Top Items:
Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow on the Origin of Arizona's Draconian Immigration Law — Meanwhile, Jan Brewer's really stepped in it. … Shorter Brewer: At a time of recession, how dare people not financially support our racist xenophobic laws.
New York Times
Nationally, 60% Favor Letting Local Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status — Arizona Governor Jan Brewer last week signed a new law into effect that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant.
MSNBC News Flash: Arizona Law ‘Makes it a Crime to be Illegal Immigrant’
Dem: Ariz. law like ‘Nazi Germany’
The Strata-Sphere, Moonbattery, PoliBlog, Left Coast Rebel, The Corner on National …, Sadly, No!, CNN, NY Daily News, Hot Air, 24Ahead, and Gateway Pundit
Breathing While Undocumented — I'm glad I've already seen the Grand Canyon.
Washington Monthly
Police Seize Jason Chen's Computers — Last Friday night, California's Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team entered editor Jason Chen's home without him present, seizing four computers and two servers. They did so using a warrant by Judge of Superior Court of San Mateo.
Nelson Flips On Regulatory Reform After Buffett Provision Removed — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Democrats were surprised on Monday evening when Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) did an abrupt about-face and became the only Democrat to help filibuster legislation to revamp Wall Street regulations.
Washington Monthly, Reuters, Don Surber, Open Congress, Bloomberg, Night Light, The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo and Wonkette
Democrats to Kill Derivatives Provision Pushed by Berkshire
Ezra Klein, Firedoglake, Mother Jones, NPR Blogs, The Daily Caller, The Corner on National …, Daily Kos, FT Alphaville and ProPublica
Obama Hits Main Street, Capitol Hill Targets Wall Street — Obama Kicks Off Another Jobs Tour as Democrats Ramp Up Midterm Campaign Focus — President Obama hits the road today and shifts his focus from Wall Street to Main Street, just as Democrats are ratcheting up their efforts for the upcoming midterm election season.
What Lies Beneath — OFFICE POLITICS — The economic report …
Discussion:, The Jawa Report, Pundit & Pundette, Gateway Pundit, Say Anything, Betsy's Page and Wall Street Journal
Reid to force repeated votes to end filibuster of Wall Street reform — Sen. Harry Reid will force Republicans to vote repeatedly against Wall Street reform to put pressure GOP centrists. — A senior Democratic aide said Reid would schedule votes to end a Republican filibuster of the reform bill …
Poll stunner: Sen. Bennett on brink of defeat — Politics » With time running out, Lee, Bridgewater take the lead among GOP delegates. — Unless Sen. Bob Bennett's political fortunes change dramatically in the next two weeks, he could become Utah's first incumbent U.S. senator to lose his party's nomination in seven decades.
‘South Park’ and the Informal Fatwa — The veiled threats against the Comedy Central show's creators should be taken very seriously. — 'South Park" is hilarious, right? Not any more. — Last week, Zachary Adam Chesser—a 20-year-old Muslim convert who now goes by the name Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee …
Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War: PowerPoint — WASHINGTON — Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray the complexity of American military strategy, but looked more like a bowl of spaghetti.
Democrats' young voter problem — 1. Less than 24 hours after President Barack Obama announced his plan to re-build the coalition that helped elect him in 2008, new numbers from Gallup suggest one of the pillars of that foundation is decidedly shaky. — Less than one in four voters aged …
Democratic Strategist, RedState, Commentary, Sister Toldjah, Washington Post and Real Clear Politics
No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn't Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology — Rep. Andre Carson wants to change the subject. I don't blame him. — On April 13, 2010 he told AP reporter Jesse Washington, “I think we need to move toward …
Climate advocates fight to give legislation another day — Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) insisted Monday that the Senate could still take up climate change legislation before immigration reform. — Lieberman's comments came as a range of environmental and business groups that support …
The Politico
Paterson to Successor: You Will Fail — ALBANY—David Paterson, the current governor of New York, has a message for his successor: You're doomed to fail. — In a 70-minute interview with The Wall Street Journal, the governor cast himself as a scapegoat for the state's problems, blamed an …
Obamateurism of the Day — Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those academics who learn the politically-correct, facile interpretation of history are doomed to look like fools when they open their mouths. Barack Obama proved at least the latter of these two axioms …
Obama and Change at Guantanamo: Believe It When You See It — “I'm asking you to believe.” That's what it said at the top of the page on, the wildly popular website for President Obama's successful 2008 campaign. On a page entitled “Strengthen America Overseas,” …
The Washington Independent
What to Make of ‘Boobquake’? — Today, women gathered in Washington's Dupont Circle for a protest. There weren't typo-ridden signs or rallying cries to pass legislation. Instead, there were just a lot of low-cut shirts. — Jen McCreight came up with the idea for the protest and proposed …
Does Conservatism Need Fox News? — Amid a long commentary on last week's Jim Manzi-Mark Levin dust-up (and related matters), Jonah Goldberg made the following observation: … I suppose that it depends on what you mean by “success.” In a sense, the last eighteen months have been enormously successful …
ArtsBeat, Angry Bear, No More Mister Nice Blog, Mother Jones,, Eunomia, TBogg and The Daily Dish
Techno-GOP — Web-savvy is no longer a monopoly of the political left — Home to two-term Republican governor Rick Perry, Austin is also the newest outpost of the social networking giant Facebook, which announced it had surpassed Google as the most visited website in the United States around …
Wal-Mart Gender Case Divides Court — In a closely watched case, a sharply divided federal appeals court on Monday ruled 6-5 that a sex discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart could proceed as a class action for more than a million women. The suit is the biggest employment discrimination case in the nation's history.