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Anti-Obama Billboards Appear on Metro Highways — ATLANTA — One group is taking freedom of speech and freedom of expression to the limits in a series of Metro Atlanta highway billboards voicing strong opinions against President Barack Obama. — The billboards are the latest move to sway public opinion …

Obama: Extreme Right-Wing Shows “Troublesome” — Tells Harry Smith He's Concerned about “Demonization” in Politics; Calls on Dems, GOP Alike to “Tone Down” Rhetoric — (CBS) President Obama has noticed the “vitriol” in the nation's political atmosphere these days and says it's time both sides cooled it.

Obama: “I Can Go to My Right, but I Prefer My Left” — President Obama hit the basketball court and talked politics with CBS “Early Show” co-anchor Harry Smith this morning. — Smith asked Mr. Obama, who is left-handed, if he can ever go to his right. — “I can go to my right, but I prefer my left,” the president says.

Obama stiffarms Limbaugh and Beck — President Barack Obama pushed back against criticism from two of his most strident opponents, conservative talk hosts Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, in an interview aired Friday. — Asked by CBS' “Early Show” about the strong critiques of his time in the White House …

U.S. Adds 162,000 Jobs in March; Rate Remains 9.7% — The American economy added 162,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department reported Friday, in a month when the government hired thousands of temporary census workers. — Multimedia — The unemployment rate held steady at 9.7 percent …

BREAKTHROUGH MONTH FOR U.S. JOB MARKET.... For a year, the most common Republican talking point on the economy has been a straightforward, four-word question: “Where are the jobs?” In light of the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released this morning, the GOP may need a new argument.

Economy added 162,000 jobs in March; unemployment holds steady
The Swamp

Obama's Approval Rating Hits New Low — Posted by Tucker Reals 15 comments - Share - - - Share - E-mail - Print - Font Last week, President Obama signed historic health care reform legislation into law — but his legislative success doesn't seem to have helped his image with the American public.
CBS News, The Hill, American Power, The Page, Gateway Pundit, Cato @ Liberty, Real Clear Politics, TPMDC and JammieWearingFool

Mount Dora doctor tells Obama supporters: Go elsewhere — (Photo by Deirdre Lewis / April 1, 2010) — MOUNT DORA — A doctor who considers the national health-care overhaul to be bad medicine for the country posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for President Barack Obama to seek care “elsewhere.”

Behind the Headlines: What's driving the Tea Party Movement? — New polling data examines the demographics and political philosophy behind the Tea Party Movement — WASHINGTON DC (April 1, 2010) — Tea Party activists may be ardent supporters of economic conservatism but are similar …

Ratings Fall on Newscasts at 2 Networks — With buyouts and layoffs in progress, the mood at ABC News cannot be good. It was probably not enhanced by the ratings report for the first quarter of the year showing that the network's evening newscast, “World News,” had sunk to the lowest numbers …

Democrats map out midterm campaign strategy for Obama — Facing a tough midterm election in which they could potentially lose their majorities in Congress, Democrats are privately debating where and how President Obama can help — or hurt. — The president is unlikely to campaign in Arkansas …

Financial Reform 101 — Let's face it: Financial reform is a hard issue to follow. It's not like health reform, which was fairly straightforward once you cut through the nonsense. Reasonable people can and do disagree about exactly what we should do to avert another banking crisis.

The Ecstasy of Fiscal Policy — Let's say you're a political consultant. You're sitting there in your West Hollywood bondage-themed strip club with party donors picking up the tab, and, of course, you're thinking about what a great country this is. Swept up in the spirit of gratitude, you decide you'd like to give back.

Trendy Fashion Buys Reimbursed as “Office Supplies” to RNC Finance Officials — For one Republican National Committee official, a spin through a trendy clothing boutique racked up hundreds in “office supplies,” all billed to party donors. And there's more.

Koch Outraged By Obama's Treatment of Israel Over Housing Construction — Former New York Mayor Ed Koch expressed disappointment in President Obama on Thursday for his treatment of Israel after it announced it would continue construction in East Jerusalem - the section of the holy city claimed by the Palestinians.

More Struggling Borrowers Face Pay Garnishment — PHOENIX — When the bank sued Leann Weaver for not paying her credit card balance, her reaction was typical for someone in that situation. Personal and financial setbacks weighed her down, and she knew she owed the $2,470.

A Superstorm for Global Warming Research — Plagued by reports of sloppy work, falsifications and exaggerations, climate research is facing a crisis of confidence. How reliable are the predictions about global warming and its consequences? And would it really be the end of the world …

Satan behind media attacks on the Pope, asserts Italian exorcist — Rome, Italy, Mar 31, 2010 / 11:47 am (CNA).- Noted Italian exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, commented this week that the recent defamatory reporting on Pope Benedict XVI, especially by the New York Times, was “prompted by the devil.”
Scared Monkeys, Gawker, Gateway Pundit, CNN, AMERICAblog News, Below The Beltway and Reuters

Obamacare was mainly aimed at redistributing wealth — It hasn't attracted much notice, but recently some prominent advocates of Obamacare have spoken more frankly than ever before about why they supported a national health care makeover. It wasn't just about making insurance more affordable.
Betsy's Page

Health Care for All, With Obama Down the Street — PORTLAND, Me. — First through the door of the Portland Community Health Center on Thursday morning was a stick figure of a man, oblivious to the homemade signs and the White House advance team across the street.

Views of Pelosi Not Fundamentally Changed After Health Vote — Balance of opinion toward speaker still negative — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' views of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are not fundamentally changed after the passage of healthcare reform. Though more Americans now have an opinion of her …

The Professor of War — At 57, General David Petraeus has revolutionized the way America fights its wars, starting with the surge in Iraq and continuing into his current command, with responsibility for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Yemen. Charting Petraeus's relentless challenge …

Things Are Worse at the Post Office Than I Thought — The post office and the DMV are always the butt of conservative jokes about the malfunction of government, to which liberals protest, with some justification, that they've reformed. — Well, sort of. — I went to the post office today to mail our wedding invitations.

What's gender when you're D.C. Democrats trying to defeat a California Republican named Dana? — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is doing everything it can to defeat certain targeted Republicans around the country. All part of the perpetual PR combat between parties.

FBI Warns Extremist Letters Might Encourage Violence — FBI warns extremist letters to more than 30 governors may encourage violence — The FBI is warning police across the country that an anti-government group's call to remove governors from office could provoke violence by others.
Confederate Yankee