Top Items:

Nancy Pelosi's strategy for passing health-care reform — “My biggest fight has been between those who wanted to do something incremental and those who wanted to do something comprehensive,” Nancy Pelosi said in a meeting with reporters this morning. “We won that fight …

GOP's Dick Armey Predicts Democrats Will Probably Pass Health Care — ABC News' Matt Loffman reports: — Former Republican House Majority Leader and current Tea Party leader Dick Armey said today that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “inept” but that Congress would likely still pass health care reform.

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it — After laying the groundwork for a decisive vote this week on the Senate's health-care bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Monday that she might attempt to pass the measure without having members vote on it.

Graham: Pelosi has House Dems ‘liquored up on sake’ ready for ‘suicide run’ — Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday used language that compared House Democrats' efforts to pass healthcare reform legislation to a Japanese kamikaze mission. — “Nancy Pelosi, I think …
The Politico, The Confluence, Crooks and Liars, TPM LiveWire, AMERICAblog News, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and

Pelosi: Passing Health Reform Will Set Stage For Great Debate With GOP

Pelosi: Controversial tactic an ‘option’ for moving healthcare
Hot Air

It Figures... Obama's Rally Prop ‘Natoma Canfield’ Qualifies For Financial Aid; Is Patient At Top US Cancer Center; Won't Lose Home — Obama's Health Care Rally Prop Is In Hospital... Getting Care... Despite No Insurance. — Natoma Canfield is 50 years old. She was diagnosed with cancer 16 years ago.
Wizbang, Medina Sun, Another Black Conservative, Moonbattery, and Riehl World View

Clinic: Cancer Patient Who Wrote to Obama Will Not Lose Home, May Get Aid — Natoma Canfield, the cancer-stricken woman who has become a centerpiece of President Obama's push for health care reform, will not lose her home over her medical bills and will probably qualify for financial aid …

Obama: We Will Get the Votes for Health Care Reform Bill — President Obama Tells ABC He Thinks Dems Will Pass Bill, in Exclusive Interview — President Obama told ABC News today he is confident that health care reform legislation will pass. — “I believe we are going to get the votes …
Political Punch, Politics Daily, The Swamp, Prescriptions, The Other McCain, TPM LiveWire and AmSpecBlog

Kucinich in Obama's crosshairs — Air Force One took off from suburban Maryland today at 11:13 a.m. and landed 48 minutes later in Cleveland. — For Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) — who says he plans to vote no on the president's health-care bill — it must have felt like a much longer flight.

Ohio Democrat to Skip Health Care Rally
Commentary, Gateway Pundit, Firedoglake, New York Times, Scared Monkeys, Michelle Malkin, Sense of Events, The Hill and Riehl World View

Hayworth: Gay marriage opens doors to bestiality — J.D. Hayworth gave an interview Sunday to Florida radio station WORL, where he made comments about same-sex marriage. — Washington (CNN) - The man who wants to oust Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, is so worried about states allowing same-sex marriage …
The Political Carnival

VIDEO: Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli Worried about the Government Tracking His Son - Told Crowd He Might Not Get Social Security — When Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli isn't speculating about whether or not President Obama was not born in the United States, he apparently worries about the federal government tracking his family.

The Huffington Post, TPMDC, The Politico, Pajamas Media, Firedoglake, Think Progress, Washington Post, Daily Kos, The Reaction, MyDD, No More Mister Nice Blog, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Right Wing Watch, The Political Carnival, Raw Story, Gawker, The Hill, Ben Smith's Blog, Alan Colmes' Liberaland,, Washington Monthly, Politics Daily and The Washington Independent

The New Republic illustrates a serious piece about the Tea Party movement with a gross photograph that's meant to evoke the pejorative “teabagger.” — Here's the article. Quite apart from the childishness of evoking the term “teabagger” and creating a image to convey the term (to those in the know) …

Democrats plan hospitable greeting for Tea Partiers — Tea Partiers are storming the Capitol tomorrow, and Democrats are preapring to roll out the red carpet. — In a memo sent to freshman and sophomore lawmakers, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), a member of the House leadership …
Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, Left Coast Rebel, Another Black Conservative, The Other McCain and Weasel Zippers

Another billboard mystery in Minnesota? — Somehow, I think people will miss this man more than the one featured in the “Miss Me Yet?” billboard that appeared outside the Twin Cities in Minnesota last month. Another anonymous advertisement has appeared on the roadside of a major interstate freeway …

GOP leadership slams Obama stance on Israel — House Minority Leader John Boehner issued a statement Monday criticizing the Obama Administration's “escalated rhetoric” toward the Middle Eastern nation. — The attack came after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a list of demands …
Commentary, Guardian, Israel Matzav, AMERICAblog News, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Huffington Post and Weasel Zippers

Internet Grew 20% More Hateful In 2009 — A report by the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Tolerance shows that terrorists and hate groups are turning to Facebook and Twitter in greater numbers, and that the Internet got 20% nastier last year. — The report, based on some 11,500 problematic Web sites …
Fox News

Edwards Sex Tape Details — Hungry Beast Giving Beast Women in the World — Blogs and Stories — Andrew Young tells The Daily Beast he's going on the offensive against his old boss, John Edwards. Diane Dimond reveals how the sex tape imperils the ex-candidate-and what exactly is on it.

Rielle Hunter bares all in first interview about affair with John Edwards
his vorpal sword, Politics Daily, Taylor Marsh, Newsweek Blogs, Sister Toldjah and JammieWearingFool

Stupak: House Dem leaders at least 16 votes short on healthcare reform — Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said Monday he thinks House Democratic leaders are not close to having the votes to pass health reform. — In an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, the anti-abortion rights lawmaker said …

Bachmann: We're Not Going To Obey Health Care Law — 'We Don't Have To' (VIDEO) — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is going a step beyond simply pledging to fight efforts to pass the health care bill — she's openly pronouncing that people should personally declare it unconstitutional and defy it …

@anywhere — When we designed Twitter, we took a different approach—we didn't require a relationship model like that of a social network. Keeping things open meant you could browse our site to read tweets from friends, celebrities, companies, media outlets, fictional characters, and more.
Mashable!, The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Bits, Scripting News and Silicon Alley Insider

Net neutrality would end innovation, not preserve it — Tomorrow, the Federal Communications Commission will issue its much-anticipated National Broadband Plan, making universal access to high-speed Internet connections a national priority. — That's a worthy goal, one that would go far toward rescuing …
The Politico

More of a National Broadband To-Do List, Really.
Matthew Yglesias