Top Items:

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is proposing to open vast expanses of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling, much of it for the first time, officials said Tuesday.
Associated Press, Think Progress, Crooks and Liars, Washington Wire, The Huffington Post, Houston Chronicle, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Political Punch, Grist,, EnviroKnow, Newsweek Blogs, SENATUS, ABCNEWS, The Moderate Voice, Mother Jones, Wall Street Journal, Another Black Conservative, Facing South, Riehl World View, Firedoglake, RedState, The Caucus, TPM LiveWire, skippy the bush kangaroo, The Powers That Be, Gawker, Docudharma, Jules Crittenden, Say Anything, The Lonely Conservative, Taylor Marsh, Shakesville, Moe Lane, Don Surber, The Washington Independent, Washington Post, JONATHAN TURLEY, Sister Toldjah, Confederate Yankee, Scared Monkeys, The Note, Daily Kos, Fausta's Blog,, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Page,*, JustOneMinute, TalkLeft, The Corner on National …, DISSENTING JUSTICE, The New Republic, The Agonist, AMERICAblog News and The Political Carnival

Boehner rebukes Obama offshore drilling plan — President Barack Obama's plan to allow expanded offshore oil and gas exploration won rebuke from the top House Republican on Wednesday. — House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) dismissed the president's plan as not going far enough in opening up U.S. waters for exploration.
Firedoglake, The Hill, TPM LiveWire, Little Green Footballs, Grist, Swampland and The Washington Independent

Drill, Baby, Drill — Welcome to the coastal drilling era: … I don't understand this at all. Increased coastal drilling would be a small price to pay in exchange for actual congressional votes for an overall energy package that shifts us to a low-carbon economy over time.

ALL PART OF THE PLAN.... We talked earlier about the Obama administration's apparent intention to allow new oil and natural gas drilling along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and the north coast of Alaska. Given that this move could be used as a bargaining chip …

Obama to clear way for offshore drilling for oil and gas …
The Moderate Voice, Politics Daily, The Politico, Salon, Virginia Politics Blog, Gothamist and Think Progress

Bush Official Dan Bartlett Admits Authorizing Offshore Oil Drilling …
Climate Progress,, The Political Carnival, and The Washington Independent

IN EXCHANGE FOR WHAT?.... That the Obama administration would agree …

Obama Details Plan to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling
The Huffington Post, The Caucus, Booman Tribune, Wonkette, Vanity Fair and The Washington Independent

Our Generation Screwed Over by Obama's Offshore Drilling Plan
The Huffington Post

Memo to Paul Krugman and Rep. Van Hollen: My Search Was Not in Vain — In last Thursday's column, Paul Krugman admitted to having fun watching “right-wingers go wild.” One of the things that apparently delighted him was this map which Sarah Palin posted on her Facebook page:

Private Sector Sheds Jobs — Private-sector jobs in the U.S. dropped by 23,000 this month. Above, unemployed Americans line up as they wait to gain entry to meet employers at the Los Angeles Career Fair in March. — Private-sector jobs in the U.S. dropped by 23,000 this month …

Breaking: Judge Walker Grants Summary Judgment Finding Gov't Liable Under FISA — Short version: al-Haramain wins! — Judge Walker just issued the following ruling in the al-Haramain case: … Walker is basically saying, “Well, government, if you won't give us any evidence to prove …

Evan Coyne Maloney remembers — Evan Coyne Maloney is the documentary filmmaker and proprietor of Brain Terminal. During the Bush administration, Evan was out in the field with his camera observing protests and interviewing protesters. He is therefore in a good position to recall the signs …

Taxes per Person — Some pundits, reflecting on the looming U.S. budget deficits, claim that Americans are vastly undertaxed compared with other major nations. I was wondering, to what extent is that true? — The most common metric for answering this question is taxes as a percentage of GDP.

LL Cool J Says Fox News Is ‘Misrepresenting’ One Of His Old Interviews To Promote Sarah Palin's New Show — Yesterday, Fox News announced that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin will host the first edition of her “Real American Stories” show on Thursday, which “will feature stories about a Marine …

GOP Wary of Health Law Repeal Push in Fall Races — GOP leaders temper call for repealing health law, saying jobs, economy are key to fall races — Top Republicans are increasingly worried that GOP candidates this fall might be burned by a fire that's roaring through the conservative base …

Clinton pollster says if election were held today, 1994 would repeat — Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg said Wednesday that if the 2010 election were held today, his party would be faced with a similar result to its catastrophic 1994 losses. — Greenberg, who was Bill Clinton's pollster …

Democrats On Top In Ohio Senate, Governor Races, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Obama Bounces Back From Big Negative To A Split — Democrats are having a mini-surge in Ohio as two possible candidates for the open U.S. Senate seat have come from behind to pass the Republican contender …
Real Clear Politics, TPMDC, Politics Daily, Swing State Project, MyDD, Taegan Goddard's … and The Eye

RNC: Dems do it too, sort of — In hopes of redirecting incoming fire about its spending habits, the Republican National Committee on Wednesday tried to turn scrutiny to the spending habits of the Democratic National Committee but came up with nothing nearly as risque as almost $2,000 …

RNC cancels Young Eagles events — In the wake of a scandal around the Republican National Committee's sponsorship of an event at a racy Los Angeles club, the committee is putting parts of its Young Eagles program for younger donors on hold. — With traditional major donors shying away …

Barack The Good — The big government liberalism that Mr. Obama uses to make himself history-making also alienates him in the center-right America of today. — It has to be acknowledged that, in his battle for health-care reform, President Obama has shown real presidential mettle.

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway Take Some Time Out From Battling The Teabaggers To Talk With Us Live — I've been noticing a disturbing trend in the Kentucky contest for the Senate seat that McConnell forced Jim Bunning to give up. Whenever you line up the candidates on the issues …

Gallup: Majority Says Dem Health Reform Tactics Were “Abuse Of Power” — Yesterday I noted the seemingly odd finding by Gallup that more Americans blame Democrats than Republicans or conservatives for the rash of violence that greeted the passage of the reform law.
Washington Monthly, Gallup, The Moderate Voice, GayPatriot, Gateway Pundit and Politics Daily

Teaching Reading by Teaching Nonfiction — Like a lot of people I know, I read a lot and what I read is mostly nonfiction. But as Dana Goldstein points out in a great piece lots of Americans read very poorly and schools teach reading almost exclusively through fiction:

Excessive Outrage on Retiree Subsidy Accounting — So as blogged yesterday, the new health care plan changed the tax treatment of a subsidy for retiree prescription drug benefits, which caused those companies who had received the subsidy to announce a charge against their deferred tax assets.
Grasping Reality …