb wingnut blogger Dan Riehl is increasingly specializing in some of the most vile, ugly commentary on the right; it's a crowded field, but with posts like this one he manages to stand out: Riehl World View: Isn't It Time To Euthanize Reid's Wife?

‘Coffee party’ debuts in West Palm Beach as ‘anti-tea party’ — WEST PALM BEACH — Venting about the conservative tea party movement and talking — at times heatedly — about the need for civility in public discourse marked the debut meeting of a local “coffee party” group today.

I'm Down With Dennis — Dennis Kucinich (photo 2007, courtesy of CAPAF) — Let me get this straight. The Senate will pass a public option if the House will. And the House will, because it already did. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't allow it. So the mortal enemy of public-option backers is . . . Dennis Kucinich.

Israeli prime minister calls settlement dispute with U.S. regrettable, hurtful — JERUSALEM — The spat between the United States and Israel over planned construction in an East Jerusalem neighborhood dominated the Israeli cabinet meeting on Sunday as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu continued …

Kill the Bill! — The Minneapolis Star Tribune headlines tonight: Thousands rally at State Capitol to kill health care bill. The crowd, gathered on short notice on a cold March day, was impressive: … I'm no expert, but the photos certainly seem to indicate a crowd in the thousands.

“Thousands” rally at Minnesota capital to “Kill the Bill”
Jules Crittenden, NewsReal Blog, The Other McCain, Associated Press and Pundit & Pundette