Top Items:

Contacting aliens could be risky, Hawking warns — Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should make every attempt to avoid them, Stephen Hawking has warned. — In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was “perfectly rational” to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere.

Don't talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking — THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist — but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.
Joseph Berger / New York Times:
Parties Edge Closer on Financial Regulation Bill — Top Republicans appeared nearer to a deal with Democrats on a bill that would overhaul the nation's financial regulatory system, with the ranking senator on the banking committee saying on Sunday that they were “very close” to agreeing on the key particulars of the legislation.
Robert Kuttner / The Huffington Post:
Obama Rejects Bipartisan Bank Deal — Although Senate Banking Committee Chris Dodd and his sometime Republican ally Richard Shelby continued to make noises on the Sunday talk shows about a possible bipartisan deal, both President Obama and House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank …
Washington Post
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Reid still planning to hold vote on financial reform bill Monday
Manu Raju / Politico Live's Blog:
Shelby: Dems will lack votes Monday
Shelby: Dems will lack votes Monday
Washington Monthly
John Cole / Balloon Juice:
Still Not Getting It — The Mustache of Understanding: … They weren't around protesting during the Bush years BECAUSE THE TEA PARTY IS REPUBLICANS. They don't care about the deficit. They care that a Democrat (and a black “Muslim,” to boot), is in the White House.
Mark Silva / The Swamp:
Obama's Quincy, Ill., appearance open — With his “White House to Main Street Tour” this week — at a time when the debate over Wall Street reform is heating up in Washington — President Barack Obama will hold an open house for all-comers Wednesday at the civic center in Quincy, Ill.
Thomas L. Friedman / New York Times:
Tea Party With a Difference
Tea Party With a Difference
Washington Monthly, protein wisdom,, Hit & Run, JammieWearingFool and Climate Progress
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
GRAHAM ASKED FOR ‘STEPPED UP’ ACTION ON IMMIGRATION.... Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is so upset that Dems might take up immigration reform this year, he's prepared to kill his own tri-partisan climate/energy bill. Some of his concerns are reasonable — Graham was told the climate bill …
John M. Broder / New York Times:
Graham Pulls Support for Major Senate Climate Bill
Graham Pulls Support for Major Senate Climate Bill
Mother Jones, Sweetness & Light, Wonk Room, Left Coast Rebel, TPM LiveWire, Swampland, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Caucus, Washington Monthly, Prairie Weather, Connecting.the.Dots,, Althouse, The Daily Caller, MyDD, Gateway Pundit, The Politico, The Page, EnviroKnow, Washington Post and The Hill
Bridget Johnson / The Hill:
Congressman charges Obama with ‘increasing danger’ in the world — The tone against the Obama administration over its Israel policy is sharpening on both sides of the aisle, with one Republican congressman charging that the president is “increasing danger” in the world.
Pajamas Media
Paul Krugman:
Can't Anybody Here Play This Game? — Bear with me while I vent for a moment. On financial reform, there are clear villains in the political process: Mitch McConnell, the US Chamber of Commerce, etc.. But at this point I'm accustomed to that sort of thing.
Jon Hilsenrath / Washington Wire:
Geithner: ‘I Never Had A Real Job’ — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is haunted by the misperception that he used to work on Wall Street. — Sen. John Kerry made the mistaken association at a hearing last year. During an April 2009 hearing of a panel overseeing government rescue funds …
Stephen Bates / Guardian:
Pope ‘condom’ gaffe: FO apologises — Internal Foreign Office memo filled with ironic suggestions about the pope's September visit to the UK has prompted an official apology to the Vatican — An internal Foreign Office memo about this September's papal visit to Britain which started …
New York Times:
G.O.P. Threatens Seats Long Held by Democrats — ASHLAND, Wis. — Representative David R. Obey has won 21 straight races, easily prevailing through wars and economic crises that have spanned presidencies from Nixon's to Obama's. Yet the discontent with Washington surging through politics …