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EXTREMELY GRAPHIC IMAGES IN THIS POST — It's been written countless times that Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino is something of a walking contradiction. But let's take him at his word that the tragic death of his son Patrick in 2009 caused him to re-assess his life, his past, and his values.
Washington Monthly, Crooks and Liars, Buffalo News, New York Times, New York Post, Think Progress, Balloon Juice, The Political Carnival, Pam's House Blend, Little Green Footballs, Gothamist, Open Left, New York Magazine, Mediaite, Right Now, No More Mister Nice Blog, Dayton Daily News, Hullabaloo, TBogg, The Daily Politics, Daily Kos, The Lonely Conservative, Talking Points Memo, The Impolitic, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Wonkette, THEROOT.COM, TPMMuckraker and theGrio

Cuomo Stomps Little-Known Republicans 2-1, Quinnipiac University New York State Poll Finds; Pataki Would Top GOP Field, Lead Gillibrand — New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has a 74 - 14 percent job approval rating and commanding leads of 2-1 or more against the little-known Republican contenders …

Sons of the Confederacy Claim Tea Party Movement as Kindred Spirit — No surprise to see that Confederatemania extends to Mississippi but it sure seems weirder down there. Emily Wagster Pettus reports: … The notion that the accession of big government tax and spend Republicans …

The National Tax Day Amalgamated Federation of Confederated Unions …
Dr. Melissa Clouthier

Sarah Palin Has Earned an Estimated $12 Million Since July — With A Steady Stream of Six-Figure Speaking Gigs, The Former Alaska Governor's Haul May Be Even Bigger — Pundits can debate the political costs and benefits of Sarah Palin's decision to step down as Alaska governor …

Washington Memo: Baffled by Health Plan? So Are Some Lawmakers — WASHINGTON — It is often said that the new health care law will affect almost every American in some way. And, perhaps fittingly if unintentionally, no one may be more affected than members of Congress themselves.
Discussion:, Weekly Standard, YID With LID, Hit & Run, The Corner on National …, The Moderate Voice, JustOneMinute, Fausta's Blog, Scared Monkeys, Sweetness & Light, RedState, Another Black Conservative, The Daily Caller, The Hill, National Review Online, TigerHawk, The Volokh Conspiracy, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and The Confluence

GOP warns Obama over SCOTUS litmus test on Citizens United — The landmark Citizens United case has become a flash point in the ideological fight over President Barack Obama's next Supreme Court choice. — Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) took to the Senate floor Tuesday to warn Obama …

The case against Elena Kagan
TalkLeft, Taylor Marsh, Slate, Daily Kos, Bench Memos …, Zandar Versus The Stupid and NPR Topics

Staffers' accounts paint more detailed, troubling picture of Massa's office — Just three months after Eric Massa was elected to Congress, his young male employees on Capitol Hill began complaining to supervisors that the lawmaker was making aggressive, sexual overtures toward them, according to new interviews and internal documents.

Lieberman: ‘Thank God’ political momentum now with Republicans — It's a good thing that voters have moved against the prospect of one-party control of Congress for decades, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said. — Lieberman, an Independent senator who caucuses with Democrats …

Barney Frank gets a high-altitude haranguing on health care — Barney Frank has enemies, even 30,000 feet in the air. — Flying back to Boston from LA yesterday, the congressman was assailed by a pair of ophthalmologists upset about the health care reform bill.

Obama team points to smaller deficit numbers — The federal deficit is running significantly lower than it did last year, with the budget gap for the first half of fiscal 2010 down 8 percent over the same period a year ago, senior Obama administration officials said Monday.

Street Execs Give Pols Earful on Financial Reform — As a financial reform bill starts to take shape in Washington, two key lawmakers came to New York City last week to explain what it means for Wall Street, and how financial executives might help prevent some of its least market-friendly aspects …
Think Progress, New York Times, Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Jay Bookman and Open Left

Report: Attack on Jindal Aide and Boyfriend Politically Motivated (Beaten for wearing Palin buttons) — Allee Bautsch, chief campaign fundraiser for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, and her boyfriend Joe Brown, were savagely beaten Friday night in New Orleans after leaving …

Lehman Channeled Risks Through ‘Alter Ego’ Firm — It was like a hidden passage on Wall Street, a secret channel that enabled billions of dollars to flow through Lehman Brothers. — In the years before its collapse, Lehman used a small company — its “alter ego,” in the words of a former Lehman trader …

Cyclist Killed By Military Vehicle — As part of the security related to the “nuclear security summit” a stretch of New York Avenue near my house is closed to traffic so that it can be used exclusively for motorcades for very important people. At another stretch of New York Avenue a bit to the west …

What's the Matter With Fox News? — I've been reading the debates touched off by Julian Sanchez's post on “a systematic trend toward “epistemic closure” in the modern conservative movement”. I'm nervous about wading in because almost anything I say is bound to offend someone I like.
No More Mister Nice Blog

Republicans Lead by 48% to 44% on Congressional Ballot — Republican Party maintains an advantage on voter enthusiasm — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Daily tracking for the week ending April 11 puts Republicans slightly ahead of Democrats, 48% to 44%, in the congressional voting preferences of registered voters nationally.
The Fix, Hot Air, The Swamp, Beltway Confidential, The Hill, JammieWearingFool and GayPatriot

Hoyer criticizes Bachman for denying racial epithet — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Tuesday chided Rep. Michelle Bachmann (D-Minn.) for denying that a protester shouted a racial epithet at Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) during last month's healthcare battle.

Andrew Ross Sorkin Owes Several People An Apology … I certainly never said anything like that, and I don't think Nouriel did either. First of all, I never called for “nationalizing the entire banking system” — I wanted the government to take temporary full ownership of a few weak banks …

Virginia pharmacy had plenty of moral convictions, few clients — The Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy in Chantilly proudly and purposefully limited what it would stock on its shelves. But it turns out that no birth control pills, no condoms, no porn, no tobacco and even no makeup added up to one thing:

‘A Different Creature’ — Nancy Pelosi, at lunch, was making the point that this latest recession was not a typical cyclical downturn. — “This is a different creature,” she said, “and it demands that we see it in a different way.” — The evidence is stark.

Obama spokesman Gibbs sounds eager for future strategist role — Robert Gibbs does not seem particularly attached to his office. — There is a dormant fireplace ("a problem with the flue," Gibbs said), a cluttered desk, a flat-screen television and a smaller monitor simultaneously displaying C-SPAN, MSNBC, the networks.

Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia — OKLAHOMA CITY - Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.

O'Reilly: I Don't Report On ‘African-Americans Or Their Problems’ Much Because I'm Afraid Of Being Called Racist — In 2007, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly came under heavy criticism after attending Harlem soul food restaurant Sylvia's with the Rev. Al Sharpton.