Top Items:

GOP plots Senate health roadblock — Democrats might like to think that health care reform is all but a done deal if it clears the House, but the Senate is where Republicans have been plotting for months to sentence it to a painful procedural death. — Republican aides have been mining …

CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.3 trillion over 20 years, covers 95% — Washington has spent the past week or so waiting for the Congressional Budget Office to release its preliminary estimate of the Senate bill with the reconciliation fixes.
The Hill, Hotline On Call, The Plum Line, Newsweek Blogs, Cato Institute, PERRspectives, Mediaite, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and MyDD

Rep. Steve King and Glenn Beck agree: Voting for health reform on Sunday is ‘an affront to God.’ — With this morning's release of the Congressional Budget Office's reconciliation package score, the House appears ready to vote on health care reform this Sunday.

Democrats get the bill, and the score, they needed — The question people generally ask about the final health-care reform vote is, “Won't it be politically difficult for many House Democrats to vote yes?” But with the release of the CBO report (pdf), I'd flip that question a bit …

CBO numbers — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) just released the first set of Congressional Budget Office numbers to reporters this morning. — The bill would cost $940 billion, and reduce the deficit by $130 billion over the first 10 years and $1.2 trillion in the second 10 years.

Breaking: CBO releases the actual report; Update: Almost all $940 billion incurred in just six years; Update: Preliminary — It's much as advertised. Thanks to its spending provisions mainly starting in 2014, the reconciliation bill combined with the Senate version has a total cost of $940 billion …
AmSpecBlog, The Corner on National …, The New Editor, Fox News, Gateway Pundit, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and IMAO

Iowa Congressman And Glenn Beck Agree: Sunday Health Care Vote …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Rules Panel Dem To Vote Against Bill — A key House Dem has begun informing party leaders he plans to vote against health care legislation both on the House floor and in the rules committee, on which he sits. — Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY), a sophomore Dem who had a tougher …

Lynch mobbed — Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) is a firm “no” on health care reform — in large measure because he opposes the idea of any kind of excise tax on Cadillac plans, even one that's delayed for years and years. — That's put Lynch a former ironworkers union official in Boston …
Hotline On Call, TPMDC, Hot Air, Another Black Conservative, Open Left and Ben Smith's Blog

New Health Care Whip Count: 192 Yes, 208 No (205-210 with Leaners) — We're getting to an end game here, and so the counts will come fast and furious at this point. I think that it's good to look at the count right when the CBO numbers have been released as a good baseline for the future.

The House vote on the Slaughter Solution: Update: Constitution-butchers prevail, 222-203; Roll call vote added; Calling out Dems Altmire, Lynch; Barone's analysis added — Photoshop credit: Big Fur Hat at and Applecross Media — You'll recall that House Republicans unveiled …

House sidesteps 2 anti-'deem and pass' resolutions

First Thoughts on the CBO Score — As fate would have it, on the day that the CBO report is released, I am in standby hell, and running low on laptop juice. So my thoughts on the CBO score, and the revised reconciliation bill, are necessarily somewhat preliminary. But here is what I've noticed so far:

BREAKING: Health Care Reform's Finished Draft

Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel — WASHINGTON — The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel. — Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia.

Anti-Defamation League Goes After Gen. Petraeus
Media Matters Action Network, Matthew Yglesias, Ben Smith's Blog, Laura Rozen's Blog and ATTACKERMAN

Obama-Israel negotiating agreement: don't ask, don't tell on settlements
Laura Rozen's Blog

Obama's Approval Rating Lowest Yet, Congress' Declines — Slightly more disapprove than approve of Obama — PRINCETON, NJ — President Barack Obama's job approval is the worst of his presidency to date, with 46% of Americans approving and 48% disapproving of the job he is doing as president …

FL-Sen: Crist is broken — Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 3/15-17. Likely voters. MoE 4% (5% for primary samples). (11/16-18/2009 results) — GOP Senate Primary — Charlie Crist (R) 30 (47) — Marco Rubio (R) 58 (37) — Other polling has shown Rubio blowing past Crist, so that's not so much news.

Texts Without Context — In his deliberately provocative — and deeply nihilistic — new book, “Reality Hunger,” the onetime novelist David Shields asserts that fiction “has never seemed less central to the culture's sense of itself.” He says he's “bored by out-and-out fabrication …
The Huffington Post

Stupak: Health fight has been ‘living hell’ — Leading a revolt against President Barack Obama's healthcare legislation over abortion has been a “living hell” for Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.). — The telephone lines in his Washington and district offices have been “jammed” …
Open Left,, Boston Globe, Firedoglake, The New Republic, The Speakers Lobby, Taylor Marsh, DownWithTyranny!, Top of the Ticket, Hullabaloo, Moonbattery, Newsweek Blogs, Politics Daily, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Weekly Standard,, The Politico, Maggie's Notebook and TBogg

Conrad drops support for North Dakota provision to avoid controversy — Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) has asked House negotiators to scrap a provision in the reconciliation package that would have benefited his home state. — Conrad had won a carve-out for the Bank …

Obama, Clinton fundraiser admits $292 million fraud — * Obama campaign “bundler” faces prison time — * Nemazee tells court he is ashamed (Adds forfeiture and restitution; affected political donations to go to charity) — A wealthy businessman who raised money for leading Democratic Party politicians …

“Libertarians,” Sprawl, and Land Use — Randal O'Toole has a baffling and bafflingly long post dedicated to trying to rebut my very simple view of the relationship between “sprawl” and land-use regulations. So I'll just restate my argument in briefer form and ask O'Toole to say what, if anything, in it he disagrees with:

A Libertarian View of Urban Sprawl
The Corner on National …

NRSC subpoenaed in Ensign probe — The National Republican Senatorial Committee has been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury looking into the aftermath of Sen. John Ensign's extramarital affair with a former staffer, adding a new political problem for GOP leaders in their response …

Choi Arrested at White House Gates — In an act of civil disobedience, Lt. Dan Choi and Jim Pietrangelo have been arrested at the White House gates on Thursday while protesting the military's “don't ask, don't tell” policy. — Following a Human Rights Campaign rally for DADT repeal …

The right way to mend immigration — Our immigration system is badly broken. Although our borders have become far more secure in recent years, too many people seeking illegal entry get through. We have no way to track whether the millions who enter the United States on valid visas each year leave when they are supposed to.

Canceling the trip — The cancellation of President Obama's trip to Asia marks the full reversal of the strategy his presidency began with: Flooding the zone with policy, keeping the President out of the weeds. — The decision to cancel his trip may look like a sign of urgency but it's also …

Broadcast Yourself — Around the globe, YouTube has become a metaphor for the democratizing power of the Internet and information. YouTube gives unknown performers, filmmakers, and artists new ways to promote their work to a global audience and rise to worldwide fame …
VentureBeat, Engadget, Guardian, Boing Boing, Silicon Alley Insider, Mashable!, Threat Level and TechCrunch