Top Items:
Frank Newport / Gallup:
Democratic Party Image Drops to Record Low — Favorable images of Democratic, Republican Parties now tied — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' favorable rating of the Democratic Party dropped to 41% in a late March USA Today/Gallup poll, the lowest point in the 18-year history of this measure.
The Moderate Voice, The Swamp, Power Line, Politics Daily, Wizbang, Hot Air and Taegan Goddard's …
Fox News:
Read Full Poll Results. — President Obama's overall job approval rating dropped to a new low of 43 percent. Nearly half — 48 percent — disapprove. In mid-March, it was 46-48 percent. His current rating among Democrats (80 percent) and independents (38 percent) are among his lowest ratings with these groups.
Perkins Warns Steele: ‘Republicans Are Not the Only Game in Town’ — ABC News' Rick Klein reports: Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council last week broke with RNC Chairman Michael Steele by publicly urging conservatives to stop supporting the Republican National Committee.
Palin Says Obama's Nuke Stance Is Like a Kid Who Says ‘Punch Me in the Face’ — ABC News' Teddy Davis reports: — Sarah Palin is hammering President Obama for putting unprecedented limits on the use of U.S. nuclear weapons, comparing him to a kid in a playground who is asking for a punch in the face.
Matthews and Buchanan Gush Over the ‘Dazzling’ ‘Rodeo Queens’ Palin and Bachmann
Peter Slevin / Washington Post:
Two Republican stars — Palin and Bachmann — align for first time
Two Republican stars — Palin and Bachmann — align for first time
News Hounds, culturekitchen, Firedoglake, Right Now, Think Progress, The Hill, Shakesville, Below The Beltway, Balloon Juice and The Politico
Christina Bellantoni / TPMDC:
GOPers Debate What's Worse — Keep Steele Or Face Media Blitz If He's Fired
GOPers Debate What's Worse — Keep Steele Or Face Media Blitz If He's Fired
Talking Points Memo, McClatchy Washington Bureau, TPM LiveWire, Beltway Confidential and The Hill
Glenn Beck Inc — In his empire there's the ideology—and then there's the money machine. — Five and a half hours before showtime Glenn Beck still isn't quite sure how he'll provide tonight's entertainment, “The Future of History”—two hours of monologue (and answers to preselected questions) …
Media Matters for America, Washington Monthly, Plunderbund, Guardian, Mediaite, TPM LiveWire, Political Bookworm, Hullabaloo and
Stephanie Condon / CBS News:
Poll: Low Favorability Ratings for Sarah Palin — CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto. — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin continues to receive unfavorable ratings from the American public overall …
EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Confident Senate Will Ratify New Nuclear Treaty — Obama's Message to Republicans: U.S., Russian Agreement Is ‘Absolutely Vital’ for U.S. Nuclear Agenda — Despite signs of Republican opposition, President Obama said today that he is confident …
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Russia and U.S. Sign Nuclear Arms Reduction Pact
Russia and U.S. Sign Nuclear Arms Reduction Pact
Associated Press, Wonk Room, Wall Street Journal, The Caucus, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, Laura Rozen's Blog, Bloomberg, Danger Room, RealClearWorld, Hot Air, Indecision Forever, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, Commentary, Washington Monthly, Think Progress, Guardian, White Blog Feed, The Politico, The Note and Time
National Democrats growing increasingly worried about Hawaii special election — National Democrats are growing increasingly concerned that the presence of two well-known candidates in an all-party special election in Hawaii next month will badly jeopardize their chances of holding the seat …
Weekly Standard, The Plum Line, Riehl World View, Hotline On Call and National Review Online
Cutting defense spending more popular than cutting education or Social Security — The chart above comes from Annie Lowrey, and is the single best explanation of why it's so much easier to say you want to cut government spending than it is to actually cut it.
Drew Cline:
Romney: Obamacare is unconstitutional — In an interview at the Union Leader this morning, Mitt Romney said President Obama's health care plan was an unconstitutional violation of the 10th Amendment. — Romney has been saying that a key difference between his Massachusetts health care reform …
Power Struggle: Inside The Battle For The Soul Of The Democratic Party (Print Version) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Raúl Grijalva is sitting quietly with a few of his staffers at one end of the bar, a bottle of Bud and a shot of whiskey in front of him, while his fellow Democratic members …
Obama's New Policy : All Israeli Nuclear Workers Now Refused US Visas — “No Jews Allowed!” — NRG/Maariv (Hebrew link only, sorry) reported today that the Israeli government was stunned when every nuclear technician at Israel's Dimona reactor who had submitted visa requests to visit …
Roger L Simon / Pajamas Media:
BREAKING: Obama Administration Denies Visas to Israeli Nuclear Scientists
BREAKING: Obama Administration Denies Visas to Israeli Nuclear Scientists
The Jawa Report
Quinnipiac University:
Republicans Lead In Pennsylvania Senate, Governor Races, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Rendell Approval Up, While Obama Approval Is Down — Republican Pat Toomey is back on top 46 - 41 percent over Sen. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania's seesaw U.S. Senate race, while Attorney General Tom Corbett …
Barak Ravid / Haaretz:
Netanyahu cancels trip to U.S. nuclear summit — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a planned trip to Washington, where he was scheduled to participate in a nuclear security summit hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama, government officials said. — Intelligence and Atomic Energy …
Israel Matzav
Linda Douglass leaving White House — Linda Douglass, the network TV correspondent who became a top pitchwoman for President Obama's health care plan, is leaving the White House. — She sounds like she needs a break; her last day is April 16, and she leaves for vacation the next day.
Discussion:, The Hill, TPM LiveWire, Mediaite, The Huffington Post, The Page and The Corner on National …
Floyd Norris / New York Times:
Why So Glum? History Suggests a Strong Recovery — The American economy appears to be in a cyclical recovery that is gaining strength. Firms have begun to hire and consumer spending seems to be accelerating. — That is what usually happens after particularly sharp recessions …
Cows absolved of causing global warming with nitrous oxide — Livestock could actually be good for the environment according to a new study that found grazing cows or sheep can cut emissions of a powerful greenhouse gas. — In the past environmentalists, from Lord Stern to Sir Paul McCartney …
Mary Katharine Ham / Weekly Standard:
It's On: CBO Fielding VAT Questions From Congress — White House advisor Paul Volcker made news this week by calling a value-added tax (VAT) “not as toxic an idea” as it's been in the past for tackling the nation's deficit problem. Today, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf confirmed he's …
‘Shoe Bomb’ Diplomat Was Going to See al Qaeda Inmate — Qatari Diplomat Allegedly Told Air Marshalls He Was Trying to Set His Sandals on Fire — The Qatari diplomat who was arrested for sarcastically telling air marshals on a jetliner that he was trying to set his shoes on fire was en route …