Top Items:
Stupak is ‘Finished with Pelosi’ — By: Robert Costa — Two pro-life GOP members close to Stupak tell NRO that any Stupak deals are off. They just spoke with him and they said he's finished with Pelosi. They rejected his enrollment corrections proposal.
Stupak Abortion Language to Be Substituted for Senate Language in Deal to Secure Health Care Votes — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made a deal with Rep. Bart Stupak in order to secure his vote and that of other anti-choice Democrats for the health care bill, which is scheduled to be voted on this Sunday.
Pro-Choice Caucus livid at talk of deal with Stupak on abortion — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday evening met with a visibly angry Pro-Choice Caucus amid rumors from Democratic aides that the Speaker was working on a last-minute deal with Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) to give his abortion language a separate vote.
Reports: An executive order to pay off pro-life Democrats? — Both Left and Right are hearing rumors that the Dems are drafting an executive order to quell pro-life Democrat opposition to the government health care takeover plan. — Daniel Foster reports the buzz at NRO.
Stupak Postpones Key Press Conference—But Why? — In somewhat dramatic fashion, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI)—a leader of pro-life House Democrat—has indefinitely postponed a press conference that had been scheduled for 11 this morning, as House leadership seeks a solution to a dilemma …
Pelosi: No votes on any side issues, including abortion — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Saturday there wouldn't be any votes on side issues on healthcare legislation, including abortion. — Speaking to reporters just off the House floor, Pelosi made clear she wouldn't allow votes on …
Dingell says he'll work to defeat Stupak's abortion efforts — Veteran Democratic Rep. John Dingell vowed Saturday to work to defeat fellow Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak (D) on abortion in the healthcare bill. — Dingell, the longest-serving member of the House whose career …
Pelosi shoots down abortion vote — Anti-abortion Democrats renewed their threat to sink an overhaul of the nation's health care system Saturday, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided not to give them a separate vote that would have implemented a strict ban on federal funds subsidizing abortion.
Pelosi: ‘No Separate Vote’ For Stupak...Or Anybody Else — House Democratic leadership has apparently told Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) to go take a hike—and they'll move forward without him, or any other anti-abortion Dems threatening to switch their votes from ‘yes’ to ‘no.’
Stupak is Back: What's an Enrollment Corrections Bill?
Congress Matters, The Confluence, The New Republic, The Hill, Mother Jones, The Politico, MyDD, Open Left and Winds of Change.NET
Rules Committee meeting descends into chaos — At the House Rules Committee meeting, Democrats desperate to pass their national health care plan are running into the barrier of basic civics. Here is the problem: The Senate has passed its HCR bill. If the House passes the same bill …
House leaders plan separate health vote, rejecting ‘deem and pass’ — House leaders have decided to take a separate vote on the Senate health-care bill, rejecting an earlier, much-criticized strategy that would have permitted them to “deem” the unpopular measure passed without an explicit vote.
Power Line
Rep. Engel: Pelosi has abandoned ‘deem and pass’ — Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) won't use the tactic of deem and pass for healthcare reform. — Instead there will be two separate votes, one on the Senate bill and one on the reconciliation bill.
PROTESTING OBAMACARE IN WASHINGTON: Reader Barrett Cunningham sends this photo and reports: “It's an incredible turnout Glenn, and people just keep coming.” — And reader Alan Poston sends this pic and reports a crowd estimate of 30,000 was given at the scene. Not sure of the source.
Healthcare vote (maneuver?) nears — President Barack Obama, summoning the House's Democrats to the White House midday for one more push before expected action on the healthcare legislation Sunday, is turning the focus of his weekly address to next week's start of action on financial regulatory reform in the Senate.
Weekly Address: Time for Action on Financial Reform for the Economy
Politics Daily
Plus 2, Minus 1 for Dem Health Bill This Morning — ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf reports: — None of these are extremely surprising, but here are three more Democratic congressmen now on the record on health reform - two in favor and one opposed. — Most notable here is Rep. Baron Hill, D-Indiana, because he opposes abortion rights.