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Bill Clinton: Tim McVeigh Hated the Guv'mint Too — Filming and interviewing at yesterday's Tea Party rally in DC with my comrade Meredith Bragg, we met some perfectly normal, clever, interesting people (including a black goth kid from West Virginia who really, really wanted to …

Teacher Who Sought to ‘Demolish’ Tea Party Placed on Leave From School — An Oregon teacher who announced his intention to “dismantle and demolish the Tea Party” has been placed on administrative leave until his school district finishes its investigation into whether his political activity crossed the line

Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown calls Obama's Tea Party remarks ‘sad’ — The Senate's newest Republican called it “sad” that Barack Obama told a laughing crowd of Democratic donors on Tax Day that he was amused by the antics of Tea Partiers, who the president said should be thanking …
Gateway Pundit

The Battle Lines — Back in January, Frank Luntz wrote a memo saying that the best way to defend Wall Street from any new regulation was to spuriously characterize efforts at regulatory reform as leading to “endless bailouts.” Then earlier this week, GOP Senate leaders Mitch McConnell …
No More Mister Nice Blog, The Democratic Daily, Seeing the Forest, TPMDC and Grasping Reality …

All 41 Senate Republicans Oppose Financial Reform Bill, Say Will Lead To ‘Endless Taxpayer Bailouts’ — Every member of the Senate Republican Caucus has signed a letter, delivered to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, expressing opposition to the Democrats' financial regulatory reform bill …
Balloon Juice,, TPM LiveWire, The Page, Wonkette, Reuters, Daily Kos, The Washington Independent, New York Times, Firedoglake and Washington Monthly

Republicans seek to tie Obama to Goldman
Washington Monthly, The Politico,, The Hill, Ben Smith's Blog, Clusterstock and The Lonely Conservative

Judge strikes down adoption ban — LITTLE ROCK — A circuit judge Friday struck down a state law banning unmarried couples from adopting and serving as foster parents. — Act 1 unconstitutionally burdens non-marital relationships and acts of sexual intimacy between adults by forcing …

Goldman Sachs Makes Further Comments on SEC Complaint — The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) said today:We are disappointed that the SEC would bring this action related to a single transaction in the face of an extensive record which establishes that the accusations are unfounded in law and fact.
FP Posted, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, The Huffington Post, Deal Journal, naked capitalism and Felix Salmon

GE: 7,000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill — NEW YORK ( — General Electric filed more than 7,000 income tax returns in hundreds of global jurisdictions last year, but when push came to shove, the company owed the U.S. government a whopping bill of $0. — How'd it pull off that trick?

How Barack Obama invented himself — David Remnick's new biography of Barack Obama shines a light on a man who only saw his father for 10 days, and whose dazzling success may have hinged on his wife's willingness to take risks. — David Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker …

Tax hikes still on the table for GOP at Obama's fiscal commission — Republicans aren't ruling out raising taxes or any other option for dealing with the country's debt problem as they head into the White House fiscal commission's first meeting. — “Everything is on the table,” …
The New Republic

Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit — In Arizona, it's now legal for (most) adults to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Republican Gov. Jan Brewer just signed the legislation, putting her state in the same camp as Alaska and Vermont.

Conservatives Are Just Beside Themselves Over ‘Glee’ Making Fun of The Half Governor. Oh, Boo Hoo. — Seriously, the right-wing hysteria about - well, just about everything is wearing thin. There's something so over the top, something so, well, histrionic about John Nolte's take on “Glee …

Israel iPad Ban Puzzles Many — Government Cites Wireless Interference, but Apple Tablet Uses Standard Chips — JERUSALEM—Israel this week has been blocking travelers from bringing Apple Inc.'s new iPad into the country saying the device's wireless technology threatens to create interference …
Joe. My. God.

A tale of two Obamas: Up in D.C., down in U.S. — The cover of The Atlantic this month shows a shirt-sleeved President Barack Obama and the headline, “WHY HE'S RIGHT.” It reflects the Washington conventional wisdom that Obama is on a roll, bolstered by his long-delayed victory on health reform.

Voters Currently Divided on Second Obama Term — Just under half say he deserves re-election — PRINCETON, NJ — Registered voters are about evenly divided over whether President Barack Obama is deserving of a second term in office. Currently, 46% say he deserves re-election and 50% say he does not.

Legal Experts Blast Judge's Decision: ‘If National Day of Prayer Is Unconstitutional, the Constitution Is Unconstitutional’ — ( - Conservative legal experts say a federal district judge in Wisconsin had no legal basis for declaring the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional - and predict the decision cannot stand.

Crist will look at indie bid ‘later on’ — A day after vetoing a contentious teacher tenure bill in Tallahassee, Gov. Charlie Crist basked in the warm embrace of Miami-Dade educators and deflected questions about leaving the Republican party. — “I'm not thinking about that today,” …