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Barack Obama's Helter-Skelter, Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to ‘Deconstruct’ America — After 14 months of committing 100% to health care reform, the day after the signing of the Health Care bill was to mark the Democratic Party's new primary concern: destroy the uprising, annihilate by all means necessary, the Tea Party movement.

Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party — Grand Junction, Colorado (CNN) — They are not typical Tea Party activists: A woman who voted for President Obama and believes he's a “phenomenal speaker.” Another who said she was a “knee-jerk, bleeding heart liberal.” — These two women are not alone.

Toronto Muslim: ‘We need another Holocaust!’ (UPDATED) — Today Arnie and I attended that protest outside (tax payer funded) Palestine House, where a genocidal Muslim VIP will be speaking tomorrow night. — Speaking of genocide: we have video of one Muslim guy in the Palestine House parking lot …

Not satisfied with U.S. history, some conservatives are rewriting it — Is American history being changed? — WASHINGTON — The right is rewriting history. — The most ballyhooed effort is under way in Texas, where conservatives have pushed the state school board to rewrite guidelines …

Growth of Unpaid Internships May Be Illegal, Officials Say — With job openings scarce for young people, the number of unpaid internships has climbed in recent years, leading federal and state regulators to worry that more employers are illegally using such internships for free labor.

ON NEIL CAVUTO, BLOGGER ADAM SHARP explains why I'm always encouraging people to have small cheap videocameras. — Here's his blog, Sharp Elbows.
American Power, Hot Air, Big Government, Left Coast Rebel, RedState, The Volokh Conspiracy, TigerHawk and Gateway Pundit

House Democrat: All that's missing from the tea party are the robes and hoods — Of all the incendiary smears of tea partiers over the last few weeks, this one's my very favorite. Not only is it relentlessly nasty, especially for a congressman — note the cute little joke he makes near …

Asked to Declare His Race, Obama Checks ‘Black’ — It is official: Barack Obama is the nation's first black president. — A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

CIA's top spy: No losses from waterboarding ban — Michael Sulick, head of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, told a student audience last week that the spy agency has seen no fall-off in intelligence since waterboarding was banned by the Obama administration.

Barack Obama? Not bothered... Schoolgirl left wondering what all the fuss is about after meeting president amid crowd frenzy — One little girl was distinctly unimpressed with all the excitement when President Barack Obama came to town. — Many supporters in the crowd in Portland …
Left Coast Rebel

With midterms approaching, GOP outmatched by Democrats on campaign funds — The Republican Party's strategy since early last year of lock-step opposition to the Obama administration's major legislative initiatives has proved to be less bankable than some party leaders may have anticipated.

The great elaborator: Obama gives 17-minute answer to health-care query in N.C. — CHARLOTTE — Even by President Obama's loquacious standards, an answer he gave here on health care Friday was a doozy. — Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery …
Washington Monthly, Another Black Conservative, The Other McCain, JammieWearingFool, The Mahablog and Wonkette

CBS poll: Believe it or not, support for ObamaCare still eroding — Amazing as it might seem, this elevator may not yet have reached the basement. … More than half think their own health-care costs will go up, but nothing new there. Consider this a sequel to the earlier post about why The One's …