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BOEHNER TIES HIMSELF IN KNOTS.... After reports surfaced yesterday that the Securities and Exchange Commission is going after Goldman Sachs, both sides of the political divide tried to seize on the news to make a larger point. Only one side made sense. — For Democrats, the case was pretty easy …

Obama: 'Financial WMD's demand regs — Thumbing through the issues of a new poll portraying what a battleground the midterm congressional elections will be,Celinda Lake, the Democratic pollster on the bipartisan team that produced the poll, found her tongue slipping each time she mentioned Wall Street reform …

Obama Administration Sues Goldman Sachs for Fraud, Pushes Regulatory Bill Goldman Sachs Opposes, Gets Accused by Boehner of Doing Goldman's Bidding — There's no denying that the financial services industry in general and employees of Goldman Sachs in general gave a lot of money to Barack Obama's campaign in 2007-2008.

Senate Republicans Band Together in Opposing Financial Bill
New York Magazine, The Reality-Based Community, The Plum Line, Daily Kos, Reuters and Democracy in America

Bill Clinton: Tim McVeigh Hated the Guv'mint Too — Filming and interviewing at yesterday's Tea Party rally in DC with my comrade Meredith Bragg, we met some perfectly normal, clever, interesting people (including a black goth kid from West Virginia who really, really wanted to …

Teacher Who Sought to ‘Demolish’ Tea Party Placed on Leave From School — An Oregon teacher who announced his intention to “dismantle and demolish the Tea Party” has been placed on administrative leave until his school district finishes its investigation into whether his political activity crossed the line
Pajamas Media, Big Journalism, Left Coast Rebel, Hot Air, Confederate Yankee and Pat Dollard

Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown calls Obama's Tea Party remarks ‘sad’

New Jersey's ‘Failed Experiment’ — The new governor is on a mission to make his state competitive again in attracting people and capital. — 'I said all during the campaign last year that I was going to govern as if I was a one-termer," explains New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on a visit …

Israel iPad Ban Puzzles Many — Government Cites Wireless Interference, but Apple Tablet Uses Standard Chips — JERUSALEM—Israel this week has been blocking travelers from bringing Apple Inc.'s new iPad into the country saying the device's wireless technology threatens to create interference …

Ash deepens Europe travel chaos — Virtually all of Europe's major airports remain closed as a huge plume of volcanic ash drifts south and east across the continent from Iceland. — Millions of air travellers are stranded across Europe after some 18,600 flights were cancelled on Friday.

How Barack Obama invented himself — David Remnick's new biography of Barack Obama shines a light on a man who only saw his father for 10 days, and whose dazzling success may have hinged on his wife's willingness to take risks. — David Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker …

Lafferty: ENDA Will Allow The VA To Molest Our Disabled Veterans — The Friday afternoon session of the Freedom Federation's “Awakening” conference has been dedicated to dozens of different breakout sessions, including one on “The LGBT Agenda” featuring Rena Lindevaldsen and Matt Barber …

GE: 7,000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill — NEW YORK ( — General Electric filed more than 7,000 income tax returns in hundreds of global jurisdictions last year, but when push came to shove, the company owed the U.S. government a whopping bill of $0. — How'd it pull off that trick?

Judge strikes down adoption ban — LITTLE ROCK — A circuit judge Friday struck down a state law banning unmarried couples from adopting and serving as foster parents. — Act 1 unconstitutionally burdens non-marital relationships and acts of sexual intimacy between adults by forcing …

Pentagon to Limit Fort Hood Details — BRIDGETOWN, Barbados—The Pentagon will continue to limit the information about the Fort Hood shooting it provides to lawmakers to avoid jeopardizing the suspect's prosecution, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Friday, brushing off a subpoena threat from a Senate panel.
The Hill

Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit — In Arizona, it's now legal for (most) adults to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Republican Gov. Jan Brewer just signed the legislation, putting her state in the same camp as Alaska and Vermont.