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Opinions turn favorable on health care plan — WASHINGTON — Americans by 9 percentage points have a favorable view of the health care overhaul that President Obama signed into law Tuesday, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, a notable turnaround from surveys before the vote that showed a plurality against it.

Obama Signs Health Care Overhaul Bill, With a Flourish — WASHINGTON —With the strokes of 20 pens, President Obama signed his health care overhaul — the most sweeping social legislation enacted in decades — into law on Tuesday during a festive, at times raucous, White House ceremony.
Weekly Standard, CNN, Liberal Values, Gothamist, Prescriptions, New Mexico Independent, Left Coast Rebel, New York Times, Truthdig and Indecision Forever

Patrick Kennedy leaves note for Ted on gravesite: “Dad, the unfinished business is done.” — The political odyssey of health care reform in many ways is the story of Ted Kennedy, and as President Obama signed the historic bill into law Tuesday, Kennedy's gravesite was a place of quiet celebration and poignant reflection.
The Impolitic

How Obama revived his health-care bill — It was the Barack Obama the American public rarely sees — irritated and wondering if he had arrived at the moment of defeat. — Shortly after 6 p.m. on Jan. 19, with a political crisis about to explode, the president summoned the two top Democrats …
Weekly Standard, Matthew Yglesias, The Hill, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Top of the Ticket, The Politico, ABCNEWS and TPMCafe

Fox News Makes A ‘Big F—ing Deal’ Out Of Biden's Private Remark At Bill Signing Ceremony — Expressing his great enthusiasm for what he called “a historic day,” Vice President Biden turned to President Obama at this morning's health care bill signing ceremony and whispered, “This is a big f—ing deal!”

The mother of all Biden moments — Biden appears, in this video, to have called the health care bill a “big f***ing deal” as he turned the podium over to President Obama. — As usual with his endless string of gaffes, if that is what he said, he's not wrong.

An Absence of Class — Some of the images from the run-up to Sunday's landmark health care vote in the House of Representatives should be seared into the nation's consciousness. We are so far, in so many ways, from being a class act. — A group of lowlifes at a Tea Party rally in Columbus …

Beck criticizes civil rights activist John Lewis for “comparing” himself to a ... civil rights activist — Purporting to show how passage of the health care bill pales in comparison to other major events from our nation's history, Beck showed how his foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of all things …

Coburn sees difficulty forcing changes to reconciliation bill — Republicans are unlikely to force major changes to the measure making final tweaks to healthcare legislation, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said Monday night. — Inhofe said the GOP would have a difficult time forcing changes …
Washington Monthly, Ezra Klein, Roll Call, The Politico, Firedoglake, The New Republic, Matthew Yglesias, The Hill and Daily Kos

Senate Dems brace for ‘poison pills’
Open Left, Daily Kos, Wake up America, CNN, The Hill, Plain Dealer,*, Firedoglake and Suburban Guerrilla

Is there a legal case against the health-care bill? — With the votes counted and the legislative battle finishing, conservatives are turning to a different branch of government to fight health-care reform: the courts. Their most promising tactic was to argue that “deem and pass” …

The End of the World As We Knew It?
Neptunus Lex, The Liberty Papers, The Corner on National …, The Huffington Post and

Anti-Health Care Reform Suits Face Steep Hurdles
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Gawker, Guardian, TPMDC and The Washington Independent

The Democrats Rejoice — Parties come to embody causes. For the past 90 years or so, the Republican Party has, at its best, come to embody the cause of personal freedom and economic dynamism. For a similar period, the Democratic Party has, at its best, come to embody the cause of fairness and family security.

Palin Supports Creation Of Third Party: ‘That Can Be Part Of A Healthy Process’

By Slim Margin, Americans Support Healthcare Bill's Passage — Independents evenly split in their basic reactions, but more are “angry” than “enthusiastic” — PRINCETON, NJ — Nearly half of Americans give a thumbs-up to Congress' passage of a healthcare reform bill last weekend, with 49% calling it “a good thing.”

Discovery expected to land “Sarah Palin's Alaska” — Sarah Palin to Discovery? You betcha. — Discovery Communications is expected to announce that it has won the Sarah Palin tourney. The cabler had been a front-runner to land the untitled Alaska-themed series, to be produced by Mark Burnett Prods., along with A&E.
Politics Daily, Washington Wire, Ben Smith's Blog, Wonkette, Taegan Goddard's …, The Page, The Wire, The Awl and Perez Hilton

ABC's choice of Amanpour for ‘This Week’ has critics inside the network and beyond — If being the moderator of “This Week,” ABC's Sunday morning news-talk show, required Senate approval, then journalist Christiane Amanpour — recently named by ABC News President David Westin to take over the job — would already be in big trouble.

Exempted From Obamacare: Senior Staff Who Wrote the Bill — For as long as the political fight took over the past year, the abbreviated review process on the health care legislation currently pending on President Obama's desk is unquestionably going to result in some surprises …

Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill — WASHINGTON — Passage of the health care legislation challenges the heart of the Republicans' strategy this year: To present a unified opposition to big Democratic ideas, in this case expressed in a stream of bristling anger …

Poll: Most Say Health Care Fight About Politics, Not Policy — Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto. — Americans believe that both Republicans and Democrats were fighting about health care reform because of politics, not policy, a new CBS News poll finds.

Poll: Low Favorability Ratings For Pelosi, Reid
NY Daily News, JammieWearingFool, Left Coast Rebel,, Mediaite, Scared Monkeys, The Eye, NewsReal Blog, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers

House Judiciary Chairman Says Constitution's Non-Existent ‘Good and Welfare Clause’ Authorizes Congress to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance — ( — House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) said the “good and welfare clause” gives Congress the authority …

Obama to Sign Health Care Bill Today As GOP Challenges Constitutionality
Crooks and Liars, Michelle Malkin, DailyFinance, Wonk Room, American Power and Political Punch

An open letter to conservatives — The years have not been kind to you. I grew up in a profoundly Republican home, so I can remember when you wore a very different face than the one we see now. You've lost me and you've lost most of America. Because I believe having responsible choices …
Crooks and Liars

Unfair China Trade Costs Local Jobs — Supplemental Table A: Net job loss due to growing trade deficits with China, 2001-08, by Congressional district [PDF] [Excel] — Supplemental Table B: Net job loss in Congressional districts due to growing trade deficits with China, 2001-08, alphabetical [PDF] [Excel]

State attorneys general sue over health bill — They say bill's requirement to buy health insurance is unconstitutional — The ink is still drying on the health care overhaul bill signed into law Tuesday by President Barack Obama, but attorneys general from at least 14 states have filed lawsuits to challenge the legislation.
The Atlantic Online, culturekitchen, Raw Story, Taylor Marsh, Lance Mannion, Wake up America and The Washington Independent

The End of Big Government Liberalism — For the past 65-70 years—and especially for the past 30 years since the end of the civil rights argument—American politics has been dominated by controversy over the size and scope of the welfare state. Today, that argument is largely over with liberals having largely won.

Obama's healthcare ‘bump:’ Possible? — It would seem unlikely that an event as historic — by both sides' accounts — as the signature of a healthcare bill delivering insurance to millons of Americans and improving it for those already insured, and, yes, taxing the wealthiest Americans for all of this …
D.C. Now